Leng Feng remained silent. In an era when humans were weak, there was no way to have an equal dialogue with evil spirits.

"Okay, you don't have to go this time. I will help you ask everything clearly." Leng Feng smiled bitterly. Everyone must not know that he is the biggest pawn planted by evil spirits among humans.

"I'll go." A word suddenly popped up in the group. As soon as this person spoke, the whole place fell silent.

Because everyone knows him.

His avatar is the default system avatar. This person has never spoken since joining the group.

Human beings hate evil spirits, but this hatred can also be divided into high and low levels.

And this person's hatred of evil spirits can definitely be ranked in the top three.

"Okay, let's go." Leng Feng's expression was complicated. In fact, he had some guesses in his mind about the human beings controlled by evil spirits.

But only for this person, he couldn't be sure whether he managed to escape or was thrown out by the evil spirit.

Most humans are intact when they enter the dungeon, and there are actually very few disabled humans when they come out.

Because those who couldn't escape and those who were injured basically died in the dungeon.

And he is an exception.

He is also the only human being among the human survivors today whose hands and feet were cut off and stuffed into a jar and then thrown out of the copy exit.

They tried to help him remove the jar.

But the jar itself is a very powerful replica prop. No matter what method is used to destroy it, it cannot be damaged. On the contrary, external blows will shock the person inside the jar and scream in pain.

At first everyone just wanted to help him, remove the can, and then put some prosthetics on him.

For humans who come out of the dungeon alive, some organizations will try their best to help them overcome the current difficulties.

One failure after another, like fire extinguisher, would extinguish all the fire of hope in his heart. Someone once asked him if he needed euthanasia.

Leng Feng was also present that day, and he saw the flames of hatred burning in those ashen eyes. Their empty eyes were more suffocating than the atmosphere at the scene.

He just said two words quietly, "No need."

After that, he asked someone to take him through the level and download the dungeon.

Once a human survivor reaches the next level, both strength and physical fitness will be greatly improved.

He said, "The jar on my body can't be broken anyway. If you carry me, I can still resist your injuries. My weight is nothing to you, right?"

As soon as these words came out, countless human survivors were moved.

Because the size of his body is still very large, if he holds his neck in front of him, as long as he protects his head and prevents him from dying, he can indeed withstand a lot of damage.

After that, whether it was a large dungeon or a small dungeon, as long as someone found him and said they were willing to take him to the dungeon, he would be willing to have someone carry him as a shield.

As he downloaded dungeons more and more times, his rank became higher and higher, because the jar was hard enough to resist injuries. Whenever he encountered danger, he would stick his head into the jar.

Later, even though the person who took him to download the copy died, he was still alive.

He even had a few skills mixed into the dungeon, allowing him to move freely without arms and legs.

After being able to move freely, he no longer asked others to take him to the dungeon. As his strength improved, he gradually became the boss of an organization.

An organization that specializes in accepting disabled people.

He joined the group, but he usually doesn't speak at all and doesn't participate in everyone's discussions. This is his first time speaking in the group.

"Okay, do you need me to find someone to pick you up?" Leng Feng asked, but as soon as he asked the question, he felt it was inappropriate because he felt that asking someone to pick him up would definitely hurt his self-esteem.

Leng Feng could tell that the information on Jiang Che's copies had a strong appeal to him.

It can be seen from his experience that he is the one who will pay any price to become stronger.


Sure enough, the other party chose to refuse.

Leng Feng didn't press any further. It was a well-known problem that this person didn't want to have contact with others.

But he is very strong, and all his forbearance in the early stage turned into super strength in the later stage.

Leng Feng thought at first that he was a pawn planted by evil spirits, but later he felt that this was not the case. This person was more like a plaything of evil spirits. He cut off his hands and feet and put them in a jar before throwing them back into the human world.

What the evil spirit might want to see is his loud cry of despair and pain. Any damage to the jar will turn into pain on his body.

And he did not go towards the path that the evil spirit wanted to see. He endured the pain and walked towards a stronger path.

He must really want to destroy the evil spirits and strangle them to death, right?

Leng Feng lowered his eyes. A chess piece controlled by evil spirits like him was not suitable to become a hero in the history books after victory, but this person could.

The humiliation he endured in the early stages turned into motivation to move forward. No one laughed at his broken body. Human beings have long been accustomed to this.

If one day mankind wins, such people will be heroes.

"What do you think, we tell him our situation?"

184. Chapter 184 Are there any treasures in the mental hospital?


"Boss, what you said is not telling him everything about us, right?" The masked man next to Leng Feng showed worry in his eyes. This matter must not be exposed.

Moreover, this person has an unstable mind, and his hatred for evil spirits is definitely far greater than that of other people.

He can endure so much pain and climb to this position now, his inner driving force must be unparalleled hatred.

"He definitely hates evil spirits. Once he knows that we are the seeds of evil spirits, he will definitely kill us first." The masked man's voice was filled with uncontrollable worry.

This jar man is very powerful and has even stronger defense.

The few skills he got are all offensive skills that abandon their own defense, and he himself is invulnerable to swords and guns. Among the current high-level humans, his strength can also be ranked at the forefront.

"But now Dark Star is the easiest lord to deal with. As long as he is killed, we humans can directly occupy his territory in the evil spirit world. This can be regarded as the first step for humans to gain a foothold."

"In the process of hunting Dark Star, we can't be present, because we have to go to a place that isolates transmission, so that Dark Star cannot extract the power in our bodies in a short time."

Leng Feng said their trump card.

Yes, their trump card is not to deal with Dark Star, but they found a place to block transmission. The energy transmission between the two worlds takes time.

This time is not long, and now all they have to do is to extend this time.

So they need a very strong person to kill Anxing during this time.

"If he hates evil spirits enough, he will understand us." Leng Feng took a deep breath.

"If Anxing can die, it doesn't matter if we die together."

Leng Feng looked at his phone. He was afraid that the other party would not be able to find the entrance of Hongzhu Mental Hospital, so he called a map and sent it to this person privately.

There were also several high-level human survivors in the group who expressed that they would go to Jiang Che's copy to meet everyone.

In addition to Feiying, several other high-level human survivors who had already deployed anchor points chose to refuse.

They only deployed anchor points and did not set up checkpoints.

They did not dare to come here without permission, fearing that they would die here as soon as they came and could never go back.

Now there are many people targeting their copies.

Jiang Che, Xiong Jie and others stood in Hongzhu Mental Hospital. They stood in the yard, and not far in front of them was the gate to leave Hongzhu Mental Hospital.

In the past, you could see a road spreading out from the transparent steel gate.

Now, although the sky is bright above, it is pitch black ahead.

I haven't been back for a long time, and the flying leaves are scattered all over the ground. The fallen leaves on the ground have not been cleaned for a long time. Every step can make the sound of rotten leaves breaking.

At the gate of Hongzhu Mental Hospital, the original cement road is already full of dark forests.

Jiang Che is not like other high-level human survivors who dare not appear at the edge of the dark forest. He knows that this is an absolute domain law. Once the domain is formed, the dark forest will never invade.

Jiang Che looked at the gate, his eyes unconsciously bent down, and the corners of his mouth also curled up.

In the past, this outside was what he expected and wanted to leave.

Now he stands in the empty courtyard and feels at ease.

A thick layer of dust can be seen everywhere in the mental hospital, and the surroundings look extremely depressed.

"Brother Che, can I bring my mother over later?" He asked cautiously. "I'm worried about my mother being outside."

Now his mother is in the family compound managed by Feihu's father Feiying. It's not that he doesn't believe in Feihu's father's strength, but he trusts his own people more than outsiders.

"Of course." Jiang Che nodded, he looked at Feihu and Xiong Jie, "If you have any brothers or friends, you can take them over."

Xiong Jie chuckled, "You know I went to seek revenge on my so-called family as soon as I came back, so what family do I have?"

"If you really want to count family, I think you are more like my family now."

Feihu looked at Jiang Che, "Is there no other way to take my father's territory?"

She spoke bitterly, she didn't think her father was wrong to place the anchor at that time, and she didn't think Jiang Che was wrong.

Because Jiang Che only knew all this after he placed it.

It can only be said that the opportunity has not come, the opportunity is not enough, the time, the place and the people are right, and the time is missing.

"There is no way at the moment. Unless your father is promoted to SSS level, there is no way to reset the level of the dungeon."

"If my father is really in a situation where he must die in the future, I hope you will end his life." Feihu looked at Jiang Che, his mouth full of bitterness.

She naturally didn't want her father to die, which was the last thing she wanted to think about, but if this day really came, she hoped that her father would die in Jiang Che's hands.

In this way, the dungeon can be inherited by Jiang Che.

"Why don't we dig for treasures? We can now take out the treasures that were buried at the beginning." Xiong Jie clapped his hands, changed the subject, and broke the sad atmosphere.

It can be said that when Feihu's father did not set up levels for the dungeon, he was already on the assassination list of countless people.

You can prevent it for a while, but you can't prevent it forever.

The crash is only a matter of time.

"What treasure? There are treasures in the mental hospital?" Zhou Ang was also a supporting role next to him.

"Of course, Miss Feihu also took a big black pot for us at that time." He smiled.

Jiang Che was stunned. He looked at the soles of his feet and then he remembered that he had buried a lot of treasures for Ding Ning in the basement of Hongzhu Mental Hospital.

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