After listening to Jiang Che's words, Leng Feng just sighed. Do you mind if I check?

He walked to Jiang Che and stretched out his hand.

As long as he comes into contact with Jiang Che, he can detect relevant information.

This is not an amazing skill, but he has the mark left by the Dark Star on his body.

As long as he comes into contact with the same evil spirit breath in a human being, even if it comes from a different source, he will know that this person is also a pawn controlled by the evil spirit.

For him, detecting whether a person is controlled by evil spirits is never as simple as simply asking "are you controlled" verbally.

If a person denies it, it means he has not done it, which is indeed ridiculous.

Jiang Che did not refuse his examination. He always felt that the world had some misunderstandings about him and Dingzhu.

"Ah?" Leng Feng stretched out his hand and held Jiang Che's hand.

"Is it the lord who controls you?" He asked just as he left his mouth, and his body froze in place.

He has investigated too many people over the years, and he also knows how many evil spirits' pawns are mixed among high-level humans.

When a human breaks through the dungeon, the power within his body is like a bowl of clear water, and the mark planted is like a drop of ink of different colors dropped into the clear water.

The ink colors left by different lords are also different.

A drop of ink has no effect on a bowl of water, and you can't even tell if you don't look carefully.

But if compared with clean water, it is not clean.

The power from the same source as the world of evil spirits, the power in the body will surge up unconsciously.

He originally thought that the reaction to Jiang Che would be the same, and he also wanted to find out which lord controlled Jiang Che.

He's been doing things secretly for years.

While becoming stronger, he is also investigating information about the world of evil spirits.

The moment he came into contact with Jiang Che, he felt very pure energy.

Like most ordinary people, the energy essence in the body is pure without any impurities.

This bowl of water is very clean.

203. Chapter 203 We also have a daughter


"I am not controlled." Jiang Che stared into his eyes and repeated these words again.

Leng Feng was a little distracted. He felt that the energy belonging to the dark star in his body suddenly began to stir, and the black meridians on his body twisted and writhed like long worms.

He immediately put a hand on his eyebrows.

After a while, the restless energy calmed down.

This seemed to be the way he told Jiang Che to temporarily escape from control.

Leng Feng let go of his hand, took out the shriveled cigarette case from his pocket again, and mechanically stretched his fingers into it.

Not long ago, he had smoked his last cigarette.

Now my fingers are empty, and I can't get anything out of them.

He thought about many possibilities, but the only one he didn't think about was that Jiang Che was not controlled.

Because everything about Jiang Che seemed very strange to him, and he couldn't see any behavior that was in line with humans.

Even when dealing with Long Yun, he was very ruthless.

Just as Long Yun said, Jiang Che's behavior does not look like a human being, but more like an evil spirit.

But now, Jiang Che denied this, and he also checked this himself.

The results obtained are indeed no.

But if he was not controlled by evil spirits, how did Jiang Che get out of that SSS level copy, the so-called Six Star Pool, and the No. 1 Rules copy?

Is it really because of strength?

Or it's the luck that has never been seen before or since.

No matter how diluted a bowl of water is, it cannot conceal the fact that it once dropped a drop of ink.

The ink will only become scarce, but it is not gone.

"You..." Leng Feng opened his mouth, and all his words were stuck in his throat.

"I..." He sat slumped on the hospital bed, looking at the closed room and the pale light above his head.

He just felt dizzy. It turned out that what Jiang Che told humans about creating copies was all true, and it was all his own intention.

Soon, Leng Feng remembered what Jiang Che had just said, ‘This is not Ah Zhu’s mission. ’

"Then who is the Ah Zhu in your mouth?"

"A'zhu is what you said, the lord of copy No. 9, and my wife." Jiang Che did not hide the information.

Leng Feng:...?

Copy No. 9? Lord? wife?

He knew each of these three words, but when mixed together, they suddenly became meanings that he couldn't understand.

He watched Jiang Che sitting opposite him naturally. In this ward where spiritual power evolved, he was more natural than himself.

"So, what you mean is that you have a wife in copy No. 9? And she is still the lord of copy no. 9, and she did not harm you?" He thought of Jiang Che's live broadcast. He had watched many of this live broadcast video. all over.

In the video, Jiang Che does have a wife, a daughter, and parents who are classified as extremely dangerous.

At that time, after watching the video, he felt like everyone else that Jiang Che was lucky.

Because he left them amidst the teasing of evil spirits, survived strangely, and finally left the copy with good luck.

Once you leave the dungeon, even if the evil spirits in the dungeon want to pursue Jiang Che again, they can only wait for the hunting ground to come and capture Jiang Che.

But Jiang Che did not do anything to harm the evil spirits in the copy.

Those evil spirits would not hold on to an ordinary person, so Jiang Che miraculously left the copy and miraculously lived to this day.

Everyone gave him a "good luck" label.

So later everyone found out that he was the survivor of the Liuxingtan dungeon where almost all the troops were wiped out, and they immediately labeled him as a lucky guy.

No video was transmitted in the Liuxingtan dungeon.

But the live broadcast replay of Jiang Che's first entry into the dungeon.

No matter how many times he watched it over and over again, he didn't think the murderous intent in the eyes of those evil spirits was fake.

"Yes, we still have a very cute daughter." Jiang Che smiled when he talked about Tuantuan.

Leng Feng had seen the tenderness on Jiang Che's face at this time. Before the weirdness came, he had seen it on the faces of many fathers. When talking about their own children, their faces were full of this tenderness.

Listening to Jiang Che's words, Leng Feng held his belly and laughed up to the sky.

If he hurt humans and kept transporting seeds to the dark star, it was a last resort and an order that had to be executed.

He just planned to resist and find a way to break free on the basis of this last resort, so that he could remove the collar on his neck one day.

Then what Jiang Che did was voluntary.

The actions he took now to hurt humans were all his own voluntary actions. No one forced him, and he had never had shackles on his neck.

"Are you saying that the little girl who almost strangled you with her dirty intestines covered with mud and sand in the live broadcast is your daughter? The little evil spirit whose mouth was almost stretched to the back of her ears is your daughter?"

His tears were about to burst out. He didn't know whether he was crazy or the world was crazy.

"Who of those evil spirits didn't want to kill you?"

"You actually think they are your family?"

"Then are humans today sorry for you? You actually think that evil spirits are not harmful?" He almost roared this sentence.

But after saying it, he was stunned.

Because he remembered Jiang Che's past and the relevant information of Hongzhu Mental Hospital.

He knew that Jiang Che had experienced many matching and bone marrow transplants from childhood to adulthood.

The most recent one was the loss of a kidney. He didn't know if he could still see the casually patched wound on his lower back after lifting Jiang Che's clothes.

Compared with the damage done by the evil spirits, what the evil spirits did seemed to be insignificant.

No matter how murderous the evil spirits in the live broadcast were, Jiang Che had never suffered such substantial damage.

He also gained skills, and the evil spirits helped him kill those who wanted to kill him.

For him, Hongzhu Mental Hospital was like a deep well.

Perhaps he had once shouted at the wellhead for help.

The shouts echoed along the long wall of the deep well until the echo disappeared without any result.

Although I don’t know why the evil spirits tried to win over Jiang Che, it seems that Jiang Che really doesn’t need to care about any position.

“So… are you on the side of the evil spirits?” Leng Feng wanted to smoke at this time.

“Since you are on the side of the evil spirits, what is your intention in asking everyone to create a copy?”

“Revenge on all mankind?” Leng Feng chuckled, sadness flashed, and his eyes revealed an unspeakable loss. When he saw that Jiang Che was not controlled, he had an irrepressible joy in his heart.

He always felt that things will turn around when they reach their extremes, and good times will come after bad times.

When he knew that Jiang Che was not controlled, he even felt that this was the dawn of hope for mankind.

"An Ning said that I don't have to stand on any side, I just need to take care of myself."

204. Chapter 204 We will definitely pick the star that belongs to us


Leng Feng looked at Jiang Che, not knowing whether it was an illusion, he always felt that when Jiang Che said this, his pupils, which were like fragments of cat's eye, flashed with wet water droplets.

He always felt that they would definitely use the identity of a family member to morally blackmail Jiang Che.

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