"Soldiers are very quick, but who wants to go out? I don't want to go out anyway."

"I don't even know where to go. Let's wait and see."

While everyone was chatting, they felt someone behind them pushing and shouting, "Please give me some space and let me borrow it."

"What are you doing? I want to see it. If I don't give it, who told you not to come earlier?" The people standing in front shook their heads immediately. They couldn't find anything to do now. Now that such a venue has been built, it's time to watch the excitement.

"No, we want to get on the bus, please give way." The people behind him shouted quickly, and dozens of people who wanted to get on the bus crowded towards the front like crazy.

Jiang Che was recruiting people at that time, and most of them were people from Leng Feng's territory.

But their families are copies distributed in various territories.

Hearing that this group of people were about to get on the bus, the people in front turned aside in confusion.

"Where did the car come from?"

"If you want to be the first to eat crabs, don't you still have to come back when you go out?"

"The fare is the energy that everyone usually accumulates, and I can't bear to spend it like this."

"You want to go to other territories to see your family, right? Although I want to, but if you use energy to buy tickets on the spot, there is no need."

The person in front persuaded and made way for the person who wanted to ride.

They also wanted to see what happened to the so-called car.

The first batch of cars arrived very quickly. According to statistics, Leng Feng didn't have many family members here, and three cars could completely accommodate them.

A bright light appeared in the dark forest, and the bright light illuminated the way forward.

Three cars gradually appeared in public view, parked next to each other inside the platform.

The platform is well designed. As soon as the door is opened, you can stand on the ground with just one step.

As soon as they landed, spikes on the ground instantly appeared and penetrated the soles of their feet. The dozen or so people who got off the car couldn't help but scream in pain.

Blood began to spread along the ground.

They frowned, obviously this was the pain they had suffered in Leng Feng's territory. Not long after they went to Jiang Che's territory, they began to feel uncomfortable.

"Hey, I haven't felt this for a long time. This hurts so much!"

"I can't believe I stayed here like this before."

"I used to just lie on it and sleep. With my strong recovery ability, I was just like a normal person the next day."

"If I had known, I would have just taken off my shoes. Although the lord can collect them for free on a regular basis, I still think it is a waste to damage them like this."

Several people who got off the bus wailed in pain, and the excitement in their eyes did not slow down at all.

The people sitting at the gate checking tickets took a look at their intact shoes that had just been damaged, and a look of confusion flashed in their eyes.

What kind of life did they live there, wearing new shoes?

"Mom, this way, come here quickly!" As they said this, the group saw the family members crowding over here and waved quickly.

The blood on the soles of the feet of the person who was summoned had already drained out. Looking at the fresh blood running through the feet of the people who had just got off the car, he couldn't help but frown.

I hadn't seen fresh blood for a long time, and for a moment I felt that the injuries on the feet of the people who had just gotten off the bus were particularly serious.

"Son, you said you would take us to that territory, why don't we stay? I always feel that Jiang Che is abnormal."

"Look at your injury, it's terrible."

"Mom, you can't speak ill of the lord!" (End of this chapter)

277. Chapter 277 No, buddy, are you afraid that we will steal your business?


The mother looked around, then lowered her voice and asked tremblingly: "Can he hear me?"

The son shook his head, with a hint of awe in his eyes: "The lord is a good man. Mom, please don't say anything slanderous about the lord in the future."

He lowered his head and glanced at the spikes under his feet. Those spikes kept trying to penetrate the flesh and blood on the soles of his feet, but there was a trace of disdain in his eyes.

Once, like everyone here, he stood on this land and suffered damage from the spikes on the ground all the time.

The spikes seemed to be alive, frantically trying to take root in their bodies, tearing their skin and devouring their flesh.

Every step he took was like being tortured in hell, excruciating pain.

He clearly remembered that the moment those spikes penetrated his body, blood spurted out, staining the ground under his feet red.

At first, screams and cries echoed in my ears, as if they were a curse from this land.

He looked sideways at his mother beside him. His mother's face was haggard and her skin was so pale that there was no trace of blood, as if all the life force had been sucked out by these terrible spikes.

For a moment, he couldn't tell whether it was because the sharp spikes had drained his mother's blood, or whether it was because he had lived here for a long time and not seen the light of day for a long time.

There was a surge of sadness in his heart, and he gently patted his mother's hand, trying to give her some comfort.

Then, he pointed to the bus behind him, which was made of dark trees, and said, "Mom, get in the bus."

His mother tilted her head and looked at the bus behind him, frowning at just one glance.

Normally, they would never have come to this fringe area.

If her son hadn't called her today, she would have always insisted on standing as far away from here as possible.

The dark, muddy land not far ahead seemed to swallow up all life, exuding a suffocating aura of decay.

There is no daylight in Leng Feng's territory, but in the direction of the dark forest, there is only deathly silence and despair.

Darkness enveloped the land, making it impossible to see the road ahead.

"Mom, it's okay, trust me."

Beside him, the others in the group laughed, "Auntie, your son is here to take you to enjoy life!"

When they spoke, they all had uncontrollable smiles in their eyes.

During this period, no one dared to mention the word "enjoy life".

The people watching around were stunned at the scene not far away, and saw that the people sent by Leng Feng were maintaining order in an orderly manner.

They were wearing special uniforms and had serious expressions. A passage was opened in the crowded crowd. If they wanted to go through, they had to verify their identity with the person in charge.

From time to time, a few weak people went to verify their face registration information, and then lined up to walk towards the bus.

"Enjoy life?" They also heard what the people in front said.

But no one understood what enjoy life meant.

The onlookers couldn't help whispering to each other, and asked in confusion: "Where did this bus come from?"

After hesitating for a moment, someone answered in a low voice: "It seems to be from Jiang Che's copy."

As soon as this was said, everyone was in an uproar.

Everyone looked at the bus, which was parked on the land of the dark forest. Just looking at it, a cold breath came to their faces.

From a distance, the decoration of the car body was simple and gloomy, and the texture of the dark tree looked particularly strange in the dim light.

They were too familiar with Jiang Che. Since he mysteriously descended on Hongzhu Mental Hospital, he has been constantly appearing in everyone's sight.

Everyone can see information about Jiang Che on the Internet from time to time. Every time Jiang Che appears, he seems to bring something different to everyone.

In particular, the method of creating a territory was spread by Jiang Che.

The people who came out of Jiang Che's territory on the platform were now excitedly going to the entrance of the passage to pick up their relatives. They ran around as if the spikes on their feet did not exist.

They knew some of these people.

Many of the onlookers had been consulted by Leng Feng not long ago, asking them if they were willing to live in Jiang Che's territory.

Jiang Che didn't need many professionals, but there were many civil engineering professionals, so Leng Feng asked everyone what they thought.

After all, the attitudes of voluntary and involuntary were different in the past.

Watching them get on the bus one by one, someone asked the law enforcement officers around: "Do their families have to follow the rule of returning within seven days after leaving?"

This is the rule that has just been released. If you take the bus to other territories, you must return within seven days.

The law enforcement officer just looked down at them, his eyes cold as ice, "No need."

They came to pick people up and left at lightning speed, not giving people time to react.

Everyone knew that other people in the territory were still waiting for the second bus, and they also wanted their brothers' families to come and reunite quickly.

At the same time they got on the bus, this incident was quickly photographed and posted online, which instantly caused an uproar.

At this time, the discussion on the Internet about this incident had exploded, and people from various territories were arguing.

"No, buddy, this bus can travel in the Dark Forest?"

"Then why hasn't the method of making this bus been announced?"

"Since the bus can move in the Dark Forest, why not use this material directly to build a city in the Dark Forest?" Someone else raised a question.

"Since Jiang Che has announced the method of creating the copy, and this car was driven out from his side, why not also announce the method of making the vehicle?"

The lords did not speak, and also controlled their direct subordinates to prevent them from leading the rhythm online.

They were also dissatisfied with this matter.

After all, it is very important to have a means of transportation that can move freely in such a period.

Jiang Che only sent one car to each of their territories. The car has arrived. At first, they were quite happy and felt that Jiang Che was sensible.

But after seeing the pictures on the Internet, they were a little restless.

Because the bus Jiang Che sent out was a 200-seater.

But the car given to them was a 20-seater.

This means that they can only carry out small-scale operations.

Especially after seeing what kind of tickets Jiang Che's car collected, they understood Jiang Che's thoughts.

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