"Based on our research and investigation, it's true."

90. Chapter 90 We can avoid those SSS-level copies, which are obscenely developed


As soon as Jiang Che said this, there was no reaction, and Xiong Jie's heart suddenly became heavier.

He could hear the strong pounding in his chest.

Now everyone thinks that he is unwilling to let a mentally ill person like Jiang Che take the opportunity that belongs to him.

Only he knows that, he doesn't care at all, the initial growth of the second level peak has already made him very happy.

"I wonder what level of strength Miss Feihu is currently at, can you tell me?" Xiong Jie looked at Feihu.

"Level 0, I haven't been to any dungeons yet." Feihu didn't hide it either. This was something everyone inside knew, and it only took a little inquiry to find out.

"Why?" Xiong Jie was stunned. The eldest lady of the Flying Tiger Organization is still at level zero. He couldn't believe this answer at all.

"As I just said, the initial experience value will determine the subsequent growth curve." Feihu looked up at the sky. The walls of Hongzhu Mental Hospital were very high. There were high earth-grey walls in his field of vision, and there were metal walls on them. The thorns seemed to be afraid that the mental illness inside could escape.

There are only a few tip shadows of the trees outside creeping in along the top of the wall. The sun is shining brightly and the air in the suburbs is also very clear.

The swirling vortex of storm clouds that had been spinning overhead also disappeared.

Hongzhu Mental Hospital has not changed at all, and none of the buildings have collapsed, but something has changed.

There were fewer people inside, 398 people, and only two survived in the end. The only two people left were still talking to her about luck.

The higher the level of the dungeon, the harder it will be for a level 0 human to survive.

"But isn't the dungeon random? You can't ensure that you enter a certain dungeon randomly?" Xiong Jie just finished asking and wanted to slap himself.

Because he felt that he had asked too much, the copy of Hongzhu Mental Hospital was opened. Apart from them, level 0 humans, there were at most a few first-level survivors.

There is no strong person above him.

Didn't everyone happen to be here? He didn't think so. Now that he thought about it, it was precisely because many people knew that Hongzhu Mental Hospital was about to open an SSS-level dungeon and that no one was going to die.

"It seems that I guessed it." Feihu didn't hide it. The live broadcast was closed at this time, and she could indeed tell the two of them some well-known secrets.

"So, do you know the level at which the dungeon is opened?" Jiang Che suddenly interrupted.

Feihu looked at Jiang Che thoughtfully. She had discovered before that Jiang Che was not stupid. He seemed to have really stayed in a mental hospital for a long time. Although he didn't know what direction his mental problem was, there was no problem with his intelligence. of.

Now just through a few words I said, I think that their Flying Tiger Organization knows the level of the dungeon.

"You guessed it right." Feihu nodded, "Before the copy is opened, this area will form a magnetic field that cannot be destroyed."

"Many organizations have related detection tools. Although they cannot accurately determine which copy is opened, they can detect the level of this copy."

When Jiang Che heard this, his breathing began to become rapid.

He had been thinking about how he could go home and see his family again.

After hearing that there was a testing method, I couldn't calm down my excitement.

Feihu only found it strange that Jiang Che felt much better after getting his exact reply.

Does he seem to be? Very happy?

"Don't think that after clearing the dungeon No. 9, you can escape and survive in the same way when you enter the dungeon No. 9 again."

"We can only guarantee that we can detect the energy coefficient of the same-level copy of copy No. 9, so the next time this coefficient appears, it is likely to be another SSS-level copy." Feihu thought they wanted to repeatedly brush copy No. 9.

You can also gain experience points repeatedly by escaping from the same instance.

Xiong Jie didn't care about Jiang Che. He only needed to know that he and Jiang Che were on the same rope. Jiang Che had some ideas, and he couldn't understand that brain circuit.

"Does this mean that you already knew that this was an SSS-level dungeon before the Red Pearl dungeon was opened?" Xiong Jie's expression was not good.

He thought that he almost died tragically because of this. He was lucky, but he did pay a lot for being alive.

"This kind of thing can obviously be made public. SSS-level copy. Doesn't this make people die?" Xiong Jie's voice was a little annoyed and he clenched his hands.

"You are right, SSS level dungeons can indeed avoid danger, but if we keep avoiding danger, we will never know what the SSS level dungeon actually contains, what is in the SSS level dungeon, and we don't even know the terrain. ”

Feihu knew that he would be scolded after saying that he could be tested.

"It is your choice to take refuge in Hongzhu Mental Hospital, and there will always be lucky people who pass the level, just like you."

"As long as you pass the customs, you will be an extremely valuable experience for mankind." Feihu's eyes were cold. She talked about the ordinary people who sacrificed countless copies as if she was talking about an innocuous little thing.

"It is not easy for a strong person to grow up. The copy information and materials are all filled in by human lives."

"Including the tutorials and copy information you studied before, which one is not the information filled in by human life?" Feihu's voice was trembling, and his eyes were full of determination.

When Feihu spoke, the team members around her didn't speak either.

Xiao Qin just raised his head and glanced at Xiong Jie with complicated eyes. "Mr. Xiong, this doesn't require energy detection at all. It's just that Feihu's magnetic field detection equipment has more accurate data and classifies the energy."

"You are now at the second level. When the next copy is opened, you can feel it. Before it is opened, there will be obvious energy changes. The higher the level, the stronger the feeling."

"There are so many survivors, but none of them said anything." Xiao Qin sighed.

Xiong Jie was stunned, and he suddenly remembered that the reason why he came to Hongzhu Mental Hospital for recuperation was because a nephew in his family had reached the second level. He said that Hongzhu Mental Hospital had always been safe, and he asked himself to go there and continue studying.

He said that going to Hongzhu Mental Hospital can buy him a lot of time.

He didn't think he could come back, did he?

"Okay, I understand." Xiong Jie waved his hand.

"It's good to understand. It's easy to talk to smart people. Every strong person is hard-won..." Feihu looked at Xiong Jie. She had also investigated Xiong Jie's identity before coming here, and also knew that after he entered the dungeon, his family What happened.

She was stunned and forgot about it.

"You mean, I can feel the energy activated by the copy?" Jiang Che leaned over his head and stared at Feihu's shining pupils.

"Well, if you go to Feihu, we have precise measurement equipment that can avoid those SSS-level copies. We can develop them first."

Similarly, there is another one for everyone to look at in the morning. From now on, there will be two fixed pieces at night, and another chapter at a random time, including the babies in Chapter 3.

91. Chapter 91 Boys must learn to protect themselves.


Not to mention anything else, Jiang Che was really moved when Feihu said he could accurately measure the energy level of a copy.

He didn't want to rely on luck to get home. If he could go home once or twice regularly, he would be satisfied.

After all, hospital staff often say that they can only go home to see their wives and children during their shifts.

It seems that in the busy work, going home has become a very luxurious thing.

"If we go to Feihu, what do we need to do?" Xiong Jie stopped in front of him, "I brought this kid out, so of course he has to come with me."

Feihu looked at Xiong Jie funny, but he could understand.

After all, anyone with a master with cognitive problems would want to keep him by their side. With a little training, he can become one of the best thugs among them.

This was one of the reasons why Feihu was so excited.

Today's Jiang Che is like a blank sheet of paper, easy to train.

You don’t even have to think about his background, it’s as clean as a piece of paper!

She has never seen anyone with such a clean background.

An SSS-level passer who walked out of a mental hospital, this master is just like someone picked up.

She looked at Jiang Che with a smile, with a strange light in her eyes. After the answer was announced just now, she believed that many organizations would come to win over Jiang Che. What she had to do was to bring Jiang Che under the banner of the Flying Tiger Organization before everyone else.

Before, she felt that she must draw Xiong Jie towards her organization.

Since the arrival of the strange, almost people of all ages will be pulled into the strange dungeon. At the beginning, they also studied whether it would be the same as in fantasy novels, where the potential of younger people would be better than that of older people.

But later it was discovered that it was not.

Growth potential is only related to the initial experience value.

It is equivalent to giving these survivors who have gained huge amounts of experience points a larger container from the beginning. Even if the capacity is expanded later, more capacity can be expanded.

The initial experience value of the second level peak is already considered astonishing talent.

Age is not a problem. As long as you train well, you may become a general in the future.

But Xiong Jie has too many shortcomings.

Of course, Feihu was not talking about character flaws, but psychological flaws. Xiong Jie was the boss of the company before, and he had many times more thoughts than normal people.

High level, mixed thoughts.

This type of person is too difficult to control.

But the initial experience of the second level peak is hard to give up.

Jiang Che is different. He has a high initial level, a simple mind, no background, and is easy to control. The most important thing is,

He is young and has mental problems, but he is not an idiot.

"Do I look good?" She turned around and put her hands on the table to look at Jiang Che. Her eyes were not as sharp as they were during the previous meeting. She could see some career lines as she leaned forward slightly.

"What are you doing!" Xiong Jie shouted loudly.

"I'm not doing anything, just making friends." Feihu spread his hands, but she was not in a hurry.

What she likes is that Jiang Che is alone and has strength. As for the mental cognitive disorder, it is no problem as long as it does not affect his life.

At worst, the disease will be cured by treatment. She knows the inside story of Hongzhu's mental illness. This is not a treatment institution, but an organ breeding center.

And she has no relatives or friends. She is the only child in this huge Flying Tigers organization.

Not to mention letting Jiang Che come over as a son-in-law, at least the family property will not be left behind like other things.

My father must have liked this person very much when he saw him, right?

"I read your information and found that you are one year younger than me. If you come to Feihu in the future, my sister will definitely take care of you." Feihu smiled lightly and looked at Jiang Che's expressionless face. like.

Even if you say he is strong, his potential is still high.

Even if he has high potential, he is still tall and handsome.

The luck of entering the dungeon is even worse.

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