Thus, I decided to just die once I would return to House Everett. Falling from a high place would be easy.

…Until Charlotte convinced me otherwise.

‘Madam, why do you have to end your life? There are people who really need to die!’

It was our conversation some time ago. If I’d ever go back to House Everett, I told her that she should not follow me and go live her life elsewhere.

But when I said that, Charlotte asked with a firm look. Are you thinking of committing suicide?

As I replied yes, Charlotte was choked up and was trying to persuade me.

‘Don’t do that and run away with me, Madam. I said I’d help. Let’s leave here and live happily without anyone knowing. Okay? Please do so…’

Even though she followed me like a baby bird, Charlotte sometimes took care of me reliably. As Charlotte cried and earnestly asked for it, it was difficult for me to refuse.

‘…Okay, I’ll think about it.’

After answering like that, we decided to go along with Charlotte’s plan for now after Theodore regained his memory.

To run away from all that tormented me.

After making that decision, everything was easy. My heart felt lighter. Let’s go, let’s forget everything. Let’s just think about living the rest of our lives happily. I kept thinking as I prepared everything.

And now, there really wasn’t much time left until acting out that plan…

‘…I can’t believe this is happening.’

Two days later, on Wednesday, I’ll have to find a way out somehow. Until then, I must never let Theodore know of my escape plan. It was fortunate that he didn’t try to open the safe in my room.

Still, just in case, I’d better memorize all the escape plans and maps in my head and then burn them. It didn’t matter if the escape funds would be discovered—I still had my emergency funds.

‘I have no choice but to lay low for now.’

I sighed softly. This time, I hoped that things could work out the way I wanted them to. Even though I was always extremely unlucky.

If there’s a god out there, wouldn’t it be okay to grant my wish at least once?

* * *

Two days later, a dark dawn.

The iron-clad surveillance was still in place, and there seemed to be no way out.

But it wasn’t that there was no way. I have a disguise magic tool, and…

‘…A few sleeping pills I hid away.’

It was what I had saved when I went outside disguised as the maid, just in case something like this happened. I didn’t know it would be really useful, but…


I lay down on my bed and glanced at the sleeping Jane… I felt remorseful towards her, but I didn’t actually call her this early in the morning because my insomnia was getting worse. The escape plan needed Jane to succeed.

‘I’m sorry, Jane.’

Jane was one of the few people who were kind to me. She’s also a great doctor. It was uncomfortable to use Jane like this, but I couldn’t help it. Because this was the best way.

I took out the silver wig I had prepared in advance and put it on Jane’s head. Then I turned Jane into a sleeping position and covered her with a blanket up to her chin.

Then I went to the door and looked in the direction of the bed, and it seemed very plausible that actually I was sleeping over there.

‘…Alright, this is enough to keep me from getting noticed.’

And then, well…Charlotte’s role was important. After I changed my clothes and disguised myself as Jane, I sat quietly on the sofa and waited.

After a while, I heard a faint chatter from the hallway, and Charlotte opened the door and came inside. Charlotte asked, grinning at me, with a basket of snacks slung across the side.

“I brought you a late-night snack, what about you, Madam? Oh, Dr. Thorpe, would you like some too?”

“The Madam is sleeping for a while. Shall we eat dinner by ourselves?”

“Yes, then…”

The door slammed shut. Before it was completely closed, I could see the knights eating a late-night snack through the gap. They seemed to have overheard our conversation, and now they’re thinking that everything would be alright.

It was fortunate that most of the knights thought that Theodore was making a fuss for nothing. Thanks to that, we were able to use our hands while they were not paying attention.


After the door closed completely, I went over to Charlotte and asked in a low voice.

“…Did they eat it?”

“Yes, they will fall asleep in five minutes.”

And exactly five minutes later, it really happened as Charlotte said.

Peeping through the cracks in the door, the knights had indeed fallen asleep.

They would remain asleep like this until morning. It was the effect of sleeping pills that Charlotte secretly mixed in with the late-night snack.

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