One of the bandits pointed our way and shouted. Then the nearby bandit came quickly toward us.

Before his hand reached out, Charlotte hurriedly stepped in front of me to protect me. The bandit’s hand gripped Charlotte’s throat. At that moment, I jumped forward and grabbed the man’s arm without realizing it.

“Let go! How rude!”

“N, no, Miss…!”


The bandit tilted his head and threw Charlotte away. Charlotte rolled on the floor and coughed. As I hurriedly ran toward Charlotte, a violent hand grabbed my hair and pulled it.


“Look at this… isn’t this one a great catch? And aren’t you quite the looker, huh? ‘Miss’? Are you a noble?”

“This… cough, bastard! Do you know who she is?! Get your hands off it right now!”

Charlotte rose from the ground and charged at the bandit. The bandit raised his lips in a sneer and lifted his leg to kick Charlotte.

That was the moment.



An arrow flew from somewhere and hit the bandit’s forehead. The strength immediately disappeared from the hand holding my hair. I quickly escaped his grasp and ran toward Charlotte.

A heavy thump came from behind. The bandit, who had been hit by an arrow in the forehead, fell to the ground in despair.

“Ah, Miss, how dare that bastard…!”

“It’s okay, really. Please calm down, Charlotte.”

Even though the bandit was already dead, Charlotte trembled and glared at him. I looked around, soothing Charlotte. Suddenly, the tide was reversed.

Dozens of arrows with golden tail feathers pierced the bandits’ bodies, the same as those that killed the bandit who caught me.

…And that wasn’t all. I could feel the power of an elemental spirit surrounding this area. It was a force that felt soft and strong. The bandits seemed to realize that something was wrong and began to retreat one by one.

However, the golden wind that raged somewhere moved the arrow freely, and took the lives of the remaining bandits.

The corpses of the bandits piled up on the mountain road. As everyone in the group stood blankly watching the scene, the golden wind stopped slowly in the air.

The wind was in the shape of a mysterious bird that was unlikely to exist in this world. Someone who blinked in dismay at the sight shouted.

“It’s an elemental!”

Then the others started whispering one after another.

“An elemental…?”

“An elemental? Really?”

“Can’t you see? If that’s not an elemental, then what is it!”

…And I felt familiar with where that golden spirit was. If it’s the wind spirit, if it’s golden… It couldn’t possibly be…?

At that time, the elemental spirit looked back as if it had sensed my gaze… Somehow, it seemed that it smiled a little while looking at me.

The elemental fluttered its golden wings and flew towards me. Charlotte freaked out, but the spirit circled around me and made a strange noise.

Then it stopped in front of me, and someone walked out of the small whirlwind the elemental had caused. Recognizing the person right away, I widened my eyes.

He was none other than Zenedier Delacroix.

“…Young Duke Delacroix?”

“Uh… umm… Yes, that’s right. That’s my elemental just now… I can move from place to place with my elemental powers. Of course, it’s only possible if it’s a place I remember. Anyways, I’m glad that you’re safe, Duchess Valentino.”

Zen grinned and held out his hand to me. I stared blankly at the hand, then carefully stretched out my arm.

As I grabbed my hand and stood up, Zen asked with a wider smile.

“By the way, what are you doing here? There are many criminals hiding in this area, so it’s dangerous… And they… don’t look like knights…”


I was at a loss as to how to explain this. To be honest, the other person was a high-ranking noble. I can’t believe I have to lie… My conscience was getting stabbed because he was a benefactor who saved me and my companions.

In the end, the words that came out of my mouth as I pondered over and over again were completely nonsense.

“I just happened to…”

“…Just happened to…?”


Zen seemed to be pondering what that meant. As I didn’t say anything, Zen changed the subject, perhaps deciding that he shouldn’t ask anymore.

“Uh, anyway, there’s my cabin nearby, so why don’t you go there and get some rest? You can treat those wounded over there. I will contact the Valentino family—”


At that moment, I quickly raised my head and interrupted Zen’s words. When our eyes met, he flinched. Facing him who opened his mouth, I firmly shook my head and spoke again.

“No. Don’t contact… Valentino. Not even Everett.”

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