My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1133 Hello, I am fine, everyone is fine

"You are so angry so early in the morning?"

Shen Qinghuai was still curious and asked this question. For Tang Tang, it was very happy to come back from that place where no chickens lay eggs and no birds shit to see her boyfriend? Why did she vent her anger on herself? ?

"Am I angry?"

"You are almost making me lose my mind."

Tang Tang smiled: "It is already very respectful to have dinner with you."

"I even suspect that you have suffered a setback from the actor Gu, so you are anxious to vent all your anger on me." Shen Qinghuai used his brain circuit to think of a lot of reasons for the quarrel between the two people, and finally exchanged for one sentence.

Tang Tang's expression was dull: "Are you sick?"

Isn't this a curse for the two of them to quarrel.

"Didn't you come here early in the morning without brushing your teeth?"

How can you speak so harshly?

"Having breakfast with you and washing your face is disrespectful."

Shen Qinghuai: "..."

At this moment, I just want to say one thing: speechless.

He also called out in the group, asking Wen Shaoyu to pay attention. Tang Tang has been in a bad mood recently, and it is very likely that her uncle's wife has come.

Yeah, the words are quite euphemistic.

Tang Tang said, "I am in love, but I feel something is wrong. I always subconsciously feel that I am not worthy of Gu Yingdi, do you understand?"

It is the kind of spiritual worship.

Hearing this, Shen Qinghuai's expression became a little serious.

"I know that you have regarded him as an idol since you were a teenager. Until now, the reason why you have always felt uneasy in your heart is that Gu Yingdi is more like a god in front of you, so you have such emotional ups and downs." Shen Qinghuai poured her a glass of milk, and he also looked like a caring elder sister... elder brother.

Tang Tang's expression was serious.

She couldn't change her mind.

Dating with Gu Yingdi...

She felt that her little heart couldn't bear it.

And it seemed that Gu Yingdi didn't seem to be so used to her, as if he simply thought she was suitable to be a girlfriend. The person who likes too much will always be worried about gains and losses.

So, the one who is worried about gains and losses is Tang Tang.

"Actually, I don't think you need to be like this. You should know better than me what kind of person Gu Yingdi is. He is the kind of person who can restrain himself. If he really likes you, then he likes you without any hesitation or evasion. Why don't you go and see his truest side, and then give him your truest side?" Shen Qinghuai felt that he was also mean.

Tang Tang came back and confronted him without saying a word, and he was still here to teach him a lesson every minute. He was simply a caring little cotton jacket.

I thought Tang Tang would be moved, but she wasn't.

She just nodded seriously.

"You're right."

Shen Qinghuai: "Well, shouldn't you say these things?"

"Then don't. Isn't it right for you to say these things to me? After all, you are also one of my rumored boyfriends." After Tang Tang finished speaking, she was no longer in the mood to eat breakfast. She just wanted to wait until the promotion was over, and the costume drama was finished, and have a good date with Gu Yingdi.

For the first time, I realized that this profession is not good.

I can't be calm when dating.


If it weren't for this profession, I wouldn't have met Gu Youshen at all. So, fate always has some elements that make people feel like a joke, which catches people off guard.

"Then go." Shen Qinghuai said.

Tang Tang was puzzled: "Do you have anything to do recently?"

"No, I'll go home later."

The old couple probably had something to say. He originally planned to go back at noon, but after seeing Tang Tang, he decided to go back now. After all, it would be boring to go back alone.

"Okay, if you have anything to do, send a message."


The three of them have a group with a very strong name.

At first it was called: Two handsome men and a beautiful woman.

Later, Shen Qinghuai and Tang Tang had a quarrel.

Shen Qinghuai changed it.

It's called: Two handsome men and a fussy mother-in-law.

Why is it a fussy mother-in-law?

Since ancient times, mothers-in-law have been more annoying and more unpleasant in the impression of the entire human race.

Tang Tang didn't care at first.

Later, after reconciling with Shen Qinghuai, she got angry.

Now their group name is simpler.

The names are: Handsome Man and Pretty Woman and Stupid Dog.

It's amazing, not giving any face at all.

Shen Qinghuai himself was even more afraid and didn't dare to change it.

Forget it, as long as she is happy.

In this world, only women and villains are difficult to raise.

The Shen family has always been quiet.

But today it was a bit too quiet. He was stunned for a while after entering, and even suspected that his parents were not awake yet, so he sat on the sofa to play games and wait for his parents.

As a result, he knelt down in three games while playing games.


No more playing!

This is the first time I realized my level of playing games.


Without others to lead, I am a waste.

"You still know to come back." Someone suddenly spoke.

Shen Qinghuai looked up and saw his parents. Shen Chengjin and Lu Xin were looking at him, not relieved, just looking at him simply. This is the resentment of the couple towards their son. They are unwilling to go home when they are in Beijing.

At first, the two of them had invited him home to have dinner together, but now they have basically let him go. Especially since Shen Qinghuai has become more and more casual, and is far from the refined and elegant young man he was before. Lu Xin was afraid that Shen Qinghuai would get angry when she saw him like this, so she just let it go.

Shen Qinghuai flattered: "Mom and dad, have you had breakfast?"

"have eaten."

"I just came back to see you."

Shen Qinghuai looked at the two people dressed neatly, as if they had just come in from outside, and asked more curiously: "What are you two doing?"

"Going to the hospital."

Shen Qinghuai stood up immediately: "What's wrong?"

I'm really worried.

Which of the two of them had an accident?

"It makes me curious that you are back. Both of us are fine. I just want to tell you that your mother is pregnant and has a baby."

Shen Qinghuai: "???"

The expression is obvious, why no one told me.

Is he an outsider?

Lu Xin's tone was calm.

"I thought you didn't want to come back to this house, so I didn't plan to tell you the news." In fact, I wanted to tell him when Shen Qinghuai came back, but Shen Qinghuai never came back, and every time he called, he didn't. I was very impatient, so I let it go.

The child cannot be raised by his mother, nor can he stay in the family.

It's not a good idea to force him back.

Just forget it.

"Why don't you tell your son that you have a second child? The same goes for you two. My mother is already an advanced maternal age. What do you think you want my mother to be pregnant with?" Shen Qinghuai was more worried than the two of them who didn't say a word. It's Lu Xin's body. It's not good to begin with. Why does she have to show off? ?

Lu Xin was moved when she heard this.

But the expression is still well disguised.

"I'm not doing this for you."

Shen Qinghuai was stunned.

"In order for you to make a good decision, you don't have to consider the Shen family, nor the inheritance of the family line, nor what the Shen family means to you. Although your father and I don't like you very much, we hope you can Do what you like, and you don't have to restrain yourself all the time, understand?" Lu Xin's words were sincere.

Shen Qinghuai suddenly lowered his head and said nothing.

In fact, he once answered a phone call from his parents while drunk.

At that time, I said something like: What if I am gay? It was just a casual remark. I didn’t expect that my mother actually took it to heart and got pregnant without saying anything.

They had never planned to have children before.

It was said that in order for him to have complete love, even if he had the idea of ​​​​having a child, he would ask for his consent. But now, Shen Qinghuai suddenly felt that he was not a human being anymore.

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