My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1162: Personally refute the rumor

When Tang Tang said this, the president was surprised.

Because Tang Tang's public relations ability is very powerful, but it has never been reflected, because all his abilities are used in chasing stars, and he doesn't care about other people's affairs at all, including his own affairs.

President: Why don't you discuss with the people in your company what should be done? The fan club will support you in whatever you want to do. I have communicated with Gu Yingdi's studio and they said I have full authority. Just match you.

Tang Tang: It’s okay, I’ll do it myself.

She opened her Jingluo account and looked at the content. These were her most important things, her memories of the past twelve years. Now they were being used by someone with ulterior motives. She could bear with Gu Yingdi being hacked by others. , but he couldn't bear that Gu Yingdi was injured because of his own reasons. For him, it was a shame.

When she was a teenager, she had already thought about protecting Movie Emperor Gu.

Even now.

She opened the place where she edited the article and took a deep breath.

Then type.

Ten minutes later, Whale Luo sent a message.

[Hello everyone, I am Whale Luo. I have already left this circle, but I never thought that I would be taken advantage of by someone with intentions. I cherish the time when I was chasing stars, and I also cherish the feeling of being a fan of Actor Gu. I believe that all the sisters in the deep sea have the same thoughts as me.

As Jingluo, I have no right to interfere with the privacy of Gu Yingdi’s relationship. As a fan, I hope that my idol can be happy. As an ordinary person, I hope that everyone will not use my name to hurt the people I love and the people she loves. . This is not a good thing for me, and I don't feel happy because of it.

I respect Actor Gu’s criteria for choosing a spouse and respect my idol. 】

Others saw it and had no feelings.

But those who have chased stars with Jing Luo have generally seen Jing Luo’s mentality. Again, it’s our business to chase stars. We like that person not just to get that person, but simply. It is to enjoy the touch that person brings to us.

We are star chasers, not star hunters.

Some hidden old fans started talking because of it.

[I actually don’t believe that Jing Luo is that kind of person, because when I was chasing the best actor, there was Jing Luo. She was the most sensible person among us, and she was always calm and calm, and could always lead us on the road to success. She is on the front line, but never makes wrong decisions. I think she should be as old as Movie Emperor Gu. How could she possibly spread rumors? It's simply impossible. 】

[No one knows the identity of Jing Luo, and they don’t even know each other’s gender at first, but he is the most outstanding person in our Deep Sea Club, and he has the best writing skills. He can always motivate others. I like Jing Luo very much, even There is a feeling that I wouldn't be so sad if Jing Luo and Gu Yingdi were together, because Jing Luo really knows Gu Yingdi very well. 】

[Sisters, I don’t know if you know one thing, that is, Jingluo has never used his real face to attend the meeting with King Gu. I only heard about it today. In fact, we have all seen that. Whale Luo, she was wearing black clothes, she had never shown her face, and she had never been used for any commercial purposes, so there was nothing to question her character. Moreover, she was the first to agree with Gu Yingdi's relationship. People who have no relationship, so there is no need for such people to do one thing in person and another behind the scenes. 】


This matter was very uproar, but Tang Tang didn't pay much attention at all. At least there was no news on any social software. It seemed that the amount of noise on the Internet had nothing to do with it.

Movie Emperor Gu himself did not say anything.

I plan to handle this matter coldly.

Inside Tang Tang's new apartment.

She received a call from home and was stunned for a moment.

Because this number is the most familiar. It is her mother's mobile phone number, but she has never called her. She even went back this time because a very close cousin got married. She went over to see her cousin and then came back. No. I thought of my mother's long speech.

"Hello?" Tang Tang finally picked up the phone.

The tone over there was very cold: "I have seen everything on the Internet, and everyone in my family has seen it. Do you plan to be with that male star? That man is 12 years older than you, do you really not care at all? ?”

When Tang Tang heard this, he didn't think about defending, but just asked: "What do you want to say?"

"I know it was too much to let you run away from home back then. Your father has also been thinking recently whether he was too cruel to you. This time your cousin is angry. If you have considered it, come home. We want to talk to you. Let’s have a good chat.” Although she was a mother, her words were very cold, and it could even be said that she was having a meeting-style chat, as if she was setting a date for a meeting.

"My cousin called me. I will go back. I have my own ideas. I am not the underage girl before. I hope you also know one thing. I like Gu Youshen, so we are together. He will be in the future If you can marry me, I will agree to it. This is my determination." Tang Tang knew that his family had always hated him for chasing stars, and the most egregious thing was that he had always hated himself for liking Movie Emperor Gu.

This man is twelve years older than me.

"This is your determination. There is no need to tell me. If he is willing to marry you, then let's talk. If not, what you are saying now is embarrassing, and it is very embarrassing. You gave up for this man. Your father is very dissatisfied with your ability, which is most valued by the family, and now you are in the entertainment industry. If you continue like this, it will not be us who exile you, but you who are in self-exile, without any consideration for your original true self. He doesn't care about our entire family." Tang Tang's mother was also thinking about not saving face for her daughter when she spoke.

Tang Tang's face was filled with tears when he thought of those past times.

But still trying to stick to himself.

He said: "I know that I am the most unpromising person in the entire Tang family. I do not intend to use Sister Tang's name to act, and I will not cause trouble to the Tang family. If you think that my presence in the Tang family in this state will dissatisfy the family, If so, I won’t attend, don’t worry.”

Her bottom line is Movie Emperor Gu.

And she rarely has things she likes. Chasing stars was her only persistence at the beginning, so she didn't want to give up. The Tang family didn't care about her as an extra person, otherwise they wouldn't be taking care of her now after all these years.

It can be seen that his mother does not care about what she says.

Don't care about your own life or death.

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