My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 119 A genius who scored full marks on the written test

Ning Sheng followed the crowd to the translation institute.

Everyone was dressed very seriously. The girl next to her looked a little nervous. She kept mumbling with her resume in her hand. She didn't know what she was thinking. When she found Ning Sheng looking at her, she immediately said: "Sister, don't look at me. When you look at me, I get more nervous."

"Ah, sorry." Ning Sheng turned her head immediately.

"Are you really not going to look at me? Not looking at me makes me more nervous."

Ning Sheng was helpless: "Don't be afraid, the worst result is that you can't be admitted, don't be nervous."

The girl cried after hearing this, "Sister, you are really poisonous. You look so cold and speak so coldly. I have worked hard for three years. I can't just give up. I must try hard."

"That's right. Only by trying hard can you know disappointment."

Ning Sheng continued to speak slowly.

Girl: "Sister, I think I may have offended you. You have been hurting my heart."

"Are you still nervous now?" Ning Sheng asked back.

When the girl heard this, she realized that she was no longer nervous and trembling. She was just thinking too much and was too afraid of the interview, so she was always struggling. Because of Ning Sheng's words, she was no longer nervous.

"I'm not nervous anymore, thank you, sister."

Ning Sheng shook her head: "No need."

"My name is Meng Chuyu, what's your name?" The girl asked with a smile.

Ning Sheng: "Ning Sheng."

Meng Chuyu nodded, and then said like a chatterbox: "Actually, I've been watching you before, not because you look good, but because you look a bit like a relative of mine."

Huh? Ning Sheng was puzzled.

"No, no, no, don't think I'm trying to make friends. You really look very similar to an aunt in my family. Maybe all beauties look alike." Meng Chuyu commented with a smile, and then smiled.

Ning Sheng didn't say anything.

This girl looks very beautiful and pure when she smiles.

Maybe she is the kind of person who grew up in a honeypot and has never suffered any grievances since childhood.

"Thank you for coming to the Translation Institute. We will start the first round of written tests. Only those who score above 75 points can be admitted. Those who score below 75 points should prepare to come back next year." said the interviewer.

Meng Chuyu heard this and said to Ning Sheng with a smile: "Beautiful Ning Sheng, do you know? The Translation Institute has produced two geniuses who scored full marks in the written test. One of them is my aunt, who looks very similar to you."

"She is really excellent." Ning Sheng commented, and really wanted to meet this genius beauty.

Since the opening of the Translation Institute, there have been two translators who scored full marks in the written test.

One is Meng Fuxue, and the other is the current Translation Institute Jiang Yexu.

I heard that the interview score was given by other translators before, 97 points, and finally the dean personally gave full marks.

There were 50 people interviewed this time. Ning Sheng was pulled in by Meng Chuyu because she kept pulling her. She was like a sticky candy and insisted on getting closer to Ning Sheng. She said, "Ning beauty, maybe you are too beautiful. I feel close to you. Don't look down on me. I'll sit next to you."

Ning Sheng nodded, "Come on, good luck."

Meng Chuyu smiled and nodded, "Okay!"

Although Ning Sheng didn't intend to believe her words, Ning Sheng really looked like her aunt. Maybe the beauty bones of beauties are similar.

The written test lasted 50 minutes, and the results were released 30 minutes after the paper was handed in.

After handing in the paper, Meng Chuyu ran over like a little hamster, "Ning Sheng, I think my three years of preparation are still very useful. Although I may not pass, at least I have entered the gate of the Translation Institute. I am satisfied."

"Are you too ambitious?" Ning Sheng was full of black lines.

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