Bureau of Investigation.

Although they let Su Juanchen in, they didn't make any big move towards Su Juanchen. They were even very cautious for fear of offending Su Juanchen?

"Master Juan, wait here."

Su Juanchen smiled and nodded, doing what was good.

"The environment here is not bad." He said.

The girl on the side said: "It's not good. I called you here today just to ask questions. There is nothing else. You must not feel pressured."

Su Juanchen said calmly: "I have no pressure."

He had a gentle temperament around him, but he looked like he was not easy to mess with wherever he stood, especially when he spoke like this now, which shocked everyone present.

He can come here to save face.

It's not fear.

On the other side, Turing is different.

Hearing the news that Su Juanchen had entered, it was time to hold a big party to celebrate. The entry of the general manager of the Underground Covenant was an opportunity for him, an opportunity to unify the Underground Covenant and the M Continent.

"Boss, shouldn't we work harder?"

"I also think we should work harder."

"Brothers, our time has come!"

Turing said something exciting.

Everyone else's blood boiled instantly.

The so-called war is about to break out.

Turing has made big moves in the entire M continent. People who originally worked with him didn't know how to deal with it. Some people even felt speechless. Turing is not doing this to get M continent. To defeat the Underground Covenant, but to destroy the entire M Continent.

People who were originally completely determined also began to wait and see.

During Su Junchen's three days in the investigation bureau, Turing took away almost all the Underground Covenant's jurisdiction. What surprised people the most was that the Underground Covenant did not resist at all. It seemed that the matter just passed without any follow-up.

A week later, Su Juanchen left the investigation bureau.

How he got in is how he got out.

Rumor has it that people who enter this place often have half of their lives taken away. There is even a big boss who became unconscious within three days after entering. However, Su Juanchen was fine at all and was even treated respectfully. I respectfully asked you to come out. When you left, the director of the Investigation Bureau personally sent it to you, and the two of them had a very happy conversation.

Looking at this wind direction, everyone is thinking...

Are you on the wrong team? ? ? ?

Turing is harvesting heads like crazy. Without caring about anyone at all, the underground covenant over there acted as if nothing had happened. Even when Turing harvested people's heads here, they avoided its sharp edges.

"I feel something is wrong." The younger brother said.

Turing asked: "What?"

"While we were slowly harvesting the underground covenant areas, Ning Sheng cleared out our people in Fallen Street and Nan'an Town. Now these two places are within their sphere of influence. We haven't fully grasped the scope of the underground covenant yet. But the current situation is that the Underground Covenant is completely inconsistent with us. If we continue to fight like this, it is likely to arouse everyone's opposition. Should we stop for a while?" The younger brother suggested, if we continue to do this? , it is very likely to lose the hearts of the people, and it is also very likely to be counterattacked by the underground alliance.

After all, Lord Juan is back.

It was even as if he had gone to the Bureau of Investigation for a week.

No news was given to them. The team they agreed to stand with was just like a joke. It was clearly meant to make them go berserk and then angry. In the end, it turned into an extremely weird atmosphere, in which they might be surrounded by all the people. .

"Come on." Turing said.

He also felt something, but couldn't help it.

We have reached this point, how can we retreat? ?

It's simply impossible.

"Go ahead. It doesn't matter even if you lose this time."

Turing spoke.

He didn't back down at all and kept going.

Because of the appearance of Lord Juan, the Underground Covenant felt that it had found its backbone. The originally low-key members were no longer low-key at all, but they still did nothing and waited for the specific notification with peace of mind.

"Master Juan, what should we do next?"

"It's time to close the net." Su Juanchen said calmly.

Cao Ying understood instantly.

How could they be killed casually by others after they had been in Continent M for so long? Before, it was not to tolerate for the sake of tolerance, but to create a perfect and obedient condition for Turing's side, so that they could be unbridled.

But in just one week, everything changed.

Originally, Turing was bound to win, extremely smart, and felt like he was about to reach the top. But now, it has become a different situation. All of Turing's defense lines have been stimulated, and there is nothing left.

Su Juanchen killed everyone without a single blow.

Turing's unscrupulousness did not bring any benefits, but made everything impossible. He did too many things in M ​​State, and the final result was the loss of the original Fallen Street and Nan'an Town. , all the people originally stationed on the Underground Covenant side were killed, and there was no one around him.

"So that's how it is. Su Junchen's trick is quite fresh. I thought I heard that Su Junchen would never give in and would always look superior. Now he has stayed in the Investigation Bureau for a whole week. Is it just to make me relax? Ning Sheng also got what he wanted by the way, but in the end I have nothing. I also lost the bet with Ning Sheng." Turing felt incredible.

This is not Su Junchen's original method.

According to his previous personality, he would kill himself or solve all the unfavorable situations on his side, but he didn't expect that in the end it would become him who was sleeping on straw and tasting gall, letting Ning Sheng win, and then he was waiting behind.

What a good method.

"What should we do now?"

"What else can we do? We lost." Turing spread his hands: "But I want to try and see how Su Junchen will deal with me for the last time." Anyway, he has lived long enough, and it doesn't matter if he dies.

He originally wanted to confront Su Junchen head-on, but he was ignored. Su Junchen didn't want to pay attention at all, and finally let those who he had bullied come to fight him.

"Is this Su Juanchen's method?" Turing asked.

The man who was once abused by Turing to the point of doubting his life said: "Because I don't have the ability to choose death, I live in humiliation. Turing, you may not understand this feeling, but in the entire M continent, you either choose to die with dignity or live in humiliation, just like me in the past."

Turing sneered: "I am the same as you? You are dreaming."

How can it be the same? It is impossible! !

He chose the most decent way to die for himself.


At this point, the matter of M continent has been settled.

Ning Sheng and Lu Chuyao also plan to return to China.

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