My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 121 Mr. Chen: I cried, how about you?

"Moreover, her translation accuracy is 100%."

This is the most rare.

They even suspected that Ning Sheng had served in other translation institutes for a long time, and this time she came here just to go through the motions and officially step into the door of the national translation institute. But they had all seen Ning Sheng's resume, a teacher at Lincheng Foreign Languages ​​College.

At most, she was an outstanding foreign language expert.

"It seems that our translation institute has another genius." The dean said happily.

The translation was over.

Only Ning Sheng and contestant No. 80 Shen Yizhou followed, but Shen Yizhou was not as fast as Ning Sheng. He was still translating for several minutes after the end, but compared with this situation, he was already a very powerful existence.

After the second round, there were actually no people left.

Since Meng Chuyu gave up, he has been looking at Ning Sheng, and he feels that Ning Sheng is more beautiful and excellent, and her profile looks very much like the only genius girl Meng Fuxue in their family, but her aunt has passed away long ago, and only photos remain in the world.

"Ning Sheng, Shen Yizhou, are admitted."

"Others, proceed to the next round of tests."

Ning Sheng and Shen Yizhou were admitted directly due to their excellent performance in the second round.

The two were taken to the Translation Institute meeting room by the staff.

When Dean Chen Nanshan saw Ning Sheng for the first time, he was suddenly a little shocked. This girl looked too much like his favorite student Meng Fuxue. Suddenly, he felt that the third young master of the Lu family was really unnecessary!

A genius like Ning Sheng doesn't need to go through the back door at all, okay! !

"I am Chen Nanshan, the dean of the Translation Institute. Welcome two new forces to join the Translation Institute, especially Ning Sheng. You are great. You have become the third person in our Translation Institute to get a perfect score in the written test." Old Chen never praises others, but when he sees Ning Sheng, he feels an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

Ning Sheng bowed slightly, "Hello, I'm Ning Sheng, please take care of me."

Shen Yizhou on the side also spoke very coldly: "Hello, I'm Shen Yizhou."

The interviews of the Beijing Translation Institute have always been of high standard, and they always prefer to have no one rather than someone who is not qualified. There are only four senior translators, and there are other academicians. The rest are here for interviews or for classes at the Translation Institute.

In the last round, Meng Chuyu fought her way through and entered the Translation Institute?

When she saw the dean and others, she breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, I prepared in advance and read all the information left by my aunt, otherwise I might have died halfway up the mountain."

Chen Nanshan: "Welcome to join."

"Thank you! I know you!!" Meng Chuyu was very excited.

Chen Nanshan frowned slightly: "You may not believe it, but there are actually quite a lot of people who know me." This is not bragging. The dean of a national translation institute cannot be an ordinary person.

"I have seen you in my aunt's photo album. I heard that you are my aunt's teacher. Thank you for taking care of my aunt. Thank you." Meng Chuyu suddenly bowed, which caught people off guard.

"Who is your aunt?" Chen Nanshan thought for a while. The girl's surname is Meng.

"Meng Fuxue."

Old Chen was a little flustered. It was indeed Fuxue, his best student.

"Good boy, I hope you can also hope with your aunt. She was once a legend in our translation institute. You entered the translation institute with her as your goal, so you can't embarrass your aunt." Chen Nanshan looked at Meng Chuyu and his face became much kinder.

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