My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1281 Gentleness 1 (1/2)

The atmosphere inside returned to normal.

Song Tang was a little hesitant, should he go in?

At this moment, her cell phone rang.

She immediately went downstairs with her cell phone, and then arrived in the lobby. Then she picked up the phone. The voice on the other side was still gentle and asked: "Are you stuck in traffic? Are you not here yet?"

"In the lobby."

"Okay, I'll come down and pick you up."

"No, I can just go up by myself."

Hu Bolin said: "I'll go down to pick you up and check your thoughts for the last time whether you want to meet these tomboys or not. Just wait for me."

He knew that Song Tang didn't feel safe.

So I tried my best to give her all the sense of security.

Because of what happened with Han Jinci last time, Hu Bolin knew that Song Tang was just a seemingly strong and courageous soul, but in fact he was a very insecure child.

That's why he takes everything into consideration.

Song Tang hung up the phone.

Smiled a little.

Maybe I'm being too pretentious.

Some things aren't really that bad, are they?

When she was about to continue going up, she saw an acquaintance, Han Jinci, whom she hadn't seen for a long time. He seemed to be much thinner than she remembered, and there was a woman next to him who looked very delicate.

"Song Tang?"

Han Jinci also saw Song Tang.

I didn't expect that by such a coincidence, the two people would meet.

Song Tang said: "It's quite a coincidence."

"Are you here to eat too? Why are you alone?" Han Jinci asked, there was an urgency in his words that he couldn't detect.

Although the two of them broke up on bad terms before, looking back on the past, he still felt that he had missed the woman in front of him, and he felt nothing but regret in his heart, but he knew that he could never get her back.

"Not alone." Song Tang said.

Han Jinci asked: "Not alone? Have you been in love recently? Or?"

The woman on the side was unhappy.

"Mr. Han, people who don't know think you are interested in this beauty. Why are you so eager to know other people's news?" The woman spoke in a strange and sinister manner, which really made people feel uncomfortable.

Han Jinci shook his head: "Nothing."

"What does it have to do with you?" Song Tang asked.

I've said before that if you meet each other next time, just treat them as strangers who don't know each other. But now it's just a chance encounter. If you stay a little more distant, you can just say hello quietly.

It's really a bitch to gossip like this.

Not interesting.

"We are just greeting you with good intentions, why are you so angry?" The woman felt that Song Tang was outrageous: "Why don't Mr. Han care about you? Could it be that you are his ex-girlfriend?"

Just as Song Tang was about to reply, someone suddenly came behind him.

"Ex-girlfriend, is he worthy?"

Hu Bolin spoke.

Xiao Hu, who is usually quite gentle, became angry when he met Han Jinci.

He is not at all the gentle gentleman he usually is.

"When you talk about falling in love, is it possible that you are with this man? Hu Bolin? Do you still need me to talk about the bad things in their family? Song Tang, it doesn't matter if you abandoned me, I did not recognize people clearly. But you Don't you think you're a little too much? Everyone in the capital knows what kind of person Hu Bolin's father is. Are you still trying to be with him? "Don't you think your eyes are too good?" I just wanted to say hello to the other party, but I didn't expect to see Hu Bolin.

It's really annoying.

He had always thought Song Tang was lying.

She was not actually with Hu Bolin, it was just an excuse she told to deceive herself. At that time, he was still deceiving himself, thinking that these two people would not be together, and Song Tang looked down on such a man.

But I didn't expect that they were together.

What an ironic image.

"It's been so long, but you still can't change your self-righteousness. Han Jinci, this is the last time. I tolerate your unreasonableness. If you are still so unreasonable next time I meet, I will never be as easy as now. Let me go." Song Tang said calmly, "Do you think you can talk to me arrogantly based on your family background?"

Once upon a time, it was the right given by her.

Now she can also take back this right.

Han Jinci was actually very unwilling to be reprimanded like this. But in fact, deep down, I still agree with what she said, because what she said was not wrong.

"What about him?"

Song Tang laughed when he heard this.

"Where do you get your confidence? Do you think you can compare with him?"

In the past, when Song Tang thought Han Jinci was the best Bai Yueguang in his heart, he didn't cherish it, but now he rushes over to compete with each other.

Don't know something?

When a girl likes you very much, you are the most precious thing in her heart, and she will do anything for you willingly. But when she no longer likes you and puts you down, his empathy and compassion for you are not even as much as for the stray dogs on the roadside.

Han Jinci couldn't even utter a word when he was criticized.

Hu Bolin was standing next to him. He originally wanted to act as a macho man and protect his girlfriend, but he didn't expect that his aura next to him was not even as good as his girlfriend's. Instead, he was protected by Song Tang.

It's better to just be a little puppy.

"Let's go." Song Tang said.

He didn't even look at Han Jinci again.

Hu Bailin did not speak either. Ignoring is the highest level of ridicule.

The other party does not even need to speak.

Because he is not worthy.

Han Jinci looked at the backs of the two people and felt that he deserved it. After all, he still missed the girl who was full of his heart and eyes.

I don’t know whether to be sad or to say that he deserved it.

Hu Bailin felt that he was suddenly not powerful enough in front of Song Tang, and he was a little shorter, but this feeling was good, being protected by his girlfriend.

"You were so handsome just now, Sister Tang."

Hu Bailin spoke.

Song Tang asked: "Did you want to say something just now? Because I was interrupted, I didn’t say anything?"

"I did want to confront that scumbag just now, but seeing your heroic side, and you stood up for me, I suddenly felt that being a gigolo is actually good." Hu Bailin smiled: "It’s great to be protected by others. Or your girlfriend."

"Sister Tang will protect you in the future."

Hu Bailin smiled: "Thank you Sister Tang."

Arriving at the box, Hu Bailin opened the door and let Song Tang in.

"Sister-in-law, you are finally here."

"Yes, sister-in-law, we are the only ones waiting for you."

"You don't know how much Bai Shao cares about you. Before you came, he was holding his mobile phone, calling every ten minutes and sending messages every five minutes. Now that I heard that you have arrived at the lobby, I immediately went downstairs to greet you."

"Yes, yes, I have known him since childhood. We grew up together wearing open-crotch pants, but I never thought that he would have such a servile side. It's true that it's different when you fall in love."


The group of people laughed and laughed, it was so lively.

"I think you should shut up." Hu Bailin said.

Song Tang smiled gently: "I could have come earlier, but something happened at the law firm. I am very sorry for wasting everyone's time. Let's eat and drink to our heart's content today. I'll pay for it."

"Sister-in-law, look at what you said, how can I let you pay for it?"

"Yes, shouldn't we pay for it?"

Hu Bailin smiled: "Sister Tang invited us to dinner, but you refused. Sister Tang, don't bother with them, let them treat themselves to dinner."

"You are too mean, aren't you?"

A boy smiled.

The girl next to him said: "This is the first time I see Bailin like this. He never said he wanted to fall in love before. I even thought he might be single for the rest of his life, but I didn't expect to meet such a beautiful girlfriend. He is really lucky."

No one else thought there was anything wrong with what he said.

Song Tang felt...


Why is there a teasing atmosphere?

"Hasn't this met true love? Sister Rong, you are just too worried about him. Although we all grew up together, you are too partial. Only Bai Shao is your brother, aren't we all?"

The person called Sister Rong smiled.

"What are you talking about? I am a few years older than you, so of course I know more than you think. And today in front of Song Tang, don't mention those embarrassing things in the past. Give Bai Lin face." Rong Ni said.

"We are all family, what can't be said?"

"Yes, sister-in-law must also want to know what kind of person Bai Shao was before?"

Song Tang smiled: "To be honest, I really don't know what kind of person he was before." Then he looked at Hu Bailin who was silent on the side and asked: "To be honest, I am curious about what kind of person you were before? Do you mind letting them tell me?"

"Can you believe what they say? You might as well believe me."

Hu Bailin spoke.

Rong Ni said, "Yes, yes, let's order the dishes quickly. This is Song Tang's first time to attend our party, so we should not let her feel too unfamiliar."

The atmosphere of playing and joking started again.

Hu Bolin said, "You can order whatever you want, I'll pay."

"I know you are rich."

Song Tang remained calm, feeling strange.

But he couldn't tell what was strange.

She was not very happy with the meal. She could be regarded as meeting Hu Bolin's friends who grew up with him, Xiao Gao, Erseng, and Rong Ni, who was said to be everyone's sister and was called a kind and innocent angel sister by everyone.

This angel sister took good care of her from beginning to end.

But she felt like sitting on pins and needles.

The other party seemed to be reminding her.

All of these people present are my brothers, my relatives who grew up with me, and you are just an outsider. Even if you are Hu Bolin's girlfriend, you have not participated in his past, so you are not as good as me.

After eating, Hu Bolin paid the bill.

"Should we go find a place to drink?"

Xiao Gao asked.

Hu Bailin shook his head: "No, I'll see Sister Tang off."

Rong Ni smiled helplessly: "Bai Lin has a girlfriend now, of course he will be more restrained. He has to listen to his girlfriend."

Song Tang said indifferently, "Next time, choose a weekend, let's go for a drink together. The main thing is that I have a case to go to court tomorrow, and I really can't stay up late. I'm sorry for everyone today."

"It's okay, we can make an appointment anytime."

"Yes, let's make an appointment next time."

Rong Ni always had a faint smile on her face.

"Song Tang, today's meal was a little sloppy. Next time I host, I will make sure you enjoy it."

Song Tang was calm and smiled: "Thank you, Sister Rong."

She followed Hu Bailin into the car.

For a long time, neither of them spoke.

Finally, Hu Bailin spoke up and asked: "Do you not like today's dinner? I didn't think of asking them to have dinner with you. I feel that you would not like such an occasion."


"But I feel that you are not very happy."

Hu Bailin spoke up.

Sometimes men's intuition is also very accurate.

"I'm not unhappy, I'm just curious about the relationship between Sister Rong and you. I feel that she knows each of you very well, and I feel that she knows too much about you, and those things I don't know, so it's a bit strange." Song Tang spoke up.

Hu Bailin didn't expect her to be so straightforward.

"Rong Ni is a good friend of ours who grew up together. She comes from a single-parent family and has no mother. But she subconsciously brings a lot of intimacy to others. When we were young, she always played the role of mother when we played house, so now when we have something to do, she also acts like an elder." Hu Bailin asked, "Are you unhappy because she knows too much about me?"

"Do you think I can be unhappy about this kind of thing in the process of dating?" Song Tang asked.

Hu Bailin did not hesitate: "Yes."


"Even if Sister Rong is several years older than me, she is still a girl. There is no prerequisite for girls to dislike other girls. If you think she does not meet your friendship standards, don't meet her again in the future." Hu Bailin said.

"She's a very good friend of yours, right?"


"Maybe I'm too narrow-minded. Actually, the matter is not that serious." Song Tang smiled: "So relax and don't think everything is so pessimistic. Didn't she say she would treat us next time? If I don't go, it must be because I don't give her face."

"Sister Tang's face is more important than anything else."

Song Tang laughed when he heard this.

But I always feel that this matter is unreliable.

In the evening.

After taking a shower, she opened her group of vicious female partners.

Song Tang sent a voice: "I had dinner with Xiao Hu's friends today, and there was a sister who made me feel very uncomfortable. I wonder if I'm thinking too much."

Then she repeated what happened at the table.

Lu Jiujiu immediately spoke: "Sister Tang, you should have heard that sentence, right? If you feel any uncertain emotions, it means that those things themselves are a bit problematic."

Ning Sheng: [Why do you feel tea-like? ]

Tang Tang: [There's no need to feel it at all, it's just tea-like. What is she trying to prove? This proves that she and Xiao Hu have been siblings for so many years, and you are just a half-baked person who got in halfway. 】

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