The companions stopped talking.

Gap and inequality, this is distance and estrangement.

These words were also heard by Tong Yan who was working. Even after a long time, she could clearly remember what Song Yun said. It was not a condescending tone, but she felt that sometimes the gap in treatment should be like this.

Song Yun seemed not to have thought that he had actually said such a thing.

"So, do you still remember?" Song Yun asked.

Tong Yan smiled: "From an economic point of view, what you said seems to make sense, and when you said it, you didn't give people a condescending feeling, but you were talking about the facts indifferently."

This makes people feel uncomfortable.

It was also from that time that she noticed Song Yun.

It turns out that he is a classmate in the same department, but he is so different. It is like a light, hot and dazzling. If you are not mentally prepared to get close, you will definitely be burned.

"Everyone has different perceptions at different ages. No matter when, I will put on a well-educated appearance. This has been my standard since childhood, but for the people I like, I have other I want to demand my own standards." Song Yun fed her some food and felt that she didn't want to eat much, so he sat next to her.

"I just feel like we've missed so much time."

He spoke calmly.

It would have been easy for two people to get together.

But because of some unreasonable things.

"Does the fairy tale of Cinderella exist in real life?"

Tong Yan asked.

Song Yun shook his head and refused: "Maybe not, or maybe there is, I don't know. But what I can be sure of is that I am not a prince."

"Hahaha, Song Yun, you are really weird sometimes."

Song Yun nodded: "I think so too."

Because it was strange, I tried my best to tell jokes.

"Do you know there is such a disease? Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, because it is like the kind of visual phantom you see when you turn the telescope upside down. What you see every day is a fairy tale world. It is a kind of magical and fascinating Sad syndrome. I definitely have that syndrome. Otherwise, why don’t I feel that my life lately is not the kind of life I was good at? Although it is strange, it makes me feel very novel. Everything has become fairy tale."

Song Yun's tone was calm.

Not only Tongyan, but also Tongsong.

It seems that there is a touch of other colors in his black and white life, and he even feels very lucky. If it hadn't been for the so-called accident, he might never have ended up with Tong Yan again in his life.

"Song Yun, when my eyes heal, do you want to come with me and try living my life?" Tong Yan suddenly said.


"People always have to experience unpleasantness before they become close. Isn't that the case with you? If I can see it this time." Tong Yan said.

Song Yun smiled: "Doctor Mu said that your eyes will definitely be able to see after this operation. If you can't see, Dr. Mu may wash his hands and stop being a doctor."

"Song Yun, when did you start to be so considerate?" she asked.

Song Yun: "After graduation."

Song Yun in the past had a very vicious tongue.

And he doesn't care what other people think when he speaks.

She still remembered that when Song Yun applied for the club, he was famous for being interviewed. He asked about his strengths and interests. When others were considering it, Song Yun said it directly.

"My specialty is making money."

"My hobby is spending money."

"For reference, I have a lot of money. I invited you to have afternoon tea today. It's up to you to decide whether it's Starbucks or tea. It doesn't matter. I just want to find a quiet club." After he said this, the rest Everyone was stunned, including the president.

It was obviously such outrageous words, but everyone present listened to it. I even think Song Yun is really a good member.

He used to be full of energy.

Now he is elegant and easy-going.

Song Yun is a gentleman, but it feels like his past personality has been diluted, and there are no memories to recall. On the contrary, the living person standing in front of him now really exists. Although he does exist, his soul is not as personal as before.


Song Tang met Rong Ni while handling the case.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or not, but they happened to meet her in a club. Song Tang was no stranger to this place. It was the most popular KTV in the capital, and there were many beautiful and fragrant princesses in it. It was once a favorite place for many wealthy people. place.

"Sister Rong, what a coincidence." Song Tang had a smile on his face.

Rong Ni also smiled: "I didn't expect to meet you here. It's better to meet by chance. Do you want to go for afternoon tea together? Do you have anything else to deal with?"

"There should be no more."

"Then let me treat you. The last time we had dinner wasn't very pleasant. This time I'll be the host and treat you to lunch, which can be regarded as an apology to you and Bai Lin." Rong Ni spoke calmly, with a slight smile on her face. The smile is just right.

What he said was confusing.

Song Tang pretended not to know.

"Sister Rong, what did you say? I had a lot of fun at the last dinner together, and everyone took good care of me. Besides, Hu Bolin and I were both very happy. We have nothing to say to apologize." She said with a calm expression on her face.

"Let's go have afternoon tea together."

Song Tang didn't hesitate and went together.

If I don’t go this time, I don’t know what she will say next.

Rong Ni seems to be close and gives people a good feeling, but she just feels something is strange. Every time she talks, she acts like a family member, but she just isolates her.

She also wonders if she is overthinking.

But now...

She is almost certain that Rong Ni just doesn’t like her.

There is no unprovoked love or unprovoked dislike between women. There are only two possibilities for Rong Ni to dislike her so much. The first is that she simply doesn’t like herself, and the second is that she simply doesn’t like that she is Hu Bailin’s girlfriend.

Tea restaurant.

“We used to love playing here the most. At that time in junior high school, Xiao Gao and Bailin loved playing basketball the most. They would always go back at night. I would always follow them and prepare snacks and drinks for them. I didn’t expect it to be so long.” Rong Ni smiled and glanced at Song Tang.

Song Tang’s expression was calm and he didn’t seem to care what she said at all. He just smiled after she finished speaking, and said sincerely: "So Hu Bolin was like this when he was in school? I didn't know."

"That's right. He was very naughty when he was in school, always causing trouble. At that time, the relationship between uncle and aunt was not very good. Every time something happened, I went to help to clean up the mess. There was nothing I could do to help. Just like that, he felt that there were still people who cared about him in this world." Rong Ni sighed and shook her head.

Song Tang held back his anger and looked calm.

He followed me here, so he couldn't get angry or turn hostile.

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