"You really can't remember anything?"

Meng Chuyu asked.

Shen Yizhou shook his head, he really couldn't think of anything.

If he could think of it, he wouldn't be so helpless. When You QiSi saw Meng Chuyu looking like he wanted to kill him, he didn't know anything at all.

"If you have any last words, tell me now." Meng Chuyu said.

"It's not that exaggerated, right?" Shen Yizhou asked: "No matter how you look at it, you should think that I am the victim. I was injured, and I haven't gone home yet. Now I am still in this hotel inexplicably. Shouldn't this be what I feel most like? Tortured?"

Meng Chuyu:? ? ?

It was like hearing some huge joke.

Is Shen Yizhou the victim? ? ?

The man who acted like a monster last night didn't look like a victim.

"You get up and have breakfast. I asked for leave from the translation institute for you. Is there anything else you need me to do for you?" Meng Chuyu asked feebly and looked very tired.

"I don't."

"Are you sure you didn't? You left without me."

Shen Yizhou asked: "Where are you going?"

"Master Shen, do you think I should have breakfast with you here? Do you mind?" Meng Chuyu asked, indicating to him that he was still naked.

Shen Yizhou suddenly turned red and lowered his head immediately.

Because of his action, when he looked up again, Meng Chuyu had disappeared. He originally planned to ask what happened to his clothes, but now he had no chance.

What happened last night?

For the first time, he felt unsure.

His drinking capacity was not good to begin with, and he really indulged himself too much last night, which led to the current situation. Also, how did he come to the hotel? This is also a problem.

He glanced at his cell phone, which was indeed turned off. There was a lot of dust on his clothes. He tilted his head and looked at the outrageous scene. He couldn't think of all the details about what happened last night.

Could it be that there was really a fight?

Are they fighting fiercely with Meng Chuyu?

But he had no impression.

There was only my own body, which was extremely sore.

And my head hurts terribly.

After Meng Chuyu left the hotel, he drove away directly.

If she continues to be with Shen Yizhou, she is not sure what she will do. The most painful moment for her was last night, when Shen Yizhou was like a delicate girl, suffocating her.

You haven't learned anything yet, you know how to act coquettishly.

What's there to do...


She was speechless.

But he couldn't say a word.

After all, Shen Yizhou was drunk at that time.

Ring ring ring——

"Hey, please tell me."

She answered the phone.

"Hello? Is this Miss Meng Chuyu?"

When Meng Chuyu heard this voice, he filtered it through his mind and said that he didn't recognize it, but his tone was still gentle and he said politely: "I am Meng Chuyu, who are you?"

"My name is Natasha. I heard that you are Ming Ji's sister, so I want to invite you to dinner. I wonder if you are honored. Can you agree?" The tone over there was extremely gentle and questioning.

Meng Chuyu understood,

This should be the fiancée Meng Mingji was talking about, right?

But why treat yourself to a meal?

"I'm in the capital."

Natasha said: "I am here too. I just arrived yesterday. I heard that you are also in the capital. If you don't mind, we can have a meal together."

"Okay, I have time."

"I heard from your brother that you are a translator, so you should be very busy. So we don't dare to set a time rashly. It is better for you to give a specific time and we will cooperate. After all, I am just a laid-back person." Finally. In one sentence, he was very unconfident.

Meng Chuyu replied with a smile: "I have all the time here, and it's not too busy. I can accommodate all your schedules. If you have made a reservation, you can send me the address."


Both sides hung up.

Meng Chuyu pondered.


Did Meng Mingji choose his fiancée himself or did the Meng family choose it for him? She sounds like a nice woman. However, asking her to come over for dinner tomorrow is a bit too much, right?

Her relationship with the Meng family and Meng Mingji...

None of it is normal.

I don’t understand why we want to have a meal together.

The next day, evening.

Meng Chu met at the agreed place, which was a private restaurant. When Meng Chu met, she walked in slowly before six o'clock. She didn't dress up deliberately, she just wore an ordinary black suit, and she looked more capable. A little indifferent.

"Do you have an appointment?"

Meng Chuyu shook his head: "I'm looking for someone."

"Miss Meng, right?"

Meng Chuyu smiled and nodded.

"Miss Meng, please come here."

The waiter took her to the largest box, opened the door for her, signaled that the person she was looking for was inside, and invited her in. Meng Chuyu walked in and felt that it was outrageous.

Isn’t it a bit wasteful to have a meal for three people?

"First encounter, here."

Meng Chuyu heard the sound and looked up.

Meng Mingji was wearing a casual suit. The woman next to him had a delicate face and deep blue eyes. She was a completely exotic beauty. When she smiled, she looked like a delicate red rose, hot and bright.

It must be Natasha.

The two of them seem to be a good match.

"Cousin." She walked over to greet him, then looked at the exquisite beauty and said, "I'm Meng Chuyu." She introduced herself briefly.

"My name is Natasha. We talked on the phone yesterday. Please sit down." When Natasha spoke, the corners of her mouth kept rising. She was bright and cheerful, not making people feel uncomfortable. She looked very... pure.

This word is usually used to compliment women.

Natasha has a charming face, but when she smiles, she doesn't make people feel vulgar at all. Instead, there is a sense of clarity. Meng Chuyu had such a feeling after just meeting her once.

Either she is really such a real and unpretentious person.

Or she is a scheming bitch who hides so deeply that she doesn't notice it.

No matter which situation it is, it doesn't matter to her. Looking at Meng Mingji's expression, he should be ready to spend the rest of his life with her.

"I don't know what you like to eat, and you haven't ordered yet." Natasha handed the menu to Meng Chuyu, who took it and said "thank you."

Meng Mingji said: "You should like all the dishes here, just according to your preferences. Natasha is still getting to know us, so she will try everything. You don't have to consider us, just order what you like."

"So, I'm taking advantage today?" Meng Chuyu smiled, ordered three dishes, and then returned the menu and let the two of them order.

Meng Mingji subconsciously gave the menu to Natasha.


Meng Chuyu suddenly became dazed.

Meng Mingji used to be irritable and easily angered. He had a very bad temper. I don't know when he became like this, gentlemanly, elegant and easy-going, polished by time into another look.

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