"Are you sick? Who are you? Let me tell you, it is against the law to imprison and kidnap others." Xiaomei struggled to get up and said with determination, "If you let us go now, you can still get a lighter sentence."

The driver laughed when he heard this.

He has done this, is he still afraid of breaking the law?

"I just said that having you as her assistant is her greatest unhappiness. If it weren't for you, she wouldn't be in love. How did she end up being an assistant? She was in love in the capital and you actually helped hide it. It's better to throw away unqualified assistants." With that, he grabbed Xiaomei's hair and led her out.

Xiaomei shouted in pain, but the driver showed no mercy.

"Let her go! If you do anything bad to her, I won't let you go." Duan Zhizhi struggled to get up, but couldn't do it.

At this time, she hated her own powerlessness.

"Baby, don't worry, I won't do anything to her. I just want her to know how to be a qualified assistant. Just wait for me here and I'll come right away." He said in a gentle and annoying tone. After Duan Zhizhi finished speaking, he turned around and struck Xiaomei rudely, his whole expression becoming ferocious.

Is this a perversion? ? ?

Or a bastard meal? ? ?

How do you know that you are in love?

Could it be that you have been following yourself?

Duan Zhizhi thought about it and realized that he had never encountered anything like this since his debut. Where did this man come from? She thought about it for a long time, but couldn't figure it out. And being fixed here by this chair, she couldn't break free at all, and she didn't know what happened to Xiaomei.

After half an hour, the driver came back.

His face still had the same obsession as before, and the way he looked at Duan Zhizhi made Duan Zhizhi's whole body goosebumps and felt very disgusting, especially his strange and perverted expression.

"What did you do to my assistant?" Duan Zhizhi asked.

The driver said: "Shouldn't you care more about me at this time? Why should you care about the assistant? What is there about that stupid woman that deserves your care? You were supposed to belong to me alone, but because of her, you started to fall in love Now, you belong to another man, don’t you?”

He slowly approached Duan Zhizhi, wanting to reach out and touch her face, but Duan Zhizhi looked disgusted and avoided her. The driver was very sensible and did not continue to get on. Instead, he smiled.

"As expected, you are mine. You are really brave. This place is just a meeting gift from me. I will take you to see the place where you sleep. You will definitely like that place." The driver untied her and the chair. The rope was connected and he slowly picked her up.

Because her hands and legs were still tied.

"Who are you?" Duan Zhizhi asked.

Her expression was serious.

"Of course I like you, Zhizhi. I originally just wanted to look at you from a distance, but who made you suddenly have a boyfriend? You are no longer the innocent Duan Zhizhi. You are no longer the only goddess in our hearts. Since you have someone else in your heart, how can I let you continue to show up outside? You should stay with me. In this case, you will belong to me. When I'm alone, I won't think about other things. I will be the only one in my eyes and heart, right?" The driver carried her to another room with a smile on his face.

He always had that smile, as if the smile was copied on his face and it would never change. Duan Zhizhi even wondered if he had practiced in front of the mirror to have such a creepy smile.

"Look, this is your bedroom from now on."

The driver spoke.

Duan Zhizhi looked over and was stunned.

So scary.

There are still no windows in the whole room. They are all pictures of her. The walls, including the ceiling, are also various pictures of her. From the time she debuted to the present, they are all pictures of her. There are also pictures of her on the floor. There are only There was a bed, and directly above the bed was a "photo" of her and the man next to her.

To say it was a "group photo" is a bit too far-fetched.

It's a group photo taken from p.

Duan Zhizhi looked at such a horrifying scene and completely forgot to struggle. Is the smiling man next to him who looks perverted and yandere her illegitimate meal?

When did it appear? ?

How do you know everything about her? ?

"In other words, do you like it? I think you do, right? After all, the photos here are all of you, and they are all the best-looking you. How about it? I specially prepared a golden house for you." The driver smiled When he spoke, he still had that creepy smile on his face.

Duan Zhizhi felt a chill on his back.

She was placed on the bed.

"Are you my bastard?"

The driver said: "How can you use such disgusting words to describe me? I am just the one who loves you the most among the many fans who love you. Didn't you say that you love us fans the most? Why are you talking so suddenly? In love? You said that the man you love the most is what to you! !

At the end of the sentence, he looked crazy.

It seemed that at this moment, he fell in love with Duan Zhizhi.

"I love my fans, I love those fans who are extremely enthusiastic, support me, and work hard with me to grow and live a healthy life. Instead of using this method to kidnap me to be an illegitimate fan here." Duan Zhizhi watched He looked at the driver and said, "I'm not a fan like you."

"So that's it? You hate me being your fan, right? Since you hate me being your fan, then I've decided to change my lifestyle. I'm not your fan anymore. I'll be your man, right? Break up with that guy and be with me, okay?" He lay next to Duan Zhizhi, his tone was light and full of sickly tone.

Duan Zhizhi looked at him and felt that he was a pervert.

Private fans are not fans at all, they are committing a crime.

"How did you know I was in a relationship? Do you know that bringing me here is considered kidnapping? Is this what you call love?" Duan Zhizhi questioned, looking at the driver's face.

"Everyone loves differently, don't they? That's how I love you. Zhizhi, I don't care what other people think of me, I just want to know how you think of me." He held Duan Zhizhi's hand, not allowing her to break free, and said affectionately: "I love you, I want to be with you forever, if we can't be together when we are alive, we have to be together when we die, understand? We will be buried together."

His words became more and more outrageous, and Duan Zhizhi became more and more scared.

This was the first time she encountered such an extreme illegitimate fan.

"Zhizhi, are you hungry? Do you want to eat?" He suddenly spoke and answered without thinking: "It's already very late, Zhizhi of course has to eat, my Zhizhi is a princess, she can't be hungry, she must enjoy the treatment of a princess."

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