"Sir, there is a very outrageous password here, please come and take a look." The adjutant spoke, motioning Lu Lin to go over and take a look, and Lu Lin immediately walked over.

Who could have thought that in such a desolate place, there is a high-tech-looking sign with an electronic password on it, and it is so profound that others cannot understand it.

"Sir, how can there be an electronic password in this place?" The adjutant frowned: "Could it be that the person you want to find is right under our feet?"

He speculated.

Lu Lin nodded.

This is difficult to handle.

"I seem to have seen this product in the product development of our first district. I will ask what the specific situation is. If they can solve it, then I will ask them to come and solve it." The adjutant has taken out his mobile phone and started to call, and he didn't look at the specific situation. He knew that Lu Lin seemed calm at the moment, but in fact he was already very uneasy.

Lu Lin nodded.

He was still thinking about how to get in.

He was sure that Xiaomei and Duan Zhizhi were inside.

But he was not sure who else, how many people, were there besides Zhizhi and Xiaomei. This is what he is most worried about now, and he doesn't know if they are in danger.

At this moment, he was a little annoyed, thinking that if he had gone to pick up Duan Zhizhi home, would this situation not have happened? Duan Zhizhi has a special identity, and next time he must find a bodyguard from the first district to accompany him, otherwise it will not work at all.

At this moment, Duan Zhizhi is here.

She looked at the crazy man with a calm face.

"Zhizhi, why don't you listen? I asked you to wear this dress, don't you understand? Put on this dress and have dinner with me. If you don't wear it, I will take measures myself!!" The perverted driver's face was no longer smiling, but twisted madness, and the expression he looked at Duan Zhizhi was also a crazy possessiveness.

"I won't wear it." Duan Zhizhi shook his head.

No one can force her to do what she doesn't want to do.

"In this case, I have to wear it for you."

The perverted driver said.

Duan Zhizhi asked: "Is this your method? Is this how you like me? You say you like me, but in fact you want me to listen to your arrangements and be your puppet. You want me to be a machine without emotions, a doll that only listens to all your orders and arrangements? Is that so?"

Her tone was light, which made the perverted driver stunned for a moment. Then he laughed, with a decent fake smile on his face. He turned his wrist, nodded, and said: "It's worthy of being Zhizhi. You know how to detect people's psychology. That's what I think. After all, you are not very obedient. Wouldn't it be better if you didn't fall in love? Wouldn't it be better if you didn't choose other men? Wouldn't it be better if you chose me alone? Who asked you to choose other men?"

"I have my own right to like others, isn't it? Besides, I don't know you, and I haven't even seen you. Why do you want me to like you? Choose you? Even be a tool without emotions for you?" Duan Zhizhi asked lightly, without the slightest anger, but asked the perverted driver's heart, just poking his fault.

"Zhizhi, what you said really hurts me. How could we not have met? We obviously have met. You like me, don't you? We even chatted at that time? You said that the boy you like is a gentle and handsome man wearing a white shirt and glasses. For this, I spared no effort to get into the Department of Literature at H University, just to be able to achieve your goal and stand on the same starting line with you. But now you tell me that you have never met me. Have you forgotten me? This is the saddest thing for me. How could you forget me!" At the end, he even felt a little aggrieved.

Duan Zhizhi then realized that he was wearing glasses.

However, she did not see any so-called gentle villain, nor any so-called literary atmosphere, but just a terrifying man who was crazy to the extreme, with a crazy atmosphere of sickly and paranoid.

"I am a public figure. I meet a lot of people every time. It is impossible to remember every face. It is not a big deal if I don't remember you. And you didn't even tell me your origins. How could I know?" Duan Zhizhi clenched his fists. She had no other way now, so she could only delay time as much as possible.

This pervert...

She had to find a chance to knock him out and escape.

I don't know what Xiaomei's specific situation is.

It's really worrying.

"You said you haven't seen me, right? Do you remember the school anniversary when you went to H University that year? I was the best student in the whole grade, you gave me an award, and then said to me, come on, work hard, have you forgotten it? You asked me to work hard, and I worked hard. I was originally keen on scientific research, but for you, I went to the Department of Literature, working hard step by step to become the ideal person you want, but you secretly fell in love behind my back, right?" He approached Duan Zhizhi and looked directly into her eyes, his face full of aggrieved and forgotten sadness.

It seems to say: How could you abandon me?

How could you?

"I love you and don't remember you." Duan Zhizhi said.

When she said this, she looked directly into the eyes of the perverted driver.

The perverted driver and her eyes met, and neither of them let go of the other. Finally, the former left her sight and said: "Okay, since you don't remember me, it doesn't matter. I'll be sad for a while. Now, Get dressed and go eat together. I made your favorite clay pot rice, as well as sugar-crusted tenderloin and shrimp soup. Everything is in your favorite taste. "

Duan Zhizhi shook his head: "This is not my favorite taste."

"Oh? Really?" the perverted driver asked: "Isn't this the taste you like? Then why do you go to eat with other people? And when you go to eat with your boyfriend, you always drink Shrimp soup, and I love meat. You just don’t want to eat with me, right?”

Duan Zhizhi didn't speak and remained silent.

"Okay, let's each take a step back. I won't force you to change clothes. You can just go to dinner with me." The perverted driver touched her face again, with compassionate compassion on his face, and said, "After all, you are here You have to live here for the rest of your life. You can’t live without food every day, right? My canary can’t live without food forever. What will happen if it continues to starve?”

He said it morbidly and affectionately.

People who don't know think he is really someone who loves Duan Zhizhi.

Finally, the perverted driver took action and carried Duan Zhizhi to the restaurant. Duan Zhizhi then realized that this place was very big, with a dining room, an open kitchen, a living room and a bedroom, but strangely, there were no windows here. I can't see what's going on outside. Is it privately designed like this?

"You can visit at will. This place is tailor-made for you. If you want to escape, I advise you to accept it. No one except me can enter or leave this place at will. If someone wants to force it, If they go in and out, they will pay a price that is a hundred times more painful than their lives.”

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