My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1624: Unreachable Dream

"So what did you do in the end?" Su Juanchen asked.

"I told myself that I must hold back. I had no capital at that time, only youth and beauty. Since these are the only two things I can use, I must make the most of them. I didn't I agreed to the boss's request and went to another agency. But you also know that this is the case in the entertainment industry. The unspoken rules are always greater than your own strength. What's even more unfortunate is that I don't have any. So powerful that I haven’t even finished college yet. Who would want someone like me?

And because of my behavior, my boss was angry. He thinks I'm a piece of shit who can't stand up to the wall. He was already planning to give up on me and let me go to the sea to make tertiary films. I didn’t agree at first, but later he forced me and said that if I didn’t agree to his request, he would ask me to pay a sky-high liquidated damages, or he would let me To serve his designated benefactor. All of this was so oppressive that I couldn't breathe.

Sometimes the backbone only lasts for a moment, and there are really very few things a person can do. He still has to work hard and run for life. I used to hate people who relied on their beauty to get to the top, but I never thought that I would eventually become That way. For a moment, I was so depressed that I couldn't breathe.

Finally, I gave in. "

Su Junchen said: "I think this must be a very difficult decision. Because when you make this decision, you lose your personality and dignity. Perhaps for contemporary young people, these two are not important. . But for some people, this is their life.”

"At that time, I no longer considered life or death. I just thought about making more money so that I could pay for my mother's nursing home. I would also support myself and there were a lot of creditors waiting for me. I I also want to die, but is it not that easy? So I can only choose to live a difficult and painful life."

Su Juanchen: "This must be your darkest memory, right? Because this unbearable memory made you unable to live anymore and made you depressed, right?"

Duan Zhizhi shook his head: "This should not be the dark memory I hate most. This memory is just my daily life when I was 18 years old. The darkest memory is that after I compromised, I already lived according to the boss's way. No Go find any economic company and live as cleanly as possible. Don't go to the sea to make third-level movies. Don't serve any financial sponsors. Later, the boss thinks. I made so little that I wasted my beauty and sold it to an investor.”

"How expensive can a person be? He actually spent 5 million to sell me from head to toe to a 70-year-old Tufeiyuan investor. That man was my lifelong nightmare. I was stripped naked and sent to his In front of me. When I reacted, I was already lying naked on his bed. What I saw was his greedy face, which made me subconsciously think of the toilet. ”

Su Juanchen: "I sympathize with your experience."

He saw Duan Zhizhi's face, her expression was very painful.

His face, which had some color at first, was already extremely pale. The lips also gradually turned white. Sweat was dripping down her forehead. This was the most tortured thing and her most painful memory.

Let her think about it again, which is equivalent to slowly tearing apart the most painful and torturing memories and then presenting them in front of her.

"So how did you get through that time?"

Su Juanchen asked next.

"I escaped." Duan Zhizhi said: "I don't think I am a morally obsessive person, but I just can't accept such a thing. I am a living person, how can I be sold to others? ?I stabbed myself with a knife just to stay fully conscious and finally escaped from the hotel."

"And at that time, I also committed suicide that fat, fat man. I thought this was the end of my life. I felt that my life had come to an end. I didn't wear any clothes, just wrapped in a bath towel. I looked very embarrassed, and At that time, I didn’t even know which way I should run. Where to escape was my best choice. At that time, the only thing that flashed through my mind was to escape or die there.”

Su Juanchen said nothing.

Duan Zhizhi's lips became paler and paler, and her memory became slower and slower. She felt like she couldn't stand it any longer. But I was still recalling slowly, telling all the memories I could think of, and cleaning them up again.

"Finally I met Ji Chen."

Su Juanchen: "Then you were saved, right?"

"Well, he is a very good boss. After he learned about my experience, he thought I was a malleable talent. Although I didn't think I was a malleable talent myself. He re-planned my career for me. Life, and I dealt with my previous boss. At that time, I didn't know one thing, that is, when you ask others to do things, you must pay a price, so I was not willing to believe Ji Chen. I feel that everyone in this world has a purpose when doing things. No one will help you without any reason."

"But later, everything Ji Chen did made me change my mind. He made me take the college entrance examination again and go to a very good university. Then he began to plan my entire career path for me. I said goodbye to the life of grievance and even inability to make my own decisions. I slowly started a new life, but those two dark years were the nightmare of my life. Every time I had insomnia, I would wake up because of that time, and then fall into infinite pain."

Su Junchen understood: "So you forgot that memory in your self-hypnosis day after day. You think it is a shame in your life. You think that having that memory will make you more and more depressed, right?"

"Yes... ”

Su Junchen: “By the way, you also forgot the bright boy who saved you when you were in school, didn’t you? In fact, he didn’t help you at all, but just gave you a psychological expectation. ”

“Some people can set an example for others just by living. That boy may not be so important to me now, but he was a spiritual pillar for me at that time. If it weren’t for him, I might have faced a worse ending. Because I yearn for beauty, I am willing to become a beautiful person. That boy is a very beautiful existence.” Duan Zhizhi’s originally pale face was covered with a smile because he mentioned the boy.

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