My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1633 Damn, I was pretending

"OK." Duan Zhizhi nodded.

Lu Lin also nodded: "Since that's what you think, then okay. Anyway, next time I cook for you, I still hope you drink more papaya soup. After all, this vegetable is very important to you." , is the friendliest.”

"Huh? What do you mean?" Duan Zhizhi asked.

"Bubu, you are too thin."

Duan Zhizhi: "..."

Are you trying to say that your breasts are not big enough? ?

Sure enough, man.


All men are like this, there are no exceptions.

"I didn't expect that my incident was so serious this time. I actually arrived in M ​​continent. I don't know what I will do in the future. Moreover, my work has stopped. I don't know how to deal with it. Lu Lin, why did you think about it in the first place? Want me to come to M Continent?" Duan Zhizhi knew that Lu Lin had endured too much during this period, but she wanted to know more about Lu Lin's psychological journey.

Lu Lin looked at Duan Zhizhi and said, "In order to help you get better, the doctor who treated you said that you have severe depression, but you forgot the most terrifying and dark experience through self-hypnosis. If If you return to normal, you will most likely think of that memory. It may be a bit unfair to you, because you should have worked very hard to get that memory out of your mind, but because of me Duan Zhizhi, who only has eyes for Lu Lin when he wants to see normal health, forcefully makes a decision for you and allows you to restore this memory. In other words, you may remember this memory, and it may even explode later. depression."

However, he still chose to let Duan Zhizhi regain his sobriety.

"So that's it." Only then did Duan Zhizhi understand.

Why does she have so many more memories?

She used to avoid talking about the memories of her youth because her memory was not deep and she had even forgotten many things. She had never seriously thought about the reason. She always felt that it was because her parents were unwilling. Thinking about it, since her body mechanism told her that she didn't want to think about it, there seemed to be no need for her to think about it.

It wasn't until today that she discovered that such a thing existed.

It was she who forced herself to forget that memory.


Then you won't remember anything.

"Lu Lin, actually I should thank you for helping me make this decision." Duan Zhizhi complained about himself: "As a person, I am actually quite cowardly. All my competitiveness is just an act. In fact, when I encounter When something happens, the first thing I think of is to escape, and then I hide. That's why I got severely depressed when something happened, and then I forced myself to forget about that painful time. But now I can remember that time. Time is good to me. People grow up slowly, right?"

"Yes." Lu Lin nodded.

"I'm glad that you made the right decision for me. I also think this decision is very good. If it were me, I would hesitate again and again when making this decision. I would even be afraid to think of the past, but Not now, but, Lu Lin, I am a not very good girl. When I was 18 years old, my life was not that good, and my life was not so pure and innocent. On the contrary, at that time I was a very People who are scheming will know that I was terrible at that time. When I think about it now, I still hate myself at that time. "

Lu Lin shook his head.

"No, in this world, the person you should hate the most is yourself. No matter what you do, no matter what the consequences will be after you do it, it will still be you. If you make a mistake, then take care of it. Apologize sincerely. If you didn't make a mistake, it means you didn't feel sorry for anyone, just yourself. So there is nothing to be afraid of, and you don't need to hate yourself."

"I've been wondering, is your university major in political economics? Why do you feel so righteous when you talk about things? I was quite depressed at first, but after you explained my mood like this, I feel that it's actually okay to live. Just look. How did you adjust your mentality?" Duan Zhizhi laughed and complained: "By the way, you put too much salt in the porridge today, I feel like I am about to burst into tears."

"I think you don't have any tears now."

Lu Lindao.

"Indeed, I may have saved the galaxy in my previous life. It doesn't matter if I find a boyfriend who is both civil and military, he can actually cook. It doesn't matter if he can cook, he is actually very good-looking. The most important thing is that he is Speaking of truth will not make you feel unreasonable, but will have the effect of drying up this bowl of poisonous chicken soup." Duan Zhizhi stared at the porridge in front of him, smiling lightly, with satisfaction on his face.

"My main major in college was not political economics, but physics research, because my grandfather's family was very involved in this field. At that time, I signed up for this major out of curiosity." Lu Lin asked: "It's an honor, Duan The lady is actually very interested in my university major. If there is a chance, I will give you an instruction manual to let you know how to use it correctly. "

Duan Zhizhi: "???"

Is this still possible?

"Our family has always been very open about love."

Lu Lin said.

In the past, many people were like this when they fell in love.

He just wanted to simplify everything. And make Duan Zhizhi feel more secure. So that she wouldn't keep thinking about unhappy things and let her feel depressed.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" Duan Zhizhi asked.

Lu Lin: "So this is a confession game, right?"

"Didn't you just say that your family is very honest about love? If that's the case, then when I ask you questions, you should answer truthfully, right?" Duan Zhizhi thought for a while and asked: "Did you have a girl you liked when you were in kindergarten?"

"Why are you curious about my kindergarten?"

"Didn't you hear people say that the girl you liked in kindergarten can be considered your first love. At that time, the perception of beauty and ugliness was not standard. You didn't even know what love was. When everything about you was shaking, you fell in love with a girl. Isn't this worth thinking about?" Duan Zhizhi also began to imitate Lu Lin's tone and discuss philosophy.

"I didn't go to kindergarten."

Lu Lin spoke.

Duan Zhizhi: "How is it possible?"

How could someone not have gone to kindergarten?

"I went directly to the first grade." Lu Lin said, "And then I felt that school life was not good. I studied at home for elementary school and finally went to junior high school. Do you have any other questions?"

Duan Zhizhi: "..."

Damn, I was actually fooled by his pretense.

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