My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1656 I miss you so much.

"I shouldn't have to worry about getting married, right?"

Ning Sheng hesitated and asked.

Lu Chuyao asked back: "Do you want to worry?"

"As a mother, should I seriously worry about my son's marriage? But I feel like I can't do the same. I'm afraid that my ability is not enough and he will have a less than perfect wedding." Ning Sheng thought while eating the cake. .

Lu Lin has basically settled on Duan Zhizhi now, and the next step is to talk about marriage. She has no detailed information about Duan Zhizhi's family situation, but after looking around on the Internet, it seems that he is also a poor child.

"I remember that I was worried about the wedding. When the children grow up, they can handle it by themselves. You don't have to worry so much. Just live your life happily every day and don't think too much." Lu Chuyao's approach to his son It's free-range, and the matter of getting married is also free-range, so I don't want to take it to heart.

"How can you compare with Lu Lin? When have our children been wronged when they grow up? We need to be more rigorous about holding weddings. Besides, I don't want him to have any regrets. Can you act like a father?? "Ning Sheng saw that Lu Chuyao didn't care and wanted to complain.

Lu Chuyao spread his hands: "Why don't I look like my old father anymore?"

Ning Sheng followed his example and asked, "What do you think?"

"You are more concerned about his wedding than your own wedding. How can I feel better? Are you so concerned about his wedding? He is a big kid, can't he handle it by himself? He still needs help from his parents for this kind of thing. "Let's bring my girlfriend over for a walk." Lu Chuyao said lightly, not agreeing with Ning Sheng's insistence on taking his son's side against him, and he also felt that he was not worthy of being an old father, which was very irritating.

Ning Sheng was confused: "Why are you angry with me because of your son? Is it necessary? Did I raise Lu Lin by myself?"

"Shengsheng, look." Lu Chuyao suddenly pointed out the window.

Ning Sheng looked over and saw nothing.

Then I felt my face being kissed.

It's Lu Chuyao's mouth.

She was speechless: "Why are you always like this? Huh??"

"Don't get into trouble with me over the brat thing. Now that they have met their parents, do we want to go out for a walk? It's been a long time since we went out on a date." Lu Chuyao asked.

Ning Sheng: "There are still guests, is it appropriate for us to leave like this? Lu Chuyao, can you be more mature? Why do I feel like you are not mature at all!"

"Be more careful with your words. That little girl can no longer be an outsider. She has become a family member. If Lu Lin is fast, he can take her to get the certificate tomorrow, and then the two of them will become a legal couple, right?" Lu Chuyao looked at it. Ning Sheng's tone was very serious.

I agree with this daughter-in-law, she said it very casually.

It seemed that Lu Lin felt that even if he had a flash marriage, it would not be a big deal. Ning Sheng looked at him and raised her forehead. Lu Chuyao really wasn't worried about Lu Lin's marital status, and even thought it would be okay for Lu Lin to get married like this.

"Let's go. Now that you've said that, what else can I say? Let Lu Lin get along with Miss Duan just like this. Tell the housekeeper that it's fine even if they want to stay the night. We won't be back today. "Ning Sheng stood up, glanced at the small cake, and said, "Butler Lu, help me pack this cake away and make a small one for Miss Duan. She must maintain her weight and shape and cannot eat it. too much."

Lu Chuyao asked: "Don't you need to keep it?"

Ning Sheng asked back: "Do you want me to keep it?"

"You are already very beautiful as you are now. Besides, why do you keep in shape? Your figure has always been like this." Lu Chuyao looked at her and said seriously.

Ning Sheng: "For what you said, I have nothing to say to you. Let's go out."


The two of them just left.

There are two ridiculous parents.

After Lu Lin came back with Duan Zhizhi, he was gone.

"Where are my parents?" he asked Butler Lu.

Butler Lu had a kind face: "Master Yao and his wife went out. They said they wanted to go out for some fun. They were afraid that they would feel restrained in Miss Duan, so they went out for a walk. Master Lin, you can stay here tonight. I have already helped Miss Duan take care of the guest room."

"How can that be done?" Duan Zhizhi was embarrassed.

She didn't plan to stay for one night, she just came to meet her parents. Why did it suddenly develop like this? She still feels like she is living in a dream.

Butler Lu hesitated for a moment and asked uncertainly: "So you don't need to prepare a guest room. Do you two live together? Okay, it doesn't matter. I'll clean Master Lin's room."

Lu Lin smiled but said nothing.

Duan Zhizhi blushed.


Isn't this too blatant? ? ?

Especially Lu Lin, who seemed to take it for granted.

She was furious.

She twisted Lu Lin's waist, but she couldn't twist it at all. Instead, it made her hands hurt. She knew that Lu Lin had a good figure, but she didn't expect that the flesh on his waist was not soft at all. It seemed that everything underneath was Abs.

"Steward Lu, don't bother. She has other things to do in the evening. I plan to send her back. I'll prepare it next time I come over." Lu Lin reminded gently.

Butler Lu nodded sadly.

There will be a young lady soon.

He is someone who has watched Master Yao and Master Lin grow up. The characters of the two are very similar, but the criteria for choosing a mate seem to be different. The girls that Master Lin likes are naturally not bad in character. I hope that the two of them will You can be happy.

Duan Zhizhi said: "Goodbye, Butler Lu."

"Wait a minute, this is a small cake that Madam asked me to make for you. You are in this industry to maintain weight, so I specially ordered the kitchen to make a low-calorie cake. I hope you like it." Butler Lu handed it to Duan Zhizhi.

Duan Zhizhi thanked you and said politely: "Thank you very much. Thank you auntie for me too. It's so thoughtful. I will definitely taste it."

"I want to come and play together next time."

Lu Guanjia said.

Duan Zhizhi nodded.

After she got into Lu Lin's car, she asked the question she wanted to ask, "Do your parents not like me? Why did you leave first?" She looked at the cake and wondered if there was something wrong with her. Getting it wrong left both of them feeling unsatisfied.

"Don't think too much about it. The two of them probably want to avoid burdening you mentally. It's also possible that the two of them went out to have fun. Our family is very open to choosing a mate, and your performance will not dissatisfy them." Lu Lin Knowing what Duan Zhizhi was thinking, he persuaded him.

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