"If the inference is correct, that man is Lu Lin, and Lu Lin is not just the son of Lu Chuyao and the eldest daughter of the Gu family. He is also very capable. These are not levels that I can relate to." Second Uncle Duan I feel like I have a headache, it's a bit tricky, I offended such a person.

"What are you afraid of? Aren't you just a brat who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth? He actually asked people to kick us out today. Next time we..." Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Uncle Duan.

"Can you stop being so stupid?! Do you know who Lu Lin is? Do you know what the surname Lu means in the capital? Don't say such mindless words next time and offend people!!!" Uncle Duan hated Tie Chengcheng. Gang, my wife is defeated by this mouth, she can't even speak well.

"I'm just so angry." Aunt Duan said.

"Can't you be angry?" Uncle Duan said in a irritable tone: "You should restrain yourself, how much loss will we suffer just because you are angry with your words! If Lu Lin really wants to attack us, he should also know the strength behind us, no What will happen? It’s better for us to keep to ourselves these days.”

"Dad, you can't do anything to Lu Lin, but you can't do anything to Duan Zhizhi, right? He can stand up for the girl he loves and tell us to get out. If he does this to us, then we can also take some action, right?" Duan Zhiwei looked at her phone and thought for a moment.

Having done this kind of thing against Duan Zhizhi so many times, she has already become familiar with it. Now she only needs to think about how to maximize the influence of this matter.

"What do you want to do?" Uncle Duan asked.

Compared to his mindless wife, his daughter seems to be a little smarter. He needs to ask about the specific situation to see if it can be done. If it can't be done, then don't do it. Otherwise, if something happens to the Lu family later Come to the door, are they not powerful enough to ignore everything?

"Dad, don't worry. I am sensible and will not have a bad impact on our family. Lu Lin can have people drive us away. Can he stop the trolls on the Internet?" Duan Zhi With a slight sneer, she didn't believe it. Duan Zhizhi Meng had always had such smooth sailing, and there were noble people helping her at all times.

In this life, she would not be willing to destroy Duan Zhizhi!

"Are you not happy?" Duan Zhizhi asked.

Lu Lin asked, "How can you tell that I'm unhappy?"

"It just feels like you're a little unhappy. Don't be unhappy because of unworthy people. That's all in the past. You know what? I actually like this restaurant. It's not just that the manager just licked the dog. The main reason is that the food here is... It’s really good.” Duan Zhizhi tried a little bit of all the dishes and was very satisfied with every dish.

"This restaurant is my uncle's favorite restaurant, and he usually orders takeout from this restaurant. I think it tastes good." Lu Lin doesn't have any feelings about what he eats, and he doesn't pay much attention to it, as long as it's edible. Okay, just fill your stomach.

"This restaurant has criticized Duan Zhiwei and the others. Is it okay? I always feel that with Duan Zhiwei's urinary personality, she will sell poorly on Weibo and attract people to sympathize with her. I am very aware of her methods. Netizens treat me like a fool and it’s so disgusting,” Duan Zhizhi said.

Lu Lin: "Is your latest mantra disgusting?"

Duan Zhizhi: "???"


My dear boyfriend, is your focus misplaced? !

What's going on? !

"Don't worry, they only have these few means, they can do whatever they want, but you also know that there are some things that will backfire. The more you use them now, the moment the so-called truth is revealed, It will definitely come back to them." Lu Lin sneered: "I didn't expect that your childhood sweetheart had a lot of nonsense."

"Huh? You mean Wei Shu? He should know what happened before my father died, right? It's just that in this situation, I'm really embarrassed to ask anything. Let's just leave it at that. I'd rather investigate it myself than ask him." Duan Zhizhi thought of Wei Shu's face and frowned for no reason.

Wei Shu...

It seems that I have never understood my true self.

The most outrageous thing is that he has no idea what he has experienced and why he is like this, and he keeps saying that he must be kind. Every time when Wei Shu says this, she wants to laugh out loud. Kindness ? ? ?

Kindness is like Duan Zhiwei's gentleness, looking like a little white flower in front of him? They had known each other for so many years, and they had even played together since childhood, but she didn't know that Wei Shu was actually a blind bitch.

"Seeing you dislike him so much makes me relieved."

Lu Lin nodded, very satisfied.

Duan Zhizhi: "Are you relieved now?"

"Shouldn't I be relieved about this?" Lu Lin smiled: "You also know that the term childhood sweetheart is very vague. It may be that you like me and I like you during the ambiguous period. If you really want to say something, I feel that the man has feelings for you, but you are too defensive about him, which is why you are separated. The most important thing is that your cousin is like the vicious female supporting character in the TV series. He was given eye drops by his side, causing him to go completely blind."

I can't see Duan Zhizhi's shining point.

Duan Zhizhi nodded.

I think what he said is right.

Lu Lin asked: "Did you nod just now?"

"Yes, I think you are right. Wei Shu is indeed a blind man. Why are we discussing him? Teacher Lu Lin, are you going to teach me a lesson while we eat?" she asked.

"Teaching, go home."

After dinner, the two left the restaurant.

The manager sent the two away very earnestly, and even asked someone to prepare a membership gift package for Duan Zhizhi, and put Duan Zhizhi's name on the list of supreme members. A series of operations went smoothly.

Soon after, he became the agent of this restaurant, and his annual salary increased directly by one million. Of course, this is a later story. Speaking of licking dogs, you have to lick the benefits of people.

"Going back to your home or my home?"

Duan Zhizhi asked in the car.

Lu Lin thought: "I thought that with our current relationship, your home is my home, but I didn't expect you to divide it so clearly?"

Duan Zhizhi nodded: "Of course we have to divide it more clearly. Now these are all pre-marital assets. Although I know you are rich, I don't mean to take advantage of you at all."

Lu Lin nodded: "Miss Duan is so cute, it's okay for you to take advantage of me. I will accept it no matter how convenient it is."

Duan Zhizhi? ? ? ?

Why do I feel that this is a coquettish word? ? ?

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