My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1684 Physical Differences between Men and Women

The next day, Duan Zhizhi did not receive Xiaomei's call.

When Xiaomei arrived at Duan Zhizhi's residence, she saw that Duan Zhizhi had not woken up yet, and her face was outrageous. She asked: "Did you play games all night last night? Or did you go out to steal a chicken? What happened? I thought you didn't want to answer my call when you didn't answer it? I didn't expect you to be still sleeping? Do you know that you have a photo shoot today??"

Since Duan Zhizhi got married, Liu felt like a wild horse that had broken free from its reins and could not be stopped. Moreover, she was about to collapse because of a trick that would piss off her agent every day. She didn't quite understand what Duan Zhizhi was thinking. Did she not want to work in the entertainment industry? ? ?

But if she said she didn't want to work, it wasn't the case.

When she was working, she was still a dedicated person, but when facing her agent, she had all kinds of problems. She even felt that she had done her best as an agent. Should she talk about this topic sometime? ? ?

"Sorry, Xiaomei, I was too sleepy last night."

Duan Zhizhi struggled to get up from the bed.

"I feel like I can't just enter your room anymore? After all, Young Master Lin might come over to sleep with you." Xiao Mei suddenly thought about this question and saw the strawberry mark on Duan Zhizhi's neck.

Next time...

Should I discuss this with Lu Lin?

Don't leave it alone about the mark.

After all, Duan Zhizhi is a public figure. If she is photographed, it's not good. It's not good to be seen by others. It's also to find something for the makeup artist to do.

"Which night are you not sleepy? I feel like you haven't slept well since you got married. Don't you feel that?" Xiao Mei said, "Get up and wash up quickly. I'll heat up the breakfast and wait for you to get up."

"Okay, thank you Sister Xiao Mei."

Duan Zhizhi got up and started washing up.

Seeing the strawberry mark on her body, she shook her head.

Lu Lin...

How can you be so energetic? ?

She still can't figure it out.

The difference between boys and girls is here, right?

They hardly slept last night, but after Lu Lin gave her a good morning kiss this morning, he went to work. She slept so much that she didn't know what year or month it was, and she didn't receive Xiaomei's call.

"I don't know if I should skip dinner this morning."

Duan Zhizhi said.

Xiaomei was speechless: "Please check the time, beautiful girl. It's not morning now, it's noon. You're not eating breakfast, it's lunch. Are you still not sober?"

Duan Zhizhi: "..."

She couldn't say a word after being scolded.

Is this okay? ? ?

"I restrained myself. I didn't drink. Can you please not treat me like this? I didn't receive your call because my husband muted my phone. I really didn't mean to ignore your call. Forgive me. If you are not satisfied and really want to find someone to quarrel with, then find my husband." Duan Zhizhi looked at the vegetarian salad on the table with a flattering and casual smile on her face.

Although she didn't make up and was dishevelled, she still looked good. Some people have beautiful bones, so they look good no matter what.

"I'm going to have a fight with your husband? I found that you have become a naive person after marriage, right? Ms. Duan, please wake up. You are a woman who wants to pursue a career. Can you not always look like a sweet little woman who is in pure love? Don't write your romance, it's time to work hard on the struggle of the heroine, right?" Xiaomei opened her lunch box, which contained xiaolongbao and siu mai. Compared with Duan Zhizhi's vegetarian dishes, they were simply too fragrant.

"Can't the heroine fall in love?"

Xiaomei: "..."

She lost.

The things on the Internet are still making a lot of noise.

The Duan family is trying to suppress the posts, but it's useless.

In the end, the Duan family had no choice.

They used the most disgusting trick to pull Duan Zhizhi out. They shifted the battlefield to Duan Zhizhi and Duan Zhiwei. In this case, it is the most normal thing, and this is also a topic that the public has long been tired of.

Everyone hates Duan Zhizhi and likes Duan Zhiwei.

Originally. The people of the Duan family and Duan Zhiwei also thought so.


This time it is not the case.

They made a mistake.

[Ugh? How did this involve Duan Zhizhi? I remember it was about Duan Zhizhi and Duan Zhiwei before, right? Every time they put down the high and praise the low, Duan Zhizhi is always the one who gets scolded. Do you want to drag him out and put him down again this time? Instead of buying this kind of hot search for herself, Duan Zhiwei should think about how to solve her own situation, and stop dragging innocent people down. This time everyone is not stupid, and everyone knows who is trash. ]

[Everyone knows who is trash. ]

[I saw a super fucking funny one here, saying that Duan Zhiwei helped poor children and went to a very remote and poor place, but she was surrounded by a lot of bodyguards, it felt like she was inspecting in the past, it didn't play any role at all, and it also delayed people's normal life, it was outrageous and speechless. She acted like a superstar in the universe, and had to be compared with Duan Zhizhi. Duan Zhizhi has never done this, right? 】

【By the way, Duan Zhizhi is almost always bare-faced when doing charity work, and she wears very simple clothes, not glamorous at all. When the two videos are compared, the difference is immediately apparent. 】

【Take a look at the charity donations made by Duan Zhizhi and Duan Zhiwei. 】

Duan Zhizhi donated a lot, and sometimes donated in the name of fans. As for Duan Zhiwei, she donated a few times and made a big fuss to let the whole world know.

Originally, no one thought of comparison.

Duan Zhiwei wanted to whitewash herself so much that she compared herself with others. As a result, she found that she was the worst one. She was useless and the most unpresentable one.

Even many fans quit.

Duan Zhizhi's popularity has improved a lot.

Even a reporter asked Duan Zhizhi if she had any ideas. Just when everyone thought Duan Zhizhi would complain and talk about her efforts in charity for so many years, she didn't mention this point at all. Instead, she asked not to bring this kind of hot search about her to the stage.

After all, charity is all voluntary.

It's not something worth showing off.

"If you feel you have money and love, you can do charity. If you feel that your life is very difficult, there is no need to force yourself to do such things. This is a very satisfying and happy thing, and I don't want it to become a kind of moral kidnapping in the end."

This is Duan Zhizhi's original words.

This sentence immediately attracted fans.

Netizens are praising.

[Oh my god, why didn't I realize that she has such a big vision before? A certain lady Duan next door wants the whole world to know that she donated money, but this real charity did not say a word. 】

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