My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1689 No such person (1/2)

Lu Zhou smiled: "Sister, at this time, I don't know whether to say you are close to each other or carefree. If a person is not even worth being used by the other party, what is the meaning of his life?"

Although he himself is also unhappy with this behavior.

Mu Mi: "So you think it is a very good thing to be entangled by them like a vampire, right? This can highlight your excellence, right? Brother, don't think so hard, okay?"

"Are you welcoming me or sending me off today?"

Lu Zhou was helpless.

Why is it that every time the topic related to him is about visiting graves? He even suspected that he had offended God, or offended his group of childhood friends. Otherwise, why are things that happen to him so outrageous every time?

It feels like anything can happen to him.

Tong Song said: "Flies will not bite seamless eggs."

Ning Sui was even more ruthless: "The eyes of maggots are full of shit!"

Lu Zhou: "..."

Although it's too much to say so.

In the end, this party was in vain.

The main reason is that Lu Zhou's crimes are too numerous to list. What's even more outrageous is that Lu Zhou said he is not in this circle, and he has semi-retired from the entertainment industry. He even handed over his company to others. But many female stars still have their eyes on him. And they are the type who will not let go once they are provoked.

"I will give you an explanation for this matter, and I will also give myself an explanation." Lu Zhou originally wanted to get together with his brothers and sisters and pursue Tong Song by the way. Unexpectedly, because of these messy things, he started to enter the entertainment industry again.

He used to be a romantic and suave playboy.

Why does he feel a bit like an Avenger when he entered the entertainment industry this time?

Morning Light Entertainment

"Have you heard? Mr. Zhou is back."

"He's back, what's the big deal? Mr. Zhou never cares about us, his subordinates. His greatest pleasure every day is to play with beautiful women. He only remembers that he has work from time to time. We are used to these things, aren't we?"

"But I feel that he seems to be quite serious about coming back this time. And he asked his assistant to compile a list of his former rumored girlfriends. He even asked his assistant to compile a list of those who once clung to him and wanted to rely on him to get close to him. I don't know what he wants these for."

"Could it be that he plans to inherit the family business and thinks that as a prince, he can finally become the emperor. He wants to work hard and have a harem with three thousand beauties? I have to say that some people are really bold."

"I don't know what it is specifically. But Mr. Zhou's return this time is definitely not a simple matter. Besides, he has never been so enthusiastic about work. This time he actually took the initiative to work in the company, and he is so concerned. What does it mean? Something big must have happened."


The staff's guesses were very outrageous.

Xiaomei also found it incredible.

"Has Lu Zhou gone completely crazy this time? I heard that he compiled a list. It's his ex-girlfriend, and some of his female companions who had scandals. There are also female celebrities who want to rely on him to get ahead. Whether they are famous or not, he has recorded them on a list and plans to invite them to a banquet. The point is not this, the point is, why is he doing this?" Xiaomei stroked her chin and thought, not quite understanding why Lu Zhou did this.

This behavior of letting a big star and an unknown person together is not something that Lu Zhou can do, but thinking back to his state in the meeting just now, it seems to be true.

"Do you care so much about the boss's mentality? Then why don't you care about my mentality?" Duan Zhizhi felt it was outrageous when she saw her take out Conan's judgment. Why didn't he care so much about her affairs before?

"If you don't pay attention to the boss's affairs, then what should you pay attention to? Sister Zhizhi, I want to pay attention to your affairs too! But you have been doing well recently, and there is nothing to take care of, okay?" Xiaomei felt that Duan Zhizhi was making trouble or deliberately hiding something.

Duan Zhizhi said: "Lu Zhou may want to turn over a new leaf and make a new life. He has retired from the entertainment industry, but he still met so many female stars who want to be with him. This is not a good thing, so Lu Zhou wants to change himself and change the minds of these female stars by the way."

Xiaomei thought: "I think what you said may be correct, but Mr. Zhou gives people a different feeling. Is he still a playboy who plays with the world? When will he grow up? Could it be that he has someone he likes?"

Duan Zhizhi immediately raised his eyes.

Xiaomei... When did you become so perceptive?

"Am I right?" Xiaomei said.

Duan Zhizhi nodded dully.

"Although I'm not sure, I can guarantee that what you said may be right. Because Lu Zhou has been thinking about pursuing someone recently, the reason why he made such a big fuss may be to solve his own worries." Duan Zhizhi didn't know what Lu Zhou was going to do, this was just a guess.

"Manly." Xiaomei praised.

Duan Zhizhi: "What's so manly about this?"

"You don't understand. He has thought about pursuing other girls and is ready to break up with the people he has been entangled with. This shows one thing. He plans to turn around. Such a man is not good enough. "Xiaomei spread her hands.

The prodigal son can't exchange for gold! !

Duan Zhizhi: "..."

If Xiaomei had seen Lu Zhou messing around with Emperor Lu, would she have said this? She was thinking about this serious issue.

Lu Zhou has gathered many female stars.

Those who didn’t know thought that the entertainment industry was going to hold some kind of huge talent show. There were big A-list stars, some transparent ones, and even some Internet celebrities who hadn’t debuted yet. Anyway, all kinds of people had already gathered.

Lu Zhou sat in the office and asked, "This is the final result that will be reported to me, right? Is it the best? Are you sure?"

The assistant spoke rigorously: "This is the final result after layers of screening. Mr. Zhou, although I don't know what you want to do, I have made this plan strictly in accordance with your requirements, so there will be no mistakes." ”

Lu Zhou didn't even raise his head: "Well done, go to the Human Resources Department to collect your salary."



What did he do wrong?

Lu Zhou plans to fire him? ? ?

"I have no intention of firing you. I just hope that the human resources department will double your salary this month. After all, because of my affairs, you will have a little extra work this month." Lu Zhou didn't even look up. Said: "If there is no problem, please choose a hotel for me, a banquet hall that can accommodate this group of people. I have to do a very important thing."

"Okay, we must complete the task."

The assistant spoke.

Compared to when I spoke just now, it was obvious that I was much happier.

After saying that, he rolled out.

What a joy this is!

Double salary! ! !

I didn't expect that the big boss would be so happy when he came back.


Let so many beauties have sex together? He couldn't imagine the thoughts and happiness of the big boss. But that scene must be quite exciting. When the time comes, he can follow the big boss and see the world.

Friday, Sunshine Courtyard.

Banquet Hall.

Lu Zhou dated a bunch of beauties. People in the entertainment industry thought this guy was crazy. What's the situation now? He actually dared to do such a thing blatantly. Aren't you afraid that your superiors will blame you? The point is that he did this matter openly, and there are many celebrities who are willing to support him.

There is a saying that many people envy his popularity with women.

"Is this Lu Zhou's game? I originally thought that he was dating people from the upper class. In other words, it should be a very decent banquet. I didn't expect that there were some little-known celebrities. How did he invite this kind of little internet celebrity?”

A certain A-list female star was complaining.

She felt that she had fallen into disrepute.

"Who knows?"

"I'd better leave first. Such an occasion will only lower my class. I'm just humiliating myself here." The first-line female star said. Her commercial value is measured in tens of millions. If the investees knew that they had attended such a low-profile banquet with unknown people, then her business value would be greatly reduced.

"It depends on whether sister is willing to give it a try." Someone said from the side: "If sister is willing to stay, maybe she can win Lu Zhou's heart. If sister just leaves, Lu Zhou will definitely It’s hard to explain. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, you can only choose one.”

The A-list female star thought for a moment.

Lu Zhou and investors...

Lu Zhou, to be honest, is a very capable person, and very powerful. Even Lu Zhou's family background is enviable. There seems to be nothing in this world that he cannot do. But I have climbed up from the bottom step by step, and there is no way I would give up on myself for him. And she wasn't the only one coming today, there were other people as well.

So she couldn't take the chance.

"Please tell Mr. Zhou that I have other things to do. I have already been to the banquet today. It is to give him face, and I will not participate in the rest." The first-line female star was about to leave after saying this.

"Mr. Zhou said that before he appears, all the people who are leaving will have nothing to do with him from now on. You can't say you know him after you go out, let alone make connections with him through friendship with him. If you are caught by him You know, you will be responsible for the consequences," the staff at the scene said sternly.

The staff doesn't care how famous the person is.

The only thing he cares about is Lu Zhou.

Because before, Lu Zhou's assistant told them to follow what was told without any worries. After this matter is over, everyone will have three times their salary. Everyone is working hard for money. So they performed their duties seriously.

The A-list female star sneered: "Do you know who I am? How dare you say such things to me? Even if Lu Zhou was in front of me, he would not talk to me like this."

The staff remained indifferent: "I'm sorry, maybe you and Mr. Zhou have a very close personal relationship. But the work we did today was just to perform our duties, and we don't have any intention of offending you. If you have any If you have any questions, you can contact Mr. Zhou directly, we won’t have any ideas from our side.”

The first-line female star was in a bad mood.

She wanted to contact Lu Zhou.

She wanted to contact him since she heard that Lu Zhou was back.

But she couldn't contact him.

She didn't know what Lu Zhou was doing. His mobile number couldn't be reached at all. She didn't know if he changed his mobile number or blocked her. Of course, she wouldn't spread such a shameful thing. She must have dignity to get to her current position.

"No matter what, I still have to leave."

After the first-line female star finished speaking, she left.

The staff had no intention of retaining her.

And, they said: "You, take care."

Mr. Zhou's assistant said that if you come here and are not satisfied with the situation on the scene, you can send them away at any time. For them, the more people sent away, the better. So they didn't feel unhappy, and even a little happy.

I don't quite understand what Mr. Zhou wants to do, the excitement is over.

Lu Zhou was three hours late.

In these three hours, a lot of things happened.

Many celebrities thought that Lu Zhou had invited people from the upper class to see the world, but they didn't expect that they were even more trashy than themselves. They were not good enough.

They even had to attend the banquet with this group of people, and Lu Zhou himself was not there. Those female celebrities who had a little backbone had already left. The rest were those who wanted to get a piece of the pie or get benefits from Lu Zhou. Even if they were very unhappy with the people around them, they tried hard to smile and pretend to socialize.

They looked like good sisters.

There were more than 50 people originally, but when Lu Zhou arrived, there were only more than 20 left, many of whom were small stars. Lu Zhou looked at the women below, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether they came for him or for the so-called fame and fortune.

"Sorry, everyone, I kept you waiting." Lu Zhou smiled. "I invited you all here today for a very small matter. If anyone can't wait for me to talk about this matter, you can leave first. Those who are busy with official business can also leave first. But I want to make it clear that after you leave, you will have no relationship with me, Lu Zhou, and you must pretend not to know me when you meet in the future. Don't use my name to make friends with any resources."

The people below: "..."

"Also, what some ladies do is really too much. I have a very good group of childhood friends, and everyone should have heard of it. Everyone has a bottom line that they are unwilling to move. If anyone present here tries to get close to my childhood group or tries to provoke my childhood group, don't blame me for not being a gentleman. Although I won't hit women, I can still make everyone present here have no trace of this person in this circle."

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