"Don't try to flatter me."

At first, I admired and disliked him.

But he was wondering, he and Ning Sui could get along very naturally, why was it so awkward to get along with his children? Even Lu Zhou and himself are no longer friends on the list, and feel a bit like the most distant strangers.

"Master, this is not flattery, this is respect for you. And Ang, now that the operation has been completed, why doesn't Duan Zhizhi come to see her mother? Is it possible that you didn't communicate with her specifically?" Ning Sui asked.

After Yu Nan finished the operation, Duan Zhizhi was nowhere to be seen.

"I didn't tell her. What's the use of asking her to come here now when the situation stabilizes? Besides, that brat Lu Lin might still ask questions, so let's leave it at that for now."

Mu Xianchu said.

Ning Sui said: "Master, I don't know why, but I always feel that you have not been very happy recently. Did something happen? Lu Zhou has been found and he has returned to the capital. Mu Mi has also been very obedient recently. No trouble. What else are you unhappy about?"

She has followed Mu Xianchu since she was a child, and she can still see the subtle expressions on his face. Especially Mu Xianchu's recent state showed that he was a little absent-minded.

“I just feel like I’m getting older and it’s not a big deal.”

Mu Xianchu waved his hand.

Three days later, Duan Zhizhi and Lu Lin arrived at the Medical Research Institute. Mu Xianchu asked them to come over. Duan Zhizhi was very worried. Mu Xianchu didn't let her come over before, saying she needed to wait. She waited. She felt uncomfortable. When she heard the news that Mu Xianchu asked two people to come over today, she pushed all the announcements and came over.

"Are you nervous? Would you like a cup of coffee?"

Mu Xianchu asked.

Lu Lin had no choice but to say, "Uncle, let's talk about the main point. It's better not to deal with other frivolous things at this time. It's better to talk about the main point." Haven't you seen that my wife is extremely anxious?


"Ms. Yu Nan woke up this morning. I asked Ning Sui to examine her. The results just came out. I took a brief look and asked you to come over." Mu Xianchu took out the information and said.

"What's the result?" Duan Zhizhi asked anxiously.

"There is nothing wrong with the specific results. Your mother does not have any symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. But unfortunately, she has lost her memory. It may be because she was too sad before and forgot some things. It may also be other reasons. We still have specific symptoms. Checking." When Mu Xianchu said this, he was calm and calm. I said this from the professional perspective of a doctor, not the relatives of the two people in front of me.

"In other words, my mother woke up, but she forgot about me as her daughter, right?" Duan Zhizhi understood what Mu Xianchu meant, clenched his fists, and forced himself not to think too much, after all, her mother woke up Coming over is the happiest thing, other things are compared with waking up. Not worth mentioning.


Mu Xianchu nodded.

"Then can I go see her?" Duan Zhizhi asked.

Mu Xianchu nodded.

"I'll go see her."

Duan Zhizhi stood up immediately.

She even forgot that Lu Lin was still with her. She had long since lost the calmness she had just gained. She was in a hurry when she went out, and couldn't wait to see her mother.

"Uncle, why did you lose your memory? Are you like Duan Zhizhi, subconsciously wanting to forget the sad things in the past, so you threw away those memories?" Lu Lin asked.

Now, they are the only two people in the office.

Mu Xianchu shook his head: "I don't quite understand what's going on with Yu Nan's situation. Come to think of it, if Yu Nan saw her daughter, she might have other ideas? And Duan Zhizhi also lost his memory. If she sees such a mother, she may be able to relate to her more."

"Then I..."

"You don't have to do anything, just stay with me at this time." Mu Xian looked like Lu Lin at first and asked, "Besides this, I have something very important to ask you. You must answer honestly. I."

"You said it." Lu Lin said.

"Did Lu Zhou secretly fall in love with his mother behind my back?" Mu Xianchu asked. Why did he feel a little guilty when he asked this?

"Uncle, you are such a smart person, you shouldn't ask me about this matter, right? Can't you see it yourself? Besides, I'm too embarrassed to reveal it to you about Lu Zhou." Lu Lin said indifferently. Mingming doesn’t want to share gossip.

Mu Xianchu held up her forehead: "The child is older and has his own ideas. What can a father do? Besides, our father and son have always had a plastic affection. He didn't tell me about his emotional problems, and I was embarrassed to take the initiative. Go ask."

"So, you came to me to gossip, huh?"

he asked.

Mu Xianchu: "The main reason is that I think you might know. Of course, if you don't know, forget it. I'm just curious, but it would be pointless for me to investigate by myself. He is an adult now and probably doesn't like being investigated. ”

"He loves children's songs."

"Cough cough cough cough." Mu Xianchu was drinking water and almost vomited when he heard this sentence. What did he hear just now? ? ? ?

"Ang, you are not mistaken, it is that Tong Song. After all, it is not easy to have the same name and the same surname, and there are not many people named Tong in our country." Lu Lin said cheerfully: "Uncle, let me tell you Sorry, how are you feeling now?"

"It's okay." Mu Xianchu adjusted his mentality.


Has his son become so good? ?

"Won't you express your thoughts?"

Mu Xianchu said calmly: "Since he has fallen in love with someone, he should work hard to pursue her. Although this girl from the Song family is quite outstanding, if you think about it carefully, my son is not bad either. He can catch up with her."

Lu Lin: "..."

I have to say that Mu Xianchu was really confident in Lu Zhou.

However, he understood Lu Zhou.

At the door of the ward?

Duan Zhizhi hesitated at the door, but didn't know how to knock on the door and get in.

"Go in." Ning Sui said.

Duan Zhizhi said: "Maybe it's because I'm afraid of being close to home. I don't know how to greet my mother, and my mother has forgotten me now." She shed tears as she spoke, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised. Yes, this is a very morbid emotion.

Ning Sui said he could understand such emotions.

"Sister Zhi. Go in and take a look first, and then think about other things."

Duan Zhizhi nodded and walked in.

Yu Nan was alone in the ward.

She was sitting on the sofa, watering the flowers. The movements were elegant and calm. Seeing Yu Nan like this, Duan Zhizhi couldn't hold back the tears in her eyes. She had seen this scene when she was very young. Her mother handled the flowers, plants and trees at home very carefully. No gardener required.

"Who are you?" Yu Nan asked when she heard someone coming in.

"My name is Duan Zhizhi."

She took the initiative and walked over.

Yu Nan smiled: "Did you go to the wrong door? Or did you come to see me? Not long after I woke up, the doctor in charge here said that I had lost my memory. I also felt that I had lost my memory and couldn't remember anything. Are you Did you know me before?"

Her face is still delicate, and the years have not left any traces on her face. It has made her more elegant, and the temperament she has accumulated is more graceful. When she smiles, she still looks the same as Duan Zhizhi remembers.

Her relationship with her mother wasn't very good in the past.

Every time her mother smiles at her, she doesn't care.

This is how people are, only when they lose can they learn to cherish.

"Then you may really not remember some things. I am your daughter. You used to call me one, and every time you disliked me for not coming home from school in time and not being able to find anyone when eating. It's not good to have to ask the kitchen to heat up the food every time." Duan Zhizhi thought about the things that her mother had always talked about before, and she missed it so much.

Before, she had dismissed it.

Thinking about it now, I am so moved that I want to cry.

"My daughter?" Yu Nan put down the scissors in his hand, looked at Duan Zhizhi's face seriously, and said, "I have no impression at all. You are my daughter, but He's facial features are similar to mine. Like.”

"Because I was born by you. If I don't look like you, who do I look like?"

Duan Zhizhi smiled.

When she laughs. More similar to Yu Nan.

When Yu Nan saw her eyes were red and she was smiling softly, something in the deepest part of her heart stabbed her so hard that she couldn't breathe. It was a dull pain, but she felt extremely satisfied. It's hard to describe. This feeling, in short, she was very kind to the girl in front of her.

"But, I'm sorry, I forgot."

Yu Nan subconsciously wanted to touch her face.

Duan Zhizhi smiled and said: "It's okay, it's better to forget. When I was a child, I was disobedient and ignorant, which always made you angry. Thinking about it now is a bad memory. It's okay if you don't remember. We will start again in the future. With more beautiful memories, I will honor you slowly."

Yu Nan is wooden.

"You don't seem to be a disobedient child. Am I really your mother? What about your father? Do I have other relatives? My mind went blank and I didn't know what else I could do. When I first woke up When I came here, it was actually empty. A person who has forgotten his memory and has no attachment in this world is very desperate." Yu Nan smiled: "To put it harshly, I don't know what my personality is now. People don’t know what they can do. It seems that when they wake up after a long sleep, they feel like a useless person.”

What a useless person...

How useless is it?

I'm so useless that I can't even remember everything that happened.

Especially a daughter who doesn’t remember her.

Her daughter was standing in front of her, but she didn't dare to recognize her.

Just because there is nothing in my mind.

"It's okay, I'll be with you from now on."

Duan Zhizhi said.

Mom, you used to protect me, give me advice, and make me a better version of myself. Now it’s my turn to protect you and make you the happiest mother. You don’t have to think about other things, just enjoy and be happy. Live every day well, this is the most important thing for a mother.

Duan Zhizhi took Yu Nan outside to bask in the sun.

"So your current profession is an actor, right? I have no memory of you. Do you like your current profession? And you are already married at a young age. Where is your marriage partner? He How is he doing to you? Have you ever had any conflicts with him? "Although Yu Nan has forgotten his memory and is not very familiar with Duan Zhizhi, he doesn't have anything to say to him. Bad words came out.

Duan Zhizhi answered one by one with a smile.

"His name is Lu Lin, and he is a very good person. I met him when I was in the most difficult time. We both just got married. He is very good to me and dotes on me. He came with me today. If If you don’t resist meeting a stranger, you can meet him.”

"It doesn't matter whether we meet or not. I am also a person with unclear self-awareness now. If I can remember everything, maybe I can help you open your eyes. But now... forget it, as long as you live happily." Yu Nan said.

She felt very close to Duan Zhizhi and felt that she was her daughter.

But, for Duan Zhizhi, as a mother, she has not cared about her daughter for many years and has not asked about her. How can I, as such, have the nerve to point fingers at my daughter's marriage partner? I am also embarrassed to say anything. As long as the two of them are happy, isn't that the best thing?

"Okay, then next time."


"Is there really no way to restore my mother's memory?"

She asked.

Lu Lin: "I am not very clear about this matter."

"Doctor Mu has not given a definite answer. I wonder if I have put too much pressure on Doctor Mu? After all, I am very grateful that my mother can wake up. But after waking up, I greedily want more. Is it not good for me to do this?" Duan Zhizhi asked Lu Lin, as if she really doubted whether she was a little too greedy.

Lu Lin was helpless: "You hope your mother will recover, how can it not be good? Isn't the doctor's duty to save people and cure diseases? Even if you don't take the initiative to talk to your uncle, he will find ways to do it. His medical ethics make him do so."



Duan Zhizhi no longer worried about this, she started to work seriously.

Taking time to accompany her mother is very fulfilling.

"Sister Zhizhi, the boss asked you to go to the office."

Duan Zhizhi asked: "Mr. Ji?"


She got up and planned to go to the office.

When she arrived at the office, she saw Ji Chen.

"What's wrong? Don't you recognize me after not seeing each other for too long?"

Ji Chen smiled.

Duan Zhizhi shook his head: "No."

"Sit down, I have heard that you and Lu Lin, that stinky boy, got married and got a marriage certificate. What's wrong with their people?? They are poaching people from my side one by one. Can't find a girlfriend, right?" Ji Chen complained.

Duan Zhizhi didn't quite understand what he meant.

Gu Yingdi was single for many years, and he found Tang Tang in Chenguang Entertainment to get rid of his singleness. As for Lu Lin, Ji Chen thought that this little guy Lu Lin might be a single dog for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect that he would find his other half in Chenguang Entertainment.

So the group of talented female stars he found were all to solve the marriage problems of the group of single dogs around him? When he thought about it, he was even more unhappy. He solved the single problems of so many people, but why was he still not single?

It was outrageous.

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