My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1704: Yeah, Brother Zhou is an idiot (1/2)

"How can I know what you are thinking? According to your idea, you should open your own firm. I feel a little sorry for letting you stay here." Tong Song knew Zheng Ye's ability. He was one of the best talents in China, and he was also very powerful even in the international arena.

Zheng Ye said: "Junior sister, we are all good friends. You are really being polite. In my opinion, the most important thing is the friendship we have together. Moreover, I just returned to China. Even if I really want to open my own firm, I also need enough connections. It is better to work in your firm. As long as you pay me, it's fine. I am not that picky."

Tong Song hesitated.

So, is it really planned to work with her in the end?

"Senior brother, if you really think it through, I can arrange an office for you so that you can have time to handle your own work and go to work at the same time. What do you think? Just don't delay you." Tong Song thought about it and only had this idea.

Zheng Ye said, "Why would I take your money to work for others? I don't have any job I used to do. If you have anything to do for me, I'll do it. Don't think it's inconvenient for me. I want to develop in China for a long time when I return this time."

"Really? That's good."

Tong Song smiled.

That's good.

"In the future, we can meet often. Brother, are you planning to develop your interpersonal relationships in China? In fact, the domestic market is not bad." Tong Song thought about when he just came back, it was indeed okay. Except for the Duan family who were not afraid of death to make trouble, no one else made trouble.

"Okay." Zheng Ye's smile deepened, and he said, "Junior sister, this is the best. You should know that I don't know anyone familiar with me in China, but you are the only one I know."

Tong Song doubted.

How is it possible? !

"I don't like socializing. Maybe I offended a lot of people because I was too aloof before, so now there are not many people working with me." Zheng Ye said that he was aloof, but the gentleness in his eyes was obvious.

People like this just don't want to go along with them.

"Brother, I think you are good this way. This world is turbid, and someone has to uphold justice. You are good and excellent. Don't feel too lonely. Excellent people are like this, not because they are lonely, but because their vision is higher than others. The most important sentence is, are you obedient? Wolves are always alone, and only weak lambs will go in groups." When Tong Song said this, her face was resolute. She admired Zheng Ye.

Only those who dare to carry their ideals can become the person they want to be. This is why she always thinks Zheng Ye is very charismatic. Because of Zheng Ye's charisma, she is willing to treat him as a senior and a senior who is willing to emulate him.

"Junior sister Tong, sometimes I really feel that you are my confidant. If it weren't for the fact that I feel that I am an old cow eating tender grass, I might really pursue you and let you be my girlfriend." Zheng Ye laughed and shook his head, with a bit of helplessness on his face.

It's not that he doesn't want to pursue Tong Song, but there is still a hurdle in his heart that he can't get over. Tong Song also knows that two people can be the closest to each other, but they can't take that step and have a closer relationship.

"Pursue me? Brother, don't you think about it? I'm a hard person to pursue, okay? Besides, can ordinary people pursue me?" Tong Song is used to being unrestrained in front of Zheng Ye. When he said this, Lu Zhou's face suddenly flashed in his mind. Lu Zhou's words...

Forget it.

Don't think about it.

What is Lu Zhou? Just a younger brother who has grown up together.

I must not be tempted.

If the two of them are together, it will really be sorry for Uncle Mu and Aunt Lu. Moreover, if Lu Zhou and she are in love, if something happens in the later stage, it will be a big problem. Maybe the two will become familiar strangers from then on, and the relationship between the two families will become disharmonious because of this so-called trivial matter.

She found that she was actually a worrywart.

Always worrying about this and that.

For her, it is best if this thing doesn't happen.

"Junior sister, do you have someone you like?" Zheng Ye asked.

Tong Song shook his head: "No, what's wrong?"

"It's time to fall in love. If you don't fall in love like this, you may forget the feeling of falling in love, and even forget the feeling of liking someone. I don't think this is good for you." Zheng Ye thought of his past relationship and always felt that if he could continue to fight for it, he might have the best result, but he missed it and might regret it for the rest of his life.

"Brother, don't tell me this. I'm not a child. Don't I know what I want in my heart? What's important to me is not falling in love, but achieving my own goals. Falling in love is sometimes there and sometimes not. How can I say it? Fate needs to collide and meet. If I want to fall in love with all my heart, then the person I meet may not be the one I like, right?" Tong Song's words are mature. She knows what she wants and has always known it. She doesn't need others to tell her or communicate with others.

"Okay, it's good that you can control your own life. Unlike me, I am now a useless person." Zheng Ye smiled bitterly. So, sometimes so-called love can really ruin a person and make him no longer like himself.

"Brother, it's useless to think too much, just be yourself." Tong Song comforted. She didn't know what he had experienced abroad, she only knew that he seemed to have given up everything in China and went abroad because of a girl, but that girl let him down, which made him lonely now, which was really unpleasant. However, feelings are a matter between two people, how can others explain it clearly? Only you know the taste. "I am just being myself now. When will I start working? Boss? I haven't found a house in Beijing yet." Zheng Ye asked. Tong Song said: "Lawyer Zheng is going to come to our firm, so of course I have to set an example as a boss. Let alone other things, I must find you a place to live, and I will also get your office ready. You will come to work in a week? How about it?" "Three days later, if it doesn't work, I can go to work tomorrow. You don't need to give me a special office. I'm not a great talent. I feel a little uncomfortable if you give me a special office." Zheng Ye is very casual and doesn't care about the so-called benefits. Some people are like this. Even if he was lost in the crowd, he could still be seen as unusual.

He said ordinary words, but he gave people a sense of stability.

Tong Song liked to be friends with such people. She had an inexplicable sense of solidity, just like she liked to play with Lu Lin. From childhood to adulthood, there was nothing that this boy couldn't do. The overly strong sense of oppression also gave people a feeling that Lu Lin was different from ordinary people.

"Brother, this is not a problem you should worry about. I said I can give it to you, so what you should worry about is how to help me make money, understand?" Tong Song said.

Zheng Ye nodded.


He should have to really repay Tong Song.


"What? You look like you're dying?" Lu Lin asked.

Lu Zhou said: "Brother, I'm heartbroken."

Lu Lin was puzzled and looked at Lu Zhou.

Lu Zhou said, "I just saw Tong Song having dinner with a man. I have never seen Tong Song like that before. She is passionate and sunny. She is beyond my reach. She may like that man, but I don't care. I am not worthy of being with her. I am heartbroken. Do you want to drink with me and comfort me?"

Lu Lin sat in front of him, looking at the pile of wine bottles in front of him. Although it was a bit ruthless to say this, he still spoke and said, "You should know one thing. You were secretly in love before, but now you are openly in love. When you pursued others, you haven't caught up yet, or it should be said that you haven't started pursuing yet, so it is wrong to say that you are heartbroken."

Lu Zhou: "???"

What do you mean? !

Does it mean that he is not even worthy of heartbreak?

"Then am I not worthy of heartbreak?" he asked.

Lu Lin: "What can you be heartbroken about? You haven't tried hard, and you haven't confirmed whether the two of them are really together. You are sad here. You were quite courageous when you went to the first district. Why are you like a waste now?"

The words are as disgusting as they can be.

Lu Zhou suddenly understood.


He hadn't confirmed it yet.

Then why was he heartbroken here? ?

What was there to be heartbroken about?

There was no need to be heartbroken, okay?

"Brother, I won't drink this wine, you drink it, I'm leaving first."

Lu Zhou picked up his coat and ran away.

Lu Lin looked at him and was speechless.

Why was he so unsuccessful?

If it were usual, he would definitely have to confront Lu Zhou, but today he was really in no mood. He came here today not only for Lu Zhou, but also for Wei Shu. He heard that Wei Shu had a contract here that he had been working hard for a long time, and he came here today just to see what was going on.

"Mr. Lin, we found the private room you asked me to find, and they are starting to serve the dishes now. Do you want to go over? We have arranged for you to prepare red wine." The waiter said, and arranged it at the beginning, asking him to wait for Lu Lin here.

Lu Lin said, "It's okay, wait for them to eat for a while, I think I'll disturb their good mood if I go over."


What are you going to do? !

Why did you disturb someone's good mood? ? !

"Help me prepare some midnight snacks, I'll take them back later." Lu Lin left the box after saying that, planning to go find Wei Shu later.

Here, Lu Zhou arrived at Tong Song's house.

He felt that he was crazy, with a bit of perverted potential.

Coming to someone else's house in the middle of the night would definitely make others think he was crazy. The worst thing was that Tong Song would definitely not be happy to see him now, especially when he looked like this. Forget it, just get out.

"Lu Zhou?"

He just turned around and heard someone calling his name.

He thought he was hallucinating.

After turning around, he realized that it wasn't him.

It was Tong Song.

There was also a man in a suit next to him.

He looked gentle, elegant, polite, and handsome.

He was shocked that there was such a phrase in his mind, which was actually used to describe a man, but this man really deserved such praise. He thought about it and said with a smile: "I was actually taking a walk in the middle of the night, and then I didn't realize it..."


He gave himself these two words in his mind.

There were only two words to describe his mood.

"Have you drunk?" Tong Song asked.

Lu Zhou nodded: "I drank a little bit, don't worry. I didn't drive, I took a taxi here, but I don't know what to do after I got here."

"I know your family has a villa here, but it should have been uninhabited for a long time, right? Why did you come here? Are you here to find me?" Tong Song asked.

Lu Zhou hesitated.

Yes and no.

I came to find you.

But after seeing that there was someone beside you, I didn't want to say it.

"Who is this?" Zheng Ye asked.

Tong Song said: "Let me introduce you, this is my younger brother who grew up with me, named Lu Zhou. Lu Zhou, this is my senior brother Zheng Ye, a colleague who will work with me later."

Lu Zhou thought.

Oh, so he is just a senior brother?

Wait, are we going to work together later?

Isn't that the feeling of being close to each other? ? ? ?

"I'll call a taxi for you, and you go home." Tong Song said.

Lu Zhou asked back: "What about him?"

"Senior brother has a car, he can drive back by himself."

Lu Zhou: "Then can I ask senior brother to take me back?"

Tong Song: "???"

Senior brother: "???"

Maybe he really has social compulsion, he can actually say such words? The key is that Lu Zhou said it too naturally, which shocked Tong Song and Zheng Ye.

"It's okay, then I'll take this person... um, go back." Zheng Ye smiled elegantly, then looked at Tong Song and said, "You should go back and rest, I'll take him home, and text you when I get back."

Tong Song glanced at Lu Zhou and said, "Will it bother you, senior brother? Otherwise, I'll take him back."

The main reason is that the two are not familiar with each other, and it's a bit embarrassing.

"No, there's nothing embarrassing about two men being together." After Zheng Ye finished talking to Tong Song, he motioned Lu Zhou to get in the car. Lu Zhou felt that he was not drunk, but now he was clearly like an idiot, it would be better if he was drunk.

Looking closely, this senior brother is indeed...

Well, not bad.

After getting in the car, he sat in the passenger seat.

Zheng Ye looked at him, not knowing whether he was really drunk or pretending to be drunk. He spoke in a gentle tone: "Fasten your seat belt first, this is very important."

Lu Zhou nodded: "Let's go home."

"Your home address."

"I forgot."

Zheng Ye: "..."

So, you are drunk, right? ?

"Then how can I take you home?" Zheng Ye asked.

"Do you like Tong Song?"

Lu Zhou suddenly spoke.

In the quiet night, his voice was hollow and cold.

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