My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1503: Looks like he has the potential to be a gigolo

Duan Zhizhi frowned.

Leng Jingjing immediately pushed Duan Zhizhi away and cursed: "What's the matter with you? Weiwei is just kind-hearted, what's your attitude? Do you look down on Weiwei so much? Don't think that you are still the eldest lady you once were, every time Who are you showing this arrogance to? If it weren’t for Weiwei’s parents, where would you be now?”

Duan Zhizhi raised his head sharply, his eyes red as if he wanted to kill someone.

She didn't speak and remained silent.

But those eyes seemed to drive Leng Jingjing away quickly.

Leng Jingjing took a step back and said, "Why are you looking at me like that?" She was really frightened by the look just now.

Wei Shu was also a little angry.

"Anyway, even if you are angry, you shouldn't take action against your sister. Weiwei has been worrying about your affairs, and Weiwei has been asking the public relations department to suppress the matter of being hacked on the Internet, but what's the matter with you? Every time You have rejected our kindness like this every time, and now you have hurt Weiwei. You know Weiwei’s hand is the one who plays the violin, and her violin is broken because of you. "

Although Wei Shu's tone was very calm and his words did not irritate Duan Zhizhi very much, it was this kind of soft knife that hurt people the most.

Leng Jingjing: "Apologise!"

Others also spoke: "Apologise."

"Duan Zhizhi, you are a public figure after all, why don't you apologize? You just pushed Weiwei, and Weiwei is all for you, but you act like this, it's really outrageous."

"That's right, Weiwei shouldn't care about you. He says good things about you every time, but the Internet knows what you are like. You have been blacklisted by the entire Internet, and only Weiwei speaks for you. It's really disrespectful that you still treat Weiwei like this. Know the heart of a good person.”


Duan Zhizhi didn't intend to communicate with them, there was no need.

It's her fault that Duan Zhiwei is outstanding every time.

She's used to it.

Ever since my parents left, I've gotten used to it.

When he was about to leave, Wei Shu grabbed his arm.

"In short, you must apologize to Weiwei today. If you don't apologize, I won't let you leave." His attitude was strong and serious.

In his heart, Duan Zhizhi also made a mistake.

"You think I did something wrong, don't you?"

Duan Zhizhi asked.

Wei Shu: "Don't you think you are at fault? It's just that you have let down Weiwei's good intentions. Now Weiwei is injured because of you and the violin is broken. Is it so difficult for you to say sorry? How can you behave with this temper in the future? A foothold in the entertainment industry?”

Duan Zhizhi said: "I paid for the violin. As for apologizing, it's impossible."

She also has her own self-esteem and does not allow it to be trampled on.

Wei Shu's eyes were filled with disappointment.

"Do you really think so?" Wei Shu asked.

Duan Zhizhi nodded.

"What a white-eyed wolf!"

"Yeah, Weiwei, don't be so nice to her."

Duan Zhiwei lay softly in Wei Shu's arms and said, "Don't embarrass my sister. It's just that I didn't stand firm. There's nothing wrong with the violin. I'll just fix it. If I can't fix it, let's talk about it. I'm just sorry." , I can’t let everyone attend the concert today, I’m sorry.”

She is so pitiful and ready to cry, which makes people's hearts move.

Lu Zhou Duan Zhizhi had already had enough of this kind of drama.

Wei Shu said disappointedly: "Zhizhi, you were not like this before. When did you become like this? It really disappoints me. It disappoints me so much."

"Disappointed?" Duan Zhizhi sneered: "It's really interesting."

"elder sister……"

"I'm really stupid to make irresponsible remarks to you here. I'll pay you for a new violin. You don't have to pretend to be pitiful. If you think it's not enough, go to the hospital and pretend to be sick. I'll pay your medical bills." Duan After Zhizhi said that, she left, feeling very unhappy, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Leng Jingjing suddenly stood in front of her and said, "Do you think you can leave today? Are you going to throw money at someone without apologizing? You are really interesting. I have never seen such a shameless person like you."

Leng Jingjing is famous for her foul language and vicious mouth.

Duan Zhizhi: "Get out of the way."

"What if I don't let you?"

Duan Zhizhi sneered: "Didn't you suffer enough last time?"

The last time the two of them were filming, Leng Jingjing thought of an excuse to vent her anger, but she didn't expect that Duan Zhizhi didn't let her succeed. Instead, he kicked her into the water. As a result, she, who can't swim, now has a mental state when she sees the water. shadow.

Leng Jingjing: "What do you have to be proud of? I will let you know today what the consequences will be if you pretend to be noble." As she spoke, she waved her hand over, with a contemptuous smile on her face, a typical looked down upon Duan Zhizhi.

"It's not easy to do anything, isn't it? Auntie?"

The slap was stopped.

Duan Zhizhi originally planned to stop it by herself, but she didn't expect someone faster. She also planned to kick Leng Jingjing. It seemed that it was not necessary. Someone stood up for her, right? She looked over and saw Lu Lin next to her with a calm tone, looking at Leng Jingjing.

The words she just said made Leng Jingjing feel bad.

"What did you say?"

"I'm talking about you, auntie." Lu Lin said, "Didn't you take what I said last time to heart? Your appearance is really refreshing. I suggest you not to scare passers-by."

Leng Jingjing glared angrily and couldn't say a word.

It was this man who almost made her vomit blood last time.

It's this man again today.

"Duan Zhizhi, you still dare to say this is not your little white face? He came to target me last time, and this time it's him again!" Leng Jingjing spitted out and sprayed Duan Zhizhi's face.

Duan Zhizhi looked at Lu Lin, she didn't know about this.

Lu Lin explained reasonably: "Last time I saw this auntie and didn't like her, so I went to talk to her. After all, I majored in ideological and political education in college, and I felt that I was qualified for this job. I didn't expect this auntie to have such a bad temper."

Lu Lin called her auntie all the time, and she almost fainted.

"Who are you?"

After being crazy about him, someone finally asked his name.

Duan Zhiwei was also stunned.

How could there be such a good-looking person?

Little white face?

What's going on? ! !

Leng Jingjing said: "Isn't he the gigolo that Duan Zhizhi keeps? Just look at his face and you'll know. The two of them must be here to have an affair."

Lu Lin nodded: "I think he has the potential to be a gigolo, but I want to ask you, why do you plan to do it? As a public figure, is this slap hitting Miss Duan's face, or Miss Leng Jingjing's future?"

"She just pushed Weiwei!"

"Really? There are surveillance cameras here, and they are very sophisticated. You can see if Miss Duan pushed anyone, and you can also see how the rest of you are verbally abusive." Lu Lin said: "If there is a so-called truth, it is not something you can explain in a few words."

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