My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1516 Temporary: Decathlon Champion.

"It can be seen that you have little confidence in your son."

Ning Mu teased.

"Lu Lin has never encountered any big setbacks. For him, any setbacks he can encounter are also good choices. Especially emotional injuries. I quite like making him hurt. Children have never been wronged when they were young. When they grow up, It's not bad to be wronged," Ning Sheng said calmly.

"I thought you were just herding children, but now what's going on with you? You're not raising children at all, you're just letting them become useless." Ning Mu smiled: "Sister, Lu Lin is very good. He just hasn’t met a girl he likes. If he does, she might be my next brother-in-law.”

"I'm really looking forward to having such a girl who can make our family Lu Lin surrender. Everything is too easy for him now, so he feels like he doesn't cherish anything." Ning Sheng asked by the way: "Are you busy recently? If I have time, I’ll bring the kids over for dinner. I haven’t cooked for a long time, so I plan to treat you to dinner.”

Ning Mu: "It probably won't be possible recently. Ning Sui went to M State for an internship. This little girl didn't even know to call home when she went out. She also didn't know that I, as a father, still miss her a lot."

"Then why don't you bring Ning Nian here."

Ning Mu said indifferently: "He and I have nothing to talk about."

Ning Sheng: "..."

Why, in their entire big family, are boys so unpopular? What did the boy do wrong? So disliked? ! !

"It depends on when you are free."


Lu Lin lives in an apartment in the city center.

As a top hacker who inherited Lu Cheng and Ning Mu, he actually didn't have any ideas now. He just looked at the Weibo management group, various QQ groups, and finally various WeChat groups.

Did you hit the rankings today?

Have you signed in today?

Did you support me today?

Are there any new people here today?

He felt that if he continued like this, he would integrate into this big family.

WeChat management group——

Managing Stars: Do it! ! !

Temporary: Huh?

Management Fanxing: You are here temporarily, where are the others?

Temporary: At this point, I guess I am.

Management Fanxing: Let me tell you this, our current situation is very bad, you know? It was the previous voting award. Our opponents were really too much. Before, we evened the score casually. We were also higher than them, and the number of votes was very stable. However, they don’t know what happened recently, and they don’t know how to use it. By what means, we were directly crushed!

Temporary: Which one? Let me see.

Managing Stars: What do you think? ?

Temporary: Who is our opponent?

Managing the stars; Su Xuexue next door.

Lu Lin: I will research the voting software and tell you the details later.

Manage the stars:? ? ? ?

Although, I don’t know whether I should say something or not.

This temporary sentence is very reassuring!

In less than ten minutes, the news came.

Temporary: There is no problem with the voting software, but there is a bug in the programming. They may have used this bug to vote. Do we need this award? I might put us first if necessary.

Manage the stars:? ? ? Sister, tell the truth.


Temporary: Do I look like I’m joking?

Lu Lin looked at the chat history with the manager. He wondered if he had made a mistake or said something too straightforward. Should I be more tactful? But he is telling the truth! !

Managing Stars: No.

Temporary: You can’t cheat, right?

Manage the stars; yes, all votes and awards among us must be clean, and the votes among us are done with our heart. We don’t want to be tainted by data. I also have a pursuit of stars.

Temporary: In this case, I will fix the bug.

Manage the stars:? ? ?

Sister, what are you going to say? !

Temporary: No? !

Management Fanxing: I am really asking you out of curiosity. Could you please tell me, did you graduate in computer science? Or are you a computer science student? ! What you said makes me feel like you are a great fan. I feel like I have dug up a treasure, and I am also a fan of one of us, a hardcore fan.

Temporary: I, sort of.

Management Fanxing: OK, it would be better if that bug is fixed. I will discuss it with the management then, but the other managers are not here, so let’s discuss it between the two of us. Anyway, we can’t let him be wronged.

Temporary: ok.

He continued writing programs.

The voting software bug has been fixed.

Moreover, all the votes originally voted for Su Xuexue were cleared due to this loophole. At first, Duan Zhizhi had 32 million votes and Su Xuexue had 26 million, but then Su Xuexue jumped up and turned into 56 million. After Lu Lin's processing, It became 27.56 million.

Not much at all.

Ever since, fans from both families were angry.

Fighting each other,

Fanxing was stunned when he saw the vote count.

temporary? ? ? ?

What kind of boss is this sister? !

She used to think that everyone in the star-chasing world was too good to be judged, but seeing this temporary speed, she still wanted to say something to Rui Sibai, how could he be so good? !

Duan Zhizhi's fan club: A certain family is really shameless. It's fine if they just manipulated the data, but it's so obvious. When the platform cleared the votes, they said it was our problem. Are you blaming us? Is it our problem? We pressed our heads and asked you to cheat, and we reported it? When you said this, did you really think about it? It's really speechless. Your family and our family are of different status. We didn't bother to deal with them. But you rushed over.

Have you ever heard of a saying?

People of the same status are called fighting, and people of different status are called touching porcelain.

What status are you, fighting with us? !

Su Xuexue's fan club: Laughing to death? Don't you know what your status is in the entertainment industry? You've already been blacklisted by the whole network, and you're still talking to me about your status? Are you worthy? It's okay that their idols don't respect others in the entertainment industry, and their fans also don't respect passers-by and netizens in the entertainment industry. Such fans are simply cancer and disgusting.

The fans of the two families were really noisy.

Duan Zhizhi also saw it.

"Our kid was bullied?!" she asked.

Xiaomei said: "Do you think they were bullied when they stood up for you? Is Su Xuexue annoying? She seems to be mentally ill. She has always been trying to bully you. She is an 18th-tier nobody and thinks she is awesome, right? I really want to slap her in the face and let her learn to be a good person first."

She looked at the comments and was speechless.

"It's disgusting. You still say you can't comment without knowing the whole picture. What the hell, you still don't know the whole picture when it's like this? The person who said this is a brainless person. Do you think you are a righteous neutral? In fact, you are just a fence-sitter."

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