My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1534 Duan Zhizhi is injured

"It's not a big deal to have no internet, can you calm down?"

Mu Mi said.

It's better to have no internet.

He doesn't know what's happening in the outside world, which is more friendly to him.

Lu Zhou: "Little guy, don't mess with me."

Mu Mi groaned: "You are so old, and you still want to say you hate me. You are so interesting. I will tell my parents and uncles and aunts that you bully me, hum!"

Lu Zhou: "..."

What is the most helpless thing in this life? !

Probably being threatened by your own sister.

After sending Lu Zhou away, it seems that there is nothing else to do. Lu Lin returned to his apartment. His apartment is in the city center, and every inch of land is worth a lot of money. This place is one of the real estates given to him by the Gu family when he was born. He hates living with other people and hates the existence of partitions, so the bedroom, study and living room are all open, and the most outrageous thing is that the place where he lives has no kitchen.

At the beginning, someone asked, what should you do if you don't have a kitchen in this place! ? Lu Lin answered directly that he didn't like the smell of oil smoke. The huge room was open-plan, and the kitchen was in another place and had never been used. It must be said that Lu Lin's life was not something that ordinary people could understand.

Every time he returned home, he felt lonely.

However, Lu Lin enjoyed this loneliness.

He even felt that this loneliness was very happy for him.

Late at night, his cell phone suddenly rang.

"If you don't have something serious to say, then I advise you not to die too ugly." Lu Lin had a serious morning temper, especially when he called someone late at night, basically he was dead, no matter who it was.

"Mr. Lin? I'm sorry, my sister Zhizhi had an accident."

Xiaomei's anxious voice came.

At the moment, she couldn't care so much.

Lu Lin's voice just now made her feel like it came from hell, and it really scared her, but she had no way now. No one else could solve this problem at all, only Lu Lin.

"Speak." Lu Lin's voice was still low, but it was obvious that he was a little sober, no longer in the state of not recognizing his relatives just now.

"Sister Zhizhi fell from the second floor while filming, and there was no protection. She fell to the ground. I don't know what happened. We are now in Yong'an Hospital. It is said that the famous professor of neurosurgery is your elder. Can you..." Xiaomei didn't finish her words, and Lu Lin interrupted.

"I'll go right over."

The second floor is not high, but if there is no protection...

The consequences are unimaginable.

Before, a person who fell from the second floor suffered brain damage and lay directly in the ICU. It was fine if he became a vegetable, but he never woke up again. When he heard the news about Duan Zhizhi, Lu Lin felt that his heart was about to burst.

He rarely gets so flustered.

When he arrived at the hospital, he found that the door was full of reporters.

Because of Duan Zhizhi's injury, the normal work of the hospital was seriously affected. Even the security guards couldn't stop the reporters, and there were problems with the treatment of other patients. If this matter gets out, it is estimated that it will not be a trivial matter.

Yong'an Hospital is a private hospital with good security measures.


So many people are still a bit overwhelmed.

In addition to reporters and media, there were also fans, and the entrance was in a mess.

Lu Lin took a look and walked in.

The security guard at the entrance stopped him and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Lu Lin took out his work card and said in a light tone, "I'm here to work. Do you have any questions?"

The security guard looked at the work card and was stunned for a moment.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, it's too chaotic today, and we are helpless. In fact..." The security guard wanted to explain, but Lu Lin didn't want to hear too much, and said, "Be careful not to let complicated people slip in. Thank you for your hard work. This problem will be solved immediately."

"It's not hard!" The security guard said.

They almost cursed in their hearts.

What kind of thing is this? It was almost time to get off work, and suddenly such a job came. The Renzhe Cup, who was originally on vacation, was called here just for this group of reporters, media and various fans. They can't tell the family members of the patients now. Fortunately, the female star is in the VIP on the top floor, and ordinary people can't get in, otherwise there will be a real problem.

Lu Lin went to the top floor and found that there were still many reporters.

It is estimated that Yong'an Hospital will have a headache.

He went in and saw Xiaomei and other assistants, and asked, "What's the situation?"

"She's still inside. The doctor on duty said that it's better to ask Professor Mu Xianchu to come over, because Sister Zhizhi's condition is very serious. Mr. Zhou is Professor Mu's son. I can't contact Mr. Zhou at the moment, so I can only find you." Xiaomei was about to cry, her eyes were slightly red. No one knew what was going on inside, and every minute of delay was a minute of uncertainty.

Lu Lin glanced at the time, it was three o'clock in the morning.

If I call my uncle at this time...

Forget it.

He took out his mobile phone and started calling.

He gritted his teeth and waited for the call to be connected.

"Xiaolin? What's the matter?"

Lu Lin was surprised that he hadn't slept yet, and asked, "Uncle, please come to Yong'an Hospital quickly. There is a patient here who needs you. He is my friend. Thank you for your help."

"What's the situation? Send me the patient's specific status and I'll go there right away." Mu Xianchu spoke gently, without any anger.

From his tone, he seems to be in a good mood, right?

Lu Lin hung up the phone and asked, "Tell me the details." Then he looked at Xiaomei and said calmly, "Calm down. There are reporters outside who need you to comfort them. It's best not to bring out personal emotions at this time. Professionalism is the best way to save Duan Zhizhi."

Xiaomei nodded and told him the details.

After listening, Lu Lin frowned.

He called again.

"Aunt? Are you asleep?"

The other party said tiredly, "No, I'm on duty today."

"Can I trouble you to come to Yong'an Hospital?" Lu Lin asked.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to you? It's a ten-minute drive from here to Yong'an. I'll be there right away."

"Don't drive, take a taxi." Lu Lin said.


Xiaomei was dealing with things. She didn't know who Lu Lin called or what the call was about. She was now focused on how to solve this crisis with the public relations team.

Half an hour later, Mu Xianchu arrived at the hospital.

"Who's in trouble?" He was wearing a white shirt, still as handsome as ever, with no trace of time on him, but more mature and steady, with the charm of an uncle.

"My... friend," Lu Lin said.

Mu Xianchu glanced at him, his eyes understood, but he didn't say anything.

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