My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1556 Mu Mi: Little Princess Temperament

Xiao Mei came over and saw Duan Zhizhi blushing.

She asked, "Why are you blushing?"

Duan Zhizhi looked up and rolled his eyes at her.

This woman has no romantic interest at all.

This matter was dealt with before it fermented. After that, Lu Lin didn't know what method he used, and Duan Zhiwei didn't come out for a long time, busy trying to save his remaining problems and the few passers-by who were left.

A message came from the "Alive" group.

Mu Mi: [Playing games? ]

Ning Nian: [Playing five-person team, if you have time. ]

Song Hu: [Okay. ]

Mu Mi: [ @Sister-in-law, are you coming? If you come, you can just bring Brother Lin over to join us. Brother Lin is very good at playing games, as good as Brother Nian, no, a little better than Brother Nian, but he rarely plays games, so only you can invite him out. ]

Duan Zhizhi: [... But I'm not very good at games. ]

Song Hu: [I remember you are the spokesperson for Honor.]

Duan Zhizhi: [Have you ever seen me play games in public? Let's play together. Lu Lin is very good, right? I'll let him train me for a few days, and then play games with you, okay? ? ]

The last sentence sounded like a spoiled child.

Mu Mi: [It's okay. You play a game first, and we'll show you how to play. They are all very strong. Although I'm not strong, I still have the ability to be your commentator, right?]

Duan Zhizhi saw this message and thought that what she said seemed to be right?

Song Hu: [Actually, we can play a game. It's ridiculous that you can't play games as a spokesperson, and don't you have any public tournaments on your schedule? Our recent fun is playing games. Come in, we invite you.]

Duan Zhizhi had to agree.

By the way, she pulled Lu Lin.

She sent a message to Lu Lin: [Brother Lin, playing games.]

Lu Lin: [? ? ? ]

I've never heard that Duan Zhizhi likes to play games before?

What's going on today?

Duan Zhizhi: [Don't you read the group chat? Can you pay attention to the life in the small circle? Everyone is discussing games? We want to play games together, how come you don't know anything. ]

Lu Lin: [Sorry, I don't read the group chat very often. ]

Duan Zhizhi: [Are you busy now? Do you want to come over to play games? I heard that you are very cool at playing games, can you take me with you? Brother Lin? ]

Duan Zhizhi only called "Brother Lin" online, and she rarely called "Brother Lin" when they met in real life. The main reason was that she was afraid that Lu Lin's previous sentence "Be careful, I will do you a favor" sounded quite intimidating, so she kept stopping and starting.

Lu Lin: [When? Now? ]

Duan Zhizhi: [Yes, let's play a match. My level is different from yours, so I can only play a match, not a ranking match. Besides, I'm a novice at the game, and I'm likely to be a drag if I play a ranking match, so I don't dare to play games there.]

Lu Lin: [Don't worry, they're just as bad.]

Duan Zhizhi: [...]

Duan Zhizhi: [Say you're not comforted, okay?]

At first, Lu Lin didn't participate because he still had work to deal with. Only Song Hu, Ning Nian, Mu Mi, Duan Zhizhi and a person who was matched started playing games. Ning Nian played very well, but the others were just average.

Ning Nian played Zhuge Liang, and his operation was amazing.

Song Hu and Mu Mi were not so good.

As for Duan Zhizhi, she had never felt so useless. She used to feel that she had no talent for playing games, but today, it was confirmed again, and she was so bad that she wanted to cry.

Mu Mi: [Sister-in-law, what are you doing? Replenishing blood! ]

Song Hu: [How can you say that about others? Support, support, you have supported others to their graves. People who know you think you are a support, and people who don’t know you think you are there to read the Feng Shui of others’ graves. ]

Mu Mi: [Then were you active when you were playing in the jungle? I thought you were just looking at the scenery and brushing your steps in the canyon. Sister Hu, we are both noobs at the game, so let’s not hurt each other. ]

Song Hu: [Noobs, only noobs want to hurt each other, right? ]

Mu Mi: [You are not good at playing games. ]

Song Hu: [You can say that I have a low IQ, you can say that I am not good at playing the violin, but you can’t say that I am not good at playing games, it’s an insult to me, understand? ]

The two people quarreled while playing games.

Ning Nian weakly interjected: "It's a routine operation, don't be so formal."

In fact, when playing games, there will be all kinds of emotional ups and downs when encountering such a situation, especially those who are not good at playing games. It perfectly interprets what it means to be "a bad player with a strong addiction". They are obviously not good at playing, but they want to try their best. They don't look back even if they are beaten badly. They plan to cry and continue.

Over and over again.

It has always been like this, never stopping.

Duan Zhizhi: [I won't be so formal. In fact, I am also a bad player, but it may be that my badness is not obvious, so they haven't spread the war to my side. 】

In fact, that's not necessarily the case.

The reason why the war didn't spread to me may also be that they didn't think about it or didn't have time. At the end of the game, they won, all thanks to Ning Nian's efforts. Every time he played games, he felt that he could lead four people, and he could win because of his skills + the opponent's badness.

At the beginning of the second game, they were matched again.

Ning Nian was busy, so the three girls matched with two strangers to start the game. Then the game was very difficult. Mu Mi was a little hot-tempered. Seeing the messy positioning of her team, she got angry.

She was playing Xiao Qiao.

Xiao Qiao: [What are you playing, Zhuang Zhou? I sprinkled rice on the keyboard. The chicken's positioning is better than yours. Look behind you. No wonder you are playing Zhuang Zhou. I think it's better for you to live in a dream. ]

Zhuang Zhou: [How dare you say that to me? Are you from a breeding farm or graduated from a breeding major? The opponent was so fat because of you? Where did you come from, elementary school student, why play Honor? Go play 4399. Chicken]

Xiao Qiao: [Don't call me a chicken all the time. You are awesome. You can go to the sky. You can stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun. You can touch the blue sky. Then why did you match me? ]

Xiao Qiao: [How dare you say that to me? Don't tear down the defense tower and keep it as a scenic spot for taking photos? You didn't join the team when we were playing in the wild. Were you in the bushes to recuperate? Or were you taking a bath in the spring? ? ? ]

Mu Mi is rubbish at playing games, but she doesn't necessarily lose when she's swearing at people.

In the end, they lost.

It was horrible.

Mu Mi: [Thanks to this game and the people I met in this game, I've added a bit of anger to my dull life. So angry.]

Duan Zhizhi said weakly: [Baby, but you've always been mean to others.]

Mu Mi: [Do you think you're not tired of swearing at people?]

Really, a little princess with a temper.

I can't afford to offend her.

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