My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1563 I don’t want to say polite words

In less than three seconds, Lu Lin left.

"Ah, you..." Duan Zhizhi blushed.

It's always like this, when no one is paying attention.

"Lu Lin, can you tell me next time?" Say hello? It's always like this, her heart can't stand it, okay? The little deer fell to death.

Lu Lin glanced at her.

He asked seriously: "Excuse me, Miss Duan, can I kiss you?"

Bang bang bang——

It seemed that they could hear each other's heartbeats.

Duan Zhizhi didn't know whether she should nod or shake her head, and when she saw Lu Lin's handsome face getting closer and closer, she subconsciously closed her eyes and gave herself to Lu Lin wholeheartedly.


A few days later, Duan Zhizhi's mood was a little depressed.

"What's wrong with you?" Xiaomei asked.

Duan Zhizhi said: "My Linlin is not in the country recently."

After that day, Lu Lin told her that he was going to a place for two months and was very busy. There might be no internet. The confidentiality regulations did not allow her to tell her this "family member". She didn't even know where Lu Lin went or what Lu Lin did. It was as if this person disappeared out of thin air.

If there were no people chatting in the "alive" group every day.

She even thought that Lu Lin was a dream she had, which was ridiculous.

"Is there anything to be sad about? Lin Shao will come back, what are you afraid of? Besides, shouldn't you be working hard now? You still have the mind to fall in love?" Xiaomei, as a straight woman, has never found her position, and she criticized Duan Zhizhi for being a set of words when she was in love.

Duan Zhizhi raised his head: "Xiaomei, why don't you have a relationship? It's necessary. Only when you have a relationship will you know why I miss you. Otherwise, I always feel a sense of..."

"What kind of feeling?"

"A feeling that you can't stand talking without any pain in your waist."

Xiaomei asked back: "Do I have one? Isn't everything I do for you? The main reason is that you can't see Mr. Lin now, so I asked you to work hard to catch up with the progress. When Mr. Lin comes back, you two can go on a date, right? Am I wrong?"


Suddenly, I feel that what Xiaomei said seems to be right.

"In fact, I think what you said seems to be right." After hearing Xiaomei's analysis, Duan Zhizhi immediately opened up the pattern and started working hard, but she still missed Lu Lin very much.

She would send messages to Lu Lin every day, but every time she got no response. She didn't know what Lu Lin was doing, and she didn't know if Lu Lin's phone had no signal, otherwise why would he ignore his lovely girlfriend.


Her daily routine recently was to chat in the group and work hard, hoping to have a period of vacation to play with Lu Lin before Lu Lin came back. She is very dedicated during work hours. People used to say that her dedication was fake, but seeing how hard she works recently, no one can say anything.

Even a marketing account that used to dislike Duan Zhizhi said something human, saying that Duan Zhizhi is dedicated. This should be considered a pleasant surprise. Although her boyfriend is not around, working hard on her career is rewarding.

In the "Alive" group.

Ning Sui: [Sister Lin, you've been working very hard recently. ]

I don't know when everyone started calling her Sister Lin. I have to say it's pretty nice. Duan Zhizhi doesn't reject this title.

Mu Mi: [Yes, yes, yes, I saw it too. ]

Song Hu: [ @Mu Mi, playing with your phone in class, took a screenshot. ]

Mu Mi: [Ah Xi? ? Sister Hu Hu, what's wrong with you? Are you sent by my brother to catch me? It's my break time now, break time! ]

Song Hu: [Oh? Really? ]

Mu Mi: [Yes. 】

She also added a very serious emoticon at the end. How could it not be? She sent a message again, tagged Duan Zhizhi, and asked: [Sister Lin, do you think so? ? ]

Duan Zhizhi: [It should be the second class at this time, right? Are you free to do anything? Can you play with your phone? ? ]

Mu Mi: [……]

Ning Sui: [I just checked it. ]

Then she threw out Mu Mi's school schedule for everyone to see. Now it's exactly the time for class. What is public execution? This is public execution.

Mu Mi: [I'll live on another planet. ]

I don't know when it started. It seems that after her brother left, he became the group bully in this group, and his position is unshakable. She feels speechless.

Mu Mi: [Why do you bully me? Is it because I'm young? Let me tell you, if you continue to bully me, I will go and complain. ]

Ning Sui: [Who do you complain to? Dad and Mom? ]

Song Hu: [You were bullied, you? When? ]

Mu Mi: [I left, I bought a standing ticket overnight. ]

Duan Zhizhi suddenly laughed.

Every time I see them chatting, I feel very harmonious. They are about the same age and grew up together. Although they fight and quarrel, they give people a very warm feeling.

Song Hu: [Sister Lin, are you free recently? ]

Duan Zhizhi: [What's wrong? Is there anything? ]

Song Hu: [Something, we have an entertainment auction here, and we want you to come and participate. If you are free, I will give you a ticket. I think you should like this kind of occasion. ]

The main thing is that Lu Lin spoke.

During his absence, don't let his girlfriend get bored. You can call his girlfriend when you have something to do. If you do well, you will be rewarded.

If Lu Zhou said this, whoever loves him will do it.

But Lu Lin said it, and he must keep his word.

After all, it's really nice to make the famous Lin Shao owe you a favor. I feel comfortable just thinking about it.

Duan Zhizhi: [When exactly is it? I need to check my schedule. If I'm free, I can. I've been taking a lot of advertising activities recently. ]

Song Hu: [Are you free in three days? ]

Duan Zhizhi asked Xiaomei, who looked at her in shock and asked, "What do you have to do?"

"My friend asked me out."

Xiaomei was even more shocked: "When did you have a friend?"

"Why can't I have a friend? I tell you, if you keep on like this, I'll deduct your salary sooner or later. I'm asking you about my schedule in three days." Duan Zhizhi pretended to threaten her and looked at her.

Xiaomei answered seriously: "You are indeed free in three days, but where are you going? You need to tell me, because you have a red carpet in five days."

"I'm in Beijing, I'm not going anywhere, don't worry? Lu Lin's friend asked me to go to the auction, is that okay?" Duan Zhizhi said: "Sister Xiaomei, I can go after I report to you, right?"

"Go. Don't cause any scandal."

Duan Zhizhi: "It's a private auction, very confidential."

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