My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1570 My brother is a waste

"My brother is really a waste, a guy who has no help in my life. If he could catch you and let you be my sister-in-law, I might feel a little different about him, but he looks like a waste now , What a waste." Mu Mi was still a child, with a childish look on his face, and he was also very childish when he spoke.

"Why do you think your brother is useless?" Tong Song smiled: "He has accomplished a lot of things that you have not accomplished. It's because Lu Lin's halo is too big, so you can't see your brother's excellence. Well?"

Mu Mi stopped talking.

Duan Zhizhi also said: "Although Mr. Zhou seems unreliable, he is actually a person with a very strong sense of responsibility. You may not know it, but he is quite charming when he is working, otherwise he would not have so many people." confidante."

Ning Sui patted her on the shoulder and complained with a smile: "Zhizhi, there is really no need to say the last sentence. This kid Mu Mi hates her brother's warblings."

If Lu Zhou could "keep himself clean" as is said in the legend, he would not be so disliked by Mu Mi, let alone not want to recognize this brother. The most terrifying thing is that a woman once came to Mu Mi and said that she was her future brother. Sister-in-law, Mu Mi's feelings for Lu Zhou's brother hit rock bottom.

"Sister-in-law, do you know? Many of my brother's female friends have approached me, but when I looked at them, they were all a bunch of crooks. I didn't know how my brother fell in love with me, so I thought it was very outrageous and the most outrageous thing. That's not what happened. The most egregious thing is why he doesn't like Sister Nao Nao? How nice is Sister Nao Nao? "Mu Mi has always wondered why Lu Zhou doesn't work hard enough to be worthy of Sister Nao Nao.

If her brother works hard, he should be able to do it.

But her brother is useless.

"Forget it, you can say whatever you want,"

Tong Song spoke.

Duan Zhizhi looked at Mu Mi and asked: "Mi Mi, in fact, you rushed to your brother's rumored girlfriend by yourself, and he has never done any inappropriate behavior. In the entertainment industry, such a man is rare, and He just looks exaggerated, but he is actually a big boy who keeps his heart.”

Compared with other people in the entertainment industry, Lu Zhou is much better.

In this place like a big dye vat, he has been working hard to be himself. Even if he really needs to socialize, he will not push his own artists out. The tradition left by Chenguang Entertainment has also been inherited. This is why she is so The reason why he likes Chen Guang is because he trusts Lu Zhou as his boss wholeheartedly.

"You must have been raped by the workplace, right? How can I not know what my brother is like? Forget it, maybe I have too high demands on him. This cocktail party is not fun. Do you want a midnight snack? I Do you want to treat you to a midnight snack?" Mu Mi asked.

Duan Zhizhi shook his head: "I won't go. Being a female star is very hard. One tomato has the same calories as Li Quanzhe. I will definitely be swollen to death after eating a midnight snack. It is absolutely impossible to attend the announcement normally tomorrow. It is too difficult. ”

She was pitiful after she finished speaking.

This is the true portrayal of female celebrities.

"I'll ask the driver to take you back." Tong Song said.

Duan Zhizhi nodded: "I'm sorry to bother you, Sister Nao Nao."

"You are welcome."

After Duan Zhizhi left, Mu Mi said: "I feel that Sister Zhizhi is also having a hard time. She just fell in love and Brother Lin went out. What is this love affair called? But Sister Zhizhi gave people It feels very gentle.”

Song Hu nodded: "Yes, she is very gentle. She is a character that Lu Linhui likes. I feel that she is gentle yet strong. This kind of girl is the most protective."

"I heard that Brother Lin's first love was Zhizhi's sister, and he had liked Zhizhi's whole youth, but Zhizhi's sister didn't know. Everyone thinks that Lin Ge has not been in love for so many years, but in fact, Lin Ge has always had a love in his heart. My sister, and I have never forgotten it.”

Mu Mi whispered unknown gossip.

Song Hu asked: "You look like you have experienced the youth of these two people. I want to ask how you know? Can you still speak so vividly??"

Mu Mi spread her hands: "My brother told me, you should know that Lu Zhou will never hide anything from me. Although we, brother and sister, dislike each other, we share gossip-like information with each other."

Tong Song nodded: "You two are indeed a family."

Mu Mi immediately followed the good advice: "Thank you for your compliment. Sister Naonao, if you can join our family, we will be even happier. My brother is actually very good. Think about it. If he has a girlfriend in the future, I will also mess with him. So you consider my brother."

"..." Tong Song: "I don't know whether Lu Zhou is happy or unhappy to have you as his sister. You have cut off all his peach blossoms."

On the way back, Duan Zhizhi turned on her cell phone.

Lu Lin still didn't reply to the message.

After the two fell in love, Lu Lin seemed to disappear. He would only reply to messages once in a while, and it felt like he only took the time to reply. She still didn't know what Lu Lin's job was. He seemed to be a I am a homeless person, but when I get busy, I can’t find anyone.


Lu Lin is really a mysterious man.

Can't see through, can't guess.

"Xiaomei, please help me arrange my final work schedule. I don't have anything else to do recently." Duan Zhizhi sent a voice message to her little sister.

Since Lu Lin is not here, let's work hard on our career.

Xiaomei replied: "Zhizhi, you have been very busy recently. Don't always put too much pressure on yourself. The money you earn is enough to pay for your aunt's nursing home, and there is a special aunt to take care of her. Don't work too hard."

Duan Zhizhi sneered: "This is the first time I have seen such an agent assistant telling female artists not to work too hard. Speaking of my mother, I plan to go see her tomorrow."

In fact, because of her job, she can only visit her mother once a month and talk to her, but her mother has not shown any signs of waking up. The doctor said that this may be the case in this life. She can only wake up if a miracle happens.

"It's okay, I'll help you arrange it. Do you want me to go with you?" Xiaomei asked.

Duan Zhizhi refused: "No, I'll go alone this time. Have you prepared the things I asked you to give to the orphanage?"

"Everything is ready." Xiaomei said: "I've also sent it to the director, don't worry. People say you make a lot of money, but in fact you spend it all on charity and medical expenses, and you save all your money. Where can you find such a big star?"

"Big stars don't have to spend money."

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