My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1586: One person eats a plate of salt

Someone suddenly spoke.

Duan Zhizhi smiled: "What does this teacher mean?"

"We have been preparing for this drama for a long time. We chose you as the heroine at the beginning because your personality and special features are very suitable for the heroine of this drama. The most important thing is that the heroine of this drama is a stunning beauty. Your appearance and style are suitable. You can take a look at the script. I think you will like this role very much." The person who spoke just now continued to speak.

Duan Zhizhi knows this person.

He is a very famous screenwriter in the circle.

His works are very controversial, especially in terms of plagiarism, and his costumes and props are all garbage. The only thing that can make him popular is to attract attention and fit the public. There is nothing else and it is worthless. Such commercial TV series can satisfy the audience more, so his scripts are very popular and many investors are willing to support them.

Duan Zhizhi doesn't want to cooperate.

His name is Yu Ying.

Duan Zhizhi said: "Whether I can take a script or not, I have to discuss it with the company. I have also heard that Mr. Yu's scripts are famous for being excellent. If we can cooperate at that time, I hope Mr. Yu will not despise you."

Yu Ying said: "You are so excellent and very suitable for the heroine I wrote. How could I despise you? And now the investors have been confirmed, and you are the heroine."

"Have you found the investors?" Duan Zhizhi asked.

The big boss said: "Yes, I called you here because of this matter. This is Mr. Xu Hui, the investor who wants to invest in this script. He has read the script and expressed his interest. He is even more in favor of you as the heroine, so we have the current situation."

Let's get to know each other.

In order to facilitate future cooperation.

Xu Hui smiled faintly: "Ms. Duan, hello."

That look clearly said: What a coincidence, we meet again.

Duan Zhizhi nodded: "Hello, Mr. Xu."

Follow the advice.

Isn't it just pretending?

Who can't? ? ?

Playing dumb, he learned well.

For half an hour, Yu Yingdu talked about his script, but not many people listened. Xu Hui was obviously not interested in the script, but Duan Zhizhi. As for the big boss, he was just a middleman and didn't care so much. Severn had already taken out his mobile phone to play games, which had nothing to do with him.

It was really as he said. If Duan Zhizhi wasn't sitting here, he probably wouldn't continue to sit here. It was meaningless.

Duan Zhizhi was sleepy listening to the script.

Exaggerated, the heroine, it was estimated that her acting skills plus this shoddy script would make a lot of people laugh at her. It was completely in line with the current aesthetics and could cause heated discussions, but for her now, there was every reason not to choose such a script.

After the end, Duan Zhizhi got the script.

And Xu Hui on the side.

Duan Zhizhi asked politely: "Mr. Xu, what is your plan?"

"I guess you may not want to take this script because I invested? If so, I can choose not to invest. But Miss Duan, I hope you can be clear. I am very interested in you now, so I plan to pursue you. Telling you in advance is to prepare you mentally, instead of making you feel that I am a sexual harasser every time I appear in front of you." Xu Hui also spoke politely, but there was a bit more condescending in his words.

Duan Zhizhi smiled: "Pursue me? Then your pursuit is really too big, I can't bear it. I received your kindness, but I don't plan to reply. Goodbye!"

"We will have a chance to meet again."

Xu Hui said firmly.

Duan Zhizhi did not answer, and left with Xiaomei and Seven.

When they got in the car, Seven was speechless.

"Let me tell you, the first impression of a person is very important. I have never seen such a shameless person. He doesn't look very good, he just has a little money. How dare he say such things to you? Who does he think he is?" When Severn hates someone, he can scold that person so much that his ancestors' graves smoke up.

Obviously, Xu Hui is the target of his complaints.

"Maybe this is a common problem of rich people?! They think that everything in the world can be bought with money. If there are things in the world that cannot be bought with money, it must not be because of that thing, but because the money is not spent enough." Duan Zhizhi has experienced vicissitudes at a young age.

Seven glanced at her and said, "Baby, don't be afraid. I just want to see how he plans to hit people. Just because he has a few stinky money, he thinks he is the god who dominates everything?"

Duan Zhizhi: "Seven, actually you don't have to complain about him. My boyfriend is several levels higher than him. I don't care about such a person."

Seven: "It's best if you can think so. But Xu Hui should not know that you have a boyfriend, right? If he knew, would he have no idea about you? Forget it, let's not let him know. Some people have dark hearts, and they will destroy things they can't get."

After saying this, Xiaomei glanced at Seven.

It's rare.

After knowing him for so long, he finally said something human.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Seven asked.

Xiaomei thought about it and said, "I just didn't expect that a dog would spit out ivory one day."

Seven was furious: "I tell you, if it wasn't because being angry would make me have Zhao Wen, I would definitely jump up and fight with you."

"Don't worry, I can't beat you, you should let me, a weak woman, go." Xiaomei deliberately used a very hypocritical tone to imitate a woman, almost making Seven vomit.

Ah Xi, this woman is the real devil.

"Are you two childish?" Duan Zhizhi complained.

Seeing that her expression had improved a little, Xiaomei persuaded her: "Baby Zhizhi, I think you don't have to worry. When Young Master Lin comes back, all the problems will be solved. As for that Xu Hui, he is just a person who eats a plate of salt and has nothing to do."

"I don't care about him." Duan Zhizhi said: "Seven, why did you go with my nanny car? I remember that when you came here before, you drove your own car."

"I just want you to take me home, don't be so cruel, okay? The two of us are very close, and besides, I'm afraid that Xu Hui, that plate of salt, has some improper thoughts about you, right?" Seven also disliked Xu Hui.

I hate this kind of condescending tone the most.

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