My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 201 Do you think I am just a decoration?

After Ning Sheng got off work, she did not see Lu Chuyao.

Strange, Lu Chuyao always waited for her at home in the past, but he was not there today. She returned to her room, took a shower, changed into home clothes, and went downstairs, and found that the servants had already prepared the meal.

"Where is Lu Chuyao?" Ning Sheng asked.

One of the servants replied: "Master Yao said that you should eat first, and he will wait."

Ning Sheng nodded.

There must be something urgent.

After she finished her meal, Lu Chuyao came back with Lu He.

"Lu Chuyao, you..." Ning Sheng came over immediately and saw Lu He holding a pile of books. She was puzzled: "Lu Xiaohe, what's wrong with you?"

Lu He said: "Books for you."

Ning Sheng: "For me?"

Lu Chuyao was wearing casual clothes and asked Lu He to deliver the books to Ning Sheng's study. Then he pulled his wife to sit on the sofa and said very carefully: "Shengsheng, you need to take an exam."


"President Wang of F University agreed to let you audit the physics department, but he will ask the professor of the physics department to arrange an exam for you. If you can pass, you can take the exam. If you can't pass, you can't go." Lu Chuyao rarely speaks at length. This time, he really prepared a lot for Ning Sheng.

Ning Sheng looked at Lu Chuyao, "Did you prepare it for me?"

"You need your own efforts." Lu Chuyao said casually.

Hearing this, Ning Sheng didn't think Lu Chuyao didn't care about her affairs. Instead, she smiled very gently and kissed Lu Chuyao's lips directly, not caring whether anyone saw it.

"Baby? Are you throwing yourself into my arms?" Lu Chuyao asked with a smile.

Ning Sheng was a little shy: "I'm happy."

"What are you happy about?" Lu Chuyao asked.

Ning Sheng didn't answer.

She knew that according to Lu Chuyao's ability, he would definitely arrange for her to study in the Physics Department of F University, but he didn't let her go through the back door, but found a very suitable way for her to get in with her own efforts.

This is also a way to believe in her.

I have to say that Lu Chuyao really knows me.

He also... takes care of my emotions.

"Baby, if you continue to stay in my arms, you can't read books today. You have to stay with me all the time." Lu Chuyao's voice is ambiguous. He has already hugged Ning Sheng tightly and doesn't want to let go at all.

Ning Sheng heard this and hurriedly thought about it.

Those should be the physics books that Lu Chuyao chose for her, and she should read them.

"But I gave up physics for a long time, and I may not be able to read it myself..." Ning Sheng lowered her head, looking like a young wife, shy and embarrassed.

Lu Chuyao leaned his head against hers: "What? Do you think I'm just a decoration?"

Ning Sheng was incredulous: "Are you good at physics?"

"I'm average, but I can learn with you once."

Ning Sheng: "????"

"But, Shengsheng, I can't do it today."

Ning Sheng looked cute: "Why not?!"

The air between the two of them flowed, Lu Chuyao looked at Ning Sheng with affection in his eyes, the latter blushed, his eyes were erratic, afraid that he would be confused by this male vixen if he was not careful.

After all, Lu Chuyao was so handsome and so seductive!

"Let go... me, I want to go see the book Xiaohe brought back." Ning Sheng struggled to break free, but couldn't, because Lu Chuyao held her tightly in his arms and didn't let go at all.

Then, slowly approached and pressed against her collarbone.

"Baby, I'm hungry."

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