My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1779 is very funny (1/2)

Mu Mi: "Did you see it?"

Lu Zhou asked: "What did you say?"

"Mom is completely approving Sister Nao Nao. When are you going to propose? My brother next door is already married, so you can't stop, you know?" Mu Mi suddenly showed his strong determination in this regard. want.

Lu Zhou said in a helpless tone: "Sister, do you think getting married is that easy? The two of us are still in a relationship. If I rashly tell Nao Nao about getting married, what do you think she will think?"

"That's okay. You can be in love for a long time, right? I think it's good. Besides, I feel that Sister Nao Nao likes you very much now. Not to mention now, even after her, she may not like you. Someone else likes her, so you took advantage of the situation and tricked her into coming to our house, what do you think?" Mu Mi whispered to him, with ridicule on her face.

Lu Zhou asked: "Why did you sound like a gangster just now? My dear sister, we are in a serious relationship, not a liar looking for someone."

"Ang, really? Did I give you this illusion? Maybe my thoughts are too serious." Mu Mi thought, she just said what was in her heart.

Lu Zhou said: "Don't be in a hurry, take your time."

"That's fine. From what I see, Sister Nao Nao doesn't seem to be in a hurry. As long as you two are happy, it'll be fine. As for the rest, don't worry about them, it doesn't matter."

Lu Zhou touched her head and said, "Thank you for helping my brother. If it weren't for you, my brother might not be able to survive."

Mu Mi was stunned when Lu Zhou suddenly became so emotional.

I feel like goosebumps are rising on my body.

"What, brother, actually you don't have to do this at all. It's better for the two of us to keep the way we got along before, okay?" Mu Mi felt that this was not the way for two people to get along. It was better for them to dislike each other. .

Lu Zhou smiled.

"What are you two whispering about? Come over and eat." Lu Jiujiu waved and said in a disgusting tone: "Can't we just be like this just because Nao Nao and we are a family? We should still take care of him, first of all. I don’t know where to put things this time.”

"I'm sorry, Mom, we were wrong." Mu Mi apologized obediently, not naughty at all. If Lu Zhou had brought the others back, Mu Mi's mouth would probably be raised to the sky. Let alone the question of whether to answer or not, no. Finding trouble for Ya is her moral bottom line. Now because she is Tong Song, she is so well-behaved.

Lu Zhou: "Whatever you need, I can help you."

"No, after dinner, you can take Nao Nao to your room to see you. Nao Nao just said that he wanted to see what you looked like when you were a child, as well as photos of you when you were studying. Although your room has been unoccupied for a long time, Auntie will clean it for you, so it won't be too dirty, don't worry." Lu Jiujiu motioned for him to sit down and eat first.

Lu Zhou: "...Oh, okay."

Mu Xianchu said, "No one has touched anything in your room. Don't worry, you don't have to worry about missing anything."

Lu Zhou heard what the two of them meant. What were they hinting at? Is there anything in the room that Tong Song cannot see?

Maybe I'm overthinking it.

After eating, Lu Zhou took Tong Song to his room. His room is very neat and clean. It may seem a bit deserted because it hasn't been occupied for a long time. There are rows of bookshelves filled with comics and many Nendoroids.

Tong Song doesn’t like watching anime very much, so he knows very few of them. But she still recognized the classic ones, and she asked: "Do you like watching anime?"

"It's okay. I liked it more when I was reading. Collecting these has become a hobby. Isn't it childish?" Lu Zhou asked. This is one of his few hobbies.

Tong Song shook his head: "What's the matter? Everyone has their own hobbies, and I don't think they are childish at all. The workmanship of these clay figures is very exquisite. If they are kept forever, they will be something worth remembering."

"Right." Lu Zhou said.

"Yes." Tong Song asked, "Can I open the drawer and cabinet and have a look? If you don't mind."

She asked politely.

Lu Zhou said, "You can do whatever you want. I asked you to come in and take a look. But I haven't been home for a long time, and I don't know what's worth missing here."

"What is this?" Tong Song asked.

Lu Zhou looked over and said, "These are photos I took in high school. I took a lot of them when I graduated. At that time, I hadn't gone to F University yet, but was in the attached middle school. Maybe it's because I have a good personality and I have a good relationship with many classmates in the class." Okay, I took photos with almost everyone. Thinking about it... there should be seven or eight brochures. I'll find them all for you."

"Okay." Tong Song opened the book he got. Lu Zhou was wearing a school uniform and had short, crisp hair. He looked energetic and positive. At that time, he was still full of childishness and looked like a big boy. , smiles very brightly.

His appearance and personality should be the type that many girls would like in their adolescence. They are sunny, cheerful, outgoing and handsome. He should be the school idol type in the minds of many adolescent girls.

"You must have been very popular when you were in high school." Although Tong Song was asking, his tone was indeed very firm.

"It's okay." Lu Zhou said.

Tong Song asked: "Has no one ever confessed to you?"

"I remember it happened, but I was always playing basketball at that time. I was always playing with boys and rarely with girls." Lu Zhou said. At that time, he felt that the peers around him were chattering very noisily. At that time, what he imagined in his heart was the dignified, elegant and temperamental Tong Song.

"I saw it, this girl obviously likes you." Tong Song pointed to a girl in the photo and said: "When you took the photo with this girl, this girl kept looking at you, you Have you noticed? And whether this girl is taking pictures with you alone or in a group photo, she always looks at you from the corner of her eye.”

Lu Zhou looked over and didn't expect that she was looking so carefully.

"Let's see who this is." Lu Zhou was confused.

He couldn't even remember the other person's name.

When I look at the face, I feel unfamiliar.

Tong Song asked: "Don't you remember?"

"I really don't remember. This woman is not from our class, right? If she is from our class, how could I not remember it?" Lu Zhou scratched his head. He really used all his brain to recall this face, but I really can't remember.

While he was talking, a letter fell out of the photo album.


Lu Zhou: "???"

Tong Song picked up the answer: "Is this a letter?"

Lu Zhou: "It looks like, why is there a letter in my photo album?"

When did it happen?

Tong Song asked: "Don't you even know?"

Lu Zhou nodded: "I don't know. I sorted out these books and put them in the drawer of my desk untouched. I took them back right after graduation. I didn't expect there were hidden things in them."

After he organized the photo album, he never looked through it, and he kept it in a drawer because he didn't like to recall the past, and he didn't have much affection for the people and things during his school days. .

He can be friends with everyone and get along well with everyone, but after graduation, he no longer has that feeling. Everyone has a different life circle, and slowly they will drift apart. What will happen next? Gradually there were other circles, so he had few contacts with his classmates who graduated from high school.

Sunshine looks easy to get along with, but in fact it is very deserted.

"Can you open it and have a look? It should be written by a girl. If you don't read it yourself, I won't read it." Tong Song handed the letter to Lu Zhou.

She is really a very measured girl.

"Let me take a look first." Lu Zhou took it.

If it was bad, he wouldn't dare show it to Tong Song.

Although it was something in the past, what if it was a love letter or something, he didn't know anything and it was hard to explain, and it was something from his school days.

The envelope is very beautiful and has a faint fragrance of gardenia. After opening it, there are gardenia specimens inside. It looks like it was written by a girl.

He opened the letter and found that it was handwritten, with beautiful handwriting and very neat. The letter written above was a letter to him.

Lu Zhou.

Nice to meet you. Maybe you don’t remember me, or even know my name. It’s very possible that I’m just someone A, B, B, D, who passed by you. You may not have cared about my appearance, but, despite this, I still want to send you this letter. This is my heart. I mustered up all my courage just to convey this heart to you. I hope it will not be a burden to you. I quietly put it in your photo album without telling anyone. I hope you won't feel presumptuous.

In the first year of high school, we were classmates. You may not know your position in the minds of girls. You are excellent, capable, and outstanding. It seems that there is nothing you can't do. You can easily get along with everyone, just like Like a little sun, you can warm everyone, even strangers, and you will take them very seriously and never be perfunctory. It is because of this that I think you are a very good person.

I've thought about confessing my love to you. Then I may be rejected by you, but I will leave a good impression in your heart, right? Even if you don't have a good impression, at least it will make you have a presence like me in your adolescence, which is not bad, right?

But later, I thought forget it.

Excessive liking will cause a person distress. I have been thinking about what kind of girl Lu Zhou would like. We were classmates in the first year of high school, but we had never spoken a word. When I was in the liberal arts class in the second year of high school, I have been paying attention to you. I ran from the third floor to the sixth floor, deliberately went to the door of your class, looked at your figure on the basketball court, and waited for a long time at the door after school. A series of things, just to take a look at you. .

I think it's very morbid for me to be like this, just like pursuing an idol's illegitimate meal, snooping on your every move in a dark corner, but I really can't control myself. Maybe liking someone passionately will really make you lose your temper. People are crazy, that's how I am. If you feel disgusted, you don't need to continue reading, or you can throw away this letter at any time.

You are the sunniest boy I have ever seen. I hope my love does not cause you trouble. Originally, I wanted to hide this secret love in my heart forever, but I always felt that I would be sorry for myself if I did not say it out.

Youth should not be left with regrets, so I chose a more decent way for me. I hope you can hear my confession. I really like you passionately and sincerely.

You are very sunny and gentle. I like you.

The last is the girl's name.

Called Jialan.

After reading it, Lu Zhou thought about who this girl was.

His memory was pretty good.

There was indeed such a girl in the first year of high school. She was the quietest girl in the class, fair-skinned, always sitting in the first row, and her grades were also average. When a boy teased her, she would gently say stop making trouble, and it seemed like she would never get angry.


So she likes me?

Tong Song asked: "Have you finished reading it?"

Lu Zhou nodded: "I have finished reading it. Sorry, I won't share the content of this letter with you. This is a letter written to me by my first-year high school classmate... It can be considered a love letter. I only found out today, maybe it's too late, but even if I saw it at that time, I couldn't respond to her feelings."

However, he would not share it with others, even if his girlfriend made a fuss. After all, it was the sensitive and fragile feeling of adolescent girls, not to mention that it was over.

Tong Song asked with a smile: "I thought you would show it to me, but you didn't plan to show it to me. Well, I wasn't really curious. You're talking about love letters, so I probably understand."

"Sorry." Lu Zhou apologized.

Tong Song said: "There's nothing to apologize for. It's not your fault that you're liked, right? The girl gave you a love letter just because she likes you like this. Lu Zhou, I find that you're very thoughtful."

Lu Zhou: "...Is that so?"

How could it be otherwise?

For the exaggerated things in the entertainment industry, Lu Zhou has his own way of dealing with people, and his code of conduct is also very sharp. He is even more ruthless when he takes action. However, he treats the pure feelings when he was studying so carefully. How can you say that he is not a delicate person?

Such a man is indeed excellent.

Tong Song always thought that Lu Zhou was a child who would never grow up, but now she realizes that she was too arbitrary. Lu Zhou is very good, but she didn't know him well before, and she only saw the superficial layer of him.

"I find that I like you more and more."

Tong Song spoke out his heart.

Lu Zhou laughed after hearing this.

"I thought you would be angry."

Tong Song thought: "If someone confessed to you now and you did this, I might be angry, but it happened a long time ago, and it was a girl's hidden thoughts. I won't be so unreasonable."

Lu Zhou agreed: "Our sister Naonao is the most reasonable."

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