My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1776 Do I hate you? (1/2)

"Sweet words." Tong Song said.

Lu Zhou said, "What I said is true. Even if I am really glib, the words that come out of my mouth are the truest thoughts in my heart."

Tong Song said: "Although what you said does not make sense, I feel that you will not deceive me."

"Of course not." Lu Zhou said.

Even if he could deceive others, he would not deceive Tong Song.

Tong Song has seen all of Lu Zhou's photos and heard many things about him when he was a student. She even feels that Lu Zhou's current careless appearance is more like wearing a mask, and he has long since lost his youthful look. cool and bright.

"I really want to see you when you were studying. You shouldn't be like this at that time, right? Now I feel that people who have been assimilated by the entertainment industry will hide their emotions, but you should be very sunny when you were studying." Tong Song closed the photo album. , there are photos of Lu Zhou on it. He is smiling happily and heartily.

Lu Zhou shook his head: "It's not because of the entertainment industry, but because of growth. Everyone changes when they grow up, and they can't stay the same. Besides, I don't think there's anything wrong with being like this now. What happened at that time? You don’t understand, you look like a stupid boy?”

"Why do you think you are a stupid boy?" Tong Song didn't understand. She said, "I was so bored when I was studying, and nothing else happened, so I envied other people's youth."

Her youth was too quiet.

"Are you bored while studying? In fact, when you were studying abroad, I once fantasized about you being pursued by countless boys. At that time, I was also thinking about whether to go to your school, but in the end I chose to stay in the capital." Lu Zhou Open your mouth.

He looked at Tong Song's puzzled expression and continued: "What should I say? I was very naive at that time. If I got close to you at that time, it would not be a very good thing for you and me. You will always be with me." Treat me like a younger brother. I don’t want this to happen. I want you to treat me like a man.”

Tong Song held his forehead and nodded: "I think it should be like this, because I am older than you. So what I can do is to be a qualified big sister."

If Lu Zhou had gone to look for her at that time, maybe something like this would really happen. She would not treat Lu Zhou as a man, but as a child who needed to be taken care of.

From a certain perspective, Lu Zhou actually knew himself very well. That's why she was so entangled and cared so much. When she thought this way, she suddenly smiled, as if the two people were more familiar with each other, and as if they had learned about each other's past.

District 1.

"Let me introduce to you, this is our newly appointed officer Tina. She is a warrior who has made great achievements on the front line and is a role model worthy of all of us. If you have anything to do in the future, you can contact her. Don't try your skills with her, because it will have a negative impact on your life." The person who introduced her was very excited, and she was a little fan of Tina.

Tina waved her hand: "It's not that exaggerated."

"Sir Tina, you can talk to everyone next, I won't delay you with more words." The man said.

"Okay." Tina nodded. She looked at everyone and said, "Actually, there's nothing to say. I'm just a layperson. I just came back from outside. If you don't understand anything in the future, I hope everyone can help me." volume."

"Sir, you are humble."

Tina said: "This is really not modesty. I have always put force first, so I am not good at cultural classes. If there are any inappropriate words in the future, you can correct me at any time. In this case, I will not be angry. Of course, if you want to compete with me, you are welcome at any time.”

"Will Commander Tina show mercy?"

Tina said: "Everyone is very capable. It may not be that I am merciful, but maybe everyone is merciful."

In Lu Lin's office, the adjutant walked in.

"Adjutant, you're here just in time. I won't be in the first area for a while now. I'll leave it to you to handle the rest. If you can't handle it, please contact Lu Zhou or Tina." Lu Lin said.

The adjutant was confused: "What about you?"

"I have other work." Lu Lin said.

Not only does he only have a job here in District 1, he also has the mess his father left behind, and there are a lot of things in the company. Sometimes I really seriously doubt that the reason why his parents gave birth to him was to inherit the family property. It will be easier for two people.

Fortunately, there is nothing mom needs to do on her own.

Otherwise, he would really feel aggrieved and explode.

"Then when will you come back specifically?" the adjutant asked.

Lu Lin said: "Not necessarily, it could be ten days, it could be half a month, it could be half a year. So if there is something urgent, don't wait for me. If Lu Zhou can't handle it, you can leave it to Tina, you know Already?"

The adjutant nodded.

Lu Lin reminded: "If Lu Zhou can solve the problem, don't bother Tina. After all, we are not very familiar with her. Do you understand what I mean?"

Need to avoid.

The adjutant was confused for a moment, then nodded.

Although he didn't understand it very well, he could just listen to the commander's instructions. He understood what it meant to avoid trouble as much as possible.

"OK, I'm leaving first." Lu Lin left the office.

The adjutant looked at him, but he didn't have time to say what he wanted to say. When Lu Lin left the office, he remembered and followed him out anxiously, asking: "Sir, there is one more thing. Today, there is a party for Chief Tina to join the company. Chief Tina asked me to come and ask if you want to join."

"Tell her I'm not going, you guys have fun." Lu Lin refused without thinking. This is not a big deal. Besides, when Tina came back that day, the things that should be communicated had been communicated.

"Okay, I will tell Chief Tina."

The adjutant said.

He watched Lu Lin leave and called Lu Zhou.

To be honest, he really didn't want to communicate with Lu Zhou. This man acted strangely and didn't play by the rules. His personality was also unpredictable. The most excessive thing was that he was always very talkative, and he looked like he was familiar with everyone in the world, which was very annoying.

He had never been so annoying to someone before.

It's not that he has a bad personality, but he feels that he is heartless and careless. However, despite this, he still made a call, because he had to communicate with him about this matter.

"Adjutant? What? What's so incredible? Did the sun rise from the west today? You actually took the initiative to call me." Lu Zhou's tone was unbelievable when he received the call.

The adjutant said: "I want to ask if you will come to the welcome party of Chief Tina. If not, let me know."

Lu Zhou was puzzled: "What's wrong with you? Why are you so decisive that I won't go? Is it because my brother Lin won't go?"

"Are you going or not?" the adjutant asked.

He just wanted to know the answer to this question.

Lu Zhou asked: "What is the specific time and place? I'll see if I can go." His brother can be willful and not go, but he can't. After all, Tina is higher than him in position, and Tina is indeed a good person. Last time he went there and left in a hurry, so it's better to make up for it this time.

The adjutant told him the address very calmly. Lu Zhou pondered for a while and said, "Okay, I know. I'll go. Adjutant, you'll go too, right?"

Adjutant: "I have no reason not to go."

Lu Zhou: "...Why do you feel a little unhappy? Are you unhappy because you called me or because someone else made you unhappy? Did I make you unhappy when I called you?"

The adjutant held his forehead.

It's really a headache.

How can there be such a chattering man, nagging.

"Nothing, I'll hang up first." The adjutant said.

Lu Zhou said, "Wait! Since you called me, I also have something to ask you. What's the reason why my brother didn't go?"

"This is the boss's business, I don't know." The adjutant said.

Lu Zhou said, "I thought if my brother didn't go, you wouldn't go either. Your personality is really not suitable for socializing. Adjutant, do you know? You don't understand the ways of the world at all. You must practice hard!"

"Lu Zhou."

Lu Zhou said, "Ah."

The adjutant said, "Has anyone ever told you that you're really annoying?"

"Why don't you just tell me that I'm annoying? I'm not a glass heart, and I can't stand your criticism." Lu Zhou said in a light tone, and then smiled: "Sure enough, I still like the way you get mad at me, it's so cool, if there's nothing else, just hang up, bye."

The adjutant hung up the phone angrily.

Lu Zhou!

He really is!

"I've never seen such a speechless person."

The adjutant said angrily.

Lu Zhou on this side almost got a stitch in the side with laughter.

Is it fun to bully an honest person? Not fun!

But is it fun to bully a natural person?

It's fun, I'm almost laughing to death!

"Did you notice that you looked like an idiot when you were laughing just now?" Mu Mi was reading a comic book at this time, and suddenly found that her brother was laughing in a perverted way.

Lu Zhou said, "Little bastard, you should just read your comics. Don't know too much about the adult world, okay?"

"No wonder you smile so obscenely."

Lu Zhou asked, "What do you read every day? Are you reading those novels about domineering CEOs? I tell you, you must not fall in love with a poor boy and then follow him. Fairy tales are all lies, you know? There are no such people in real life."

Mu Mi said, "What's wrong? I, a rich lady, can't fall in love with a rich boy, right? Liking me can save him ten years of hard work."

"Wait," Lu Zhou said, "So the boy you like is really a poor boy, right? Aren't all the students in F University Affiliated High School rich? ? Where did this poor boy come from? Mu Mi, let me tell you, you should know how much you are worth. "

Mu Mi asked: "Brother, are you the kind of person who cares so much about these things? If I like him, I must be well matched with him, right?"

"Mu Mi, how can I tell you this? Sometimes, if you like someone, you really need to be well matched with him. This well matched does not only refer to our family background, but also other things, such as the three views and opinions of the two people. All of these must be matched. If the person you like is not big enough and cannot lead you to be better and better, what are you going to do? Do you plan to become the same person as him?" Lu Zhou's tone was light, but it sounded cruel. This is not a fairy tale, but a fact.

"Brother, I don't quite understand what you said, but I just simply liked someone during adolescence, and that person didn't like me. Sometimes I wondered if I was too fierce and that's why he didn't like me, so I thought I could change myself, but then I thought, what can I change about myself? I am such a willful and capricious person." Mu Mi shook her head. She wanted to change, but she couldn't change her current situation.

"Who said that? When did you become willful and capricious?" Lu Zhou said in a light tone: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself. If he really likes you, he will like you even if you are a willful and capricious girl. But if he doesn't like you, even if you are the most beautiful girl in the world, he won't even look at you."

Mu Mi: "Brother, what you said really hurts my heart. Are you retaliating against me? Is it because I complained about your love before?"

Lu Zhou smiled and said: "Baby, I'm telling the truth, but I really want to see who the boy you like is, who can make you so depressed."

"I tell you, don't ask about it, and don't go to find him, understand? It's okay if others don't like me, but what's the matter with being investigated by my brother?" Mu Mi lowered her head, not wanting Lu Zhou to see her embarrassment.

Lu Zhou: "This is the first time I've seen you defend someone like this, and it's a man. I'm even more curious."

"I said no investigation, and it's not his fault that he doesn't like me. It shouldn't be like this. Maybe I don't look like someone he likes. So let it be. It's not a big deal anyway. I still have a long life ahead of me. I will definitely meet better people in the future. Could it be that I will only like him in this life? Don't you think so?" Mu Mi said frankly.

"Yes, I have ambition."

Lu Zhou said.

Mu Mi: "Then why did you go home today? Aren't you going on a date?" When she got home, she saw Lu Zhou at home, and he was sitting with her bored.

Lu Zhou said: "Naonao is on a business trip, I'm going home to stay for a few days, my parents are not here, I just want some quiet time."

Mu Mi pointed at herself and asked: "Don't you think of me as a human being?"

"That's not what I meant. What I meant is that it's quiet with only the two of us, don't you think? No one is showing affection, and no one is controlling us."

Mu Mi: "I'm sorry, when I'm alone, it's quieter and no one is controlling me."

Is it the same with or without you?

I'll even be happier without you.

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