My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1791: Clean and straightforward. (1/2)

"Face is mutual, since li

The chief asked me to come here today and said such words to me so carefully. It was extremely prudent for me, so I have nothing else to say. Even if we are not friends, we are at least colleagues, not the worst. Enemy, isn't it? "

Tina asked.

Lu Lin said: "Yes, the worst thing we can do is not interact with each other. We probably won't reach the level of the enemy. If we really reach the level of the enemy, then there may be something wrong with the negotiations between us."

"It's okay, don't worry. I won't think about becoming your enemy, and you don't have to reject me. If you feel that I am disgusted with following Miss Duan, I can also withdraw people, but I still need to investigate the matter. We will investigate and there will be no mistakes," Tina said.

What she said was fair.

Even if you want to refute, there seems to be no chance.

"If you have something you want to investigate, is it a bit obstructive for me to ask you not to follow me? As long as it doesn't make her feel burdened, and don't make her feel like someone is watching her."

To sum it up, don't disturb her.

Don't make her feel any discomfort.

This is the most important thing.

"Don't worry, they are the ones who know the best. They will not cause unnecessary trouble to your wife, nor will they make your wife feel wronged." After Tina finished speaking, she continued sincerely: "Thank you for giving me opportunity, and thank you for your understanding of my work.”

"This is my job of being considerate of you, and it's also a tacit understanding between us. The reason why I came to you in advance is that I don't want anything to happen to Duan Zhizhi. If anything really happens to her, I will be the first to find you. Maybe you are the one, Tina." Lu Lin looked at Tina, his tone was calm and strange, with a faint but cold murderous look.

Tina said: "I understand, this is my responsibility."

"That's best." Lu Lin said.

After the meal, neither of them actually ate seriously. Lu Lin used his own means to solve the problem of Tina spying on Duan Zhizhi. It was not so much surveillance as it was Lu Lin negotiating with Tina from the beginning. He had already thought about it when he arrived. He didn't want Tina to remove the people under his control, he just wanted Tina to admit that this incident happened, and then let Tina understand that if something happened to Duan Zhizhi, she would be the first One responsible person.

In this way, even if Tina had any small thoughts before, she would hide them.

During this meal, Tina felt that her back was getting cold.

At present, she doesn't know what Lu Lin has in hand, but for her, these things he has mastered are very important. If Lu Lin is just to test himself today, there is really nothing to say. If it is because of other reasons, situation, that is to say, Lu Lin discovered something, but what did Lu Lin discover? Why don't you tell yourself?

Is it a test?

Or suppression?

Or have other ideas? ?

She suddenly felt that she couldn't see through Lu Lin.

The initial certainty turned into doubt now, and even looking at Lu Ran like this, she felt a little strange. I wonder if it was because she was overthinking.

"What's going on with you guys recently? I asked you to follow Duan Zhizhi so that you wouldn't be discovered, but you were discovered and you didn't even know it." Tina called.

Over there: "We have no trace of being discovered, how could it be?"

Tina shook her head, helpless.

So, Lu Lin's strength is still unfathomable, right?

The people on her side had no power to resist at all. For a moment, Tina didn't know how to arrange the next plan. If this is really the case, Duan Zhizhi's operation can be cancelled.

After all, nothing can happen to Duan Zhizhi.

If something happened to Duan Zhizhi, she would be the first person to look for her. The risk was too great and she couldn't bear it. After all, she wasn't ready to make the decision to face Lu Lin head-on.

"You remember, you must protect Duan Zhizhi. If anything happens to her, you don't have to come back alive." Tina said: "Even if someone else really wants to take action against Duan Zhizhi, you still have to Protect her well, you know?”

Over there: "Why should we protect her?"

This is no longer something they can understand.

Tina said: "I can't control you now, can I?"

"I'm sorry, sir, I was wrong. I will carry out your request."

Tina hung up the phone.


Things that seemed easy at first suddenly became not so easy.

She looked at the sky. The sky in the capital was really blue, especially when the weather was clear. It was a pity that such a clear sky felt a bit dazzling to her.

People who are used to seeing darkness don’t like it very much.

So, it was always night when she went home.

At night, you can't see anything. It's the same as on the front line, except you can't smell the smoke, and there's no smell of blood. There's only a faint smell of fireworks, and there are roadside stalls. Everyone is living happily, and they look very happy. Warm.

It seems pretty good if I can live here forever.

But she has a dark mind and doesn't want to see others happy.

"Don't move."

She looked up and saw someone blocking her way.

The place where Tina lives is not a great apartment. She lives in a deep alley with a single-family villa. The place is very secluded and suitable for her, but the only bad thing is that she needs Go through this deep alley.

It's a bit shady during the day and even scarier at night.

There were no lights, only dim light, and she could barely see the road ahead. She didn't see a homeless man when she came back before. She didn't expect to see a homeless man today, and he was also a drunk homeless man. .

Not just one, but three.

"If I give you a piece of advice, do you want to listen to it?"

Tina asked.

The drunkard at the front was already stuttering, and he said: "Advice? Today you either give me some tolls and let you drink to your heart's content, or you stay here with me for the night. I don't think you are like that." What kind of decent woman is she? She should have no problem taking care of us, right?"

Tina asked: "If I say that you are thinking too much, will you think I am talking nonsense?"

"Give me money! Or labor and management will fall in love with you!"

The man cursed and spoke.

The ones behind also got angry.

A series of words such as "stinky bitch, dead woman" came out, and these words without exception reached Tina's ears. She was not angry or angry at all, and looked at the three people in front of her with an indifferent and calm expression. He is a man, but the emotion in his eyes is very clear: Okay, from now on, the three of you are dead.

"You little bitch, how dare you stare at people?"

The tramp rushed up and planned to beat Tina.

Tina hid.

Without any hesitation, she directly disabled the man's arm. She only heard a sound like a howling wolf coming from the deep alley. Just listening to this sound, she could feel the pain of the owner.

The perpetrator is Tina.

The victims were three homeless people.

In less than five minutes, the formation had already changed.

One of the homeless men fell to the ground. He was breathing out a lot but not taking in much. He didn't know whether he was dead or alive. When the other two saw this scene, they realized that the woman in front of them was probably a practitioner. Son, the two of them rushed up together.

Tina: "You are unlucky to meet me today. If you want to die, I can definitely help you."

She showed no mercy.

Three times five divided by two will destroy all three men.


"How do I do? It's you who are looking for death. I don't have enough budget, so I can't take you to the hospital. You can do it on your own." She stepped on one of the men and walked over, just because the man happened to be in the way. In front of her, she is not a person who doesn't want to turn around.

"Damn, this woman is so scary."

"that is……"

Tina didn't care about these three trash and returned to her home.

"Sir, I heard that something bad happened to you. Do you need us to help you deal with it?" Someone has already called to ask.

"He's just a bum who can't get on the stage. What can you do to me? Don't care too much about my affairs and try your best to handle your affairs. This is my ultimate hope for you."

After Tina finished speaking, she threw away her phone.

How did Lu Lin discover her?

Or are you just trying to scare her today?

Impossible, he was not like a person who would do things that he was not sure about. Tina began to doubt herself and was not sure what went wrong.

"Brother, I heard that you had dinner with Tina alone today? Why did you eat with her alone? I thought you would call me. Or is there something that I can't know?" Lu Zhou asked.

In front of Lu Lin, he always spoke freely and said whatever he wanted. There will be no prevarication or concealment.

Lu Lin asked: "What do you think of her?"

"That's it. I don't hate her anyway." Lu Zhou said, "And she came back with military merit. No matter how shortcomings such a person has, they will not be magnified. Only her advantages will be magnified."

Because everyone felt that she had no shortcomings from the beginning.

"Be careful when talking to her in the future. You can be a normal colleague, but there is no need to be a friend. I think you should understand what I mean." Lu Lin asked.

Lu Zhou said: "How could I not understand what you mean? Since you have said this, I will naturally do it. Brother, don't worry, I won't go out and say nonsense. No matter how unreliable I look The spectrum is feasible and measured.”

Lu Lin nodded: "I know."

It is precisely because I know that I say this.

"Brother, I didn't expect you to believe me so much."

Lu Zhou smiled.

Lu Lin: "If you and I don't believe it, then how can we, two brothers, still do it?" This is really true and hits the nail on the head.

"I understand what you're thinking. If you don't want to tell me something, don't tell me directly. But if you need me to do something, you can tell me and I will try my best to do it." Lu Zhou said.

This is a way to gain strength.

It was also his confidence in Lu Lin.

He was willing to work hard for Lu Lin, that's why he was like this.

"Lu Zhou, thank you."

Lu Zhou waved his hand: "What kind of thank you can we say between the two of us? Your sudden behavior makes me feel a little out of touch."

Lu Lindao: "I want to thank you for trusting me so innocently. What do you think I'm talking about?"

"Why do the words naive and innocent feel a little like compliments when they come out of your mouth? Or is this just my psychology?" Lu Zhou looked at Lu Lin's serious look.

"It's just your psychological effect."

Lu Zhou: "..."

I don't really want to be friends with smart people.

Because my thoughts will be clearly seen.

"Are you coming to the party this Saturday?" Lu Zhou asked.

Lu Lin: "Is there any party this Saturday? Do I have to attend? If it's not absolutely necessary, I have something to deal with."

"It's Sister Naonao's birthday."

Lu Lin held his forehead: "Since it's her birthday, why don't you two just spend time together? Why do you have to drag us together? Are you incapable of dating, or are you incapable of dating properly?"

Lu Zhou didn't expect that one day he would be despised by Lu Lin for not being able to date. What an outrageous thing. Clearly, he was still known as the grandmaster of love some time ago.

"I just thought that we should have fun together, and didn't think about other things. And we have discussed it. She is not very enthusiastic about celebrating her birthday, so it depends on what I do."

"In this case, it is better for you two to be together than to drag everyone together to celebrate Sister Naonao's birthday." Lu Lin said.

Lu Zhou: "I don't think there is anything wrong with this, and I even think it is very good, but I am afraid that Sister Naonao will think that such a birthday is too lonely. And didn't we always celebrate together in previous years?"

Lu Lin asked in his soul: "Did she have a boyfriend in previous years?"

Lu Zhou seemed to be a little enlightened when he heard this.


In previous years, Tong Song didn't have a boyfriend, so they were accompanied by their group of friends. Or she celebrated her birthday in Continent M, and she didn't know how she spent it specifically. But this year is different. Tong Song has her boyfriend. If you think about it this way, it is actually okay to be alone.

"Brother, I suddenly feel that you have become a love saint after getting married. Why has your emotional intelligence suddenly improved so much? Is it because of marriage?" Lu Zhou really felt incredible that the once steely straight man had become so emotionally intelligent.

"You will understand after you get married." Lu Lin said.

Lu Zhou: "Don't worry, I will get married one day."

"I remember who told me before that he was a non-marriageist."

"I did say that before, but now I have someone I want to marry. If she is willing to marry me, I can get married right away."

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