"First things first we need to make sure the rooms are of good quality and the staffs too. Over here nurses have the bad reputation for being wicked and Lazy. It's best to have a hospital free from this stereotype by employing nurses who know their jobs."

Chukwuma stated. I was still in the process of staffing and he was giving me tips and whatever. Not like I was interested in anything he was saying.

"Alright I've had about enough of this lecture just do what you have to do that's why you are paid. Interview the workers, check the rooms and do whatever needs to be done to get this hospital running ASAP." With that I left him in the conference room and went to my own office.

My office had been the first to be furnished and it was just like I imagined it to be. You know with money you can bring to life your imagination. I was closing the door to my office when he put his hand In between and I stepped away letting him come in.

I took a drink from the fridge and poured a glass for myself without pouring for him. There was a perpetual frown on my face. It was best that he knows that he isn't welcome.

"I  am paid to be a guide not to do all the work." He corrected still sounding as nice as usual and it infuriated him. He looked mean, had this mean face you know the kind that bouncers had so I knew he wasn't nice. He was just faking it. Why would he look mean and be nice but then again I looked nice.

"Well then I'll pay someone to do it since you can't and I won't."

"No it's fine. I'll just add that to my list. It's no biggie."

"Alright then. If we don't have anything further to discuss I'll like to be alone." I c.o.c.ked my brows with the expression that showed I wanted him to leave and he did. Thank God.

He was tall dark and handsome. Well not dark, dark, he had a lighter shade of chocolate skin lighter than mine which was a little bit dark and he was tall. Gosh he was so tall I felt like a dwarf standing near him. The face that I was short even for a lady made it even worse.

I was practically swooning but I didn't want to show it, I couldn't as a matter of fact. I heard Nigerian men liked to come after their women not the other way round. In a normal situation I would have said f.u.c.k what the system is but I wanted him so much I didn't mind going with the system. If he doesn't look my way then I'm sure to go after him but for now, patience was at best.

Going through the line of clothes I was both lost in thought and watching out for when he would leave through the corner of my eyes.

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