I woke up on the couch and was surprise to see that I wasn't carried to the room. I didn't think Cletus could actually have the heart to leave me to sleep in the parlour with all the mosquitoes he knew were in it, but I was proven wrong again. It's like I never knew him. He was not the man I married.

Luckily for me I didn't wake up too late to prepare breakfast.

I looked up at the wall clock to see that it was just five o'clock meaning that there was enough time for me to make rice and stew for breakfast so that my husband could eat before going to work and possibly take some with him.

There was also enough time to get my daughter ready for school.

First of all, I had to start with a prayer for the day. I picked up my rosary from the altar and started to sing praise and worship songs. When we were still dating Cletus would join me every morning to pray. But immediately we got married he stopped totally. The last time I woke him up for prayers he beat me so bad I definitely learned my lesson.

After saying the rosary, I Read the missal. The reading for the day.

After praying I hurriedly went to prepare breakfast for the family, then I cleaned the whole house. I did it all before 7.

It wasn't an easy task to do all alone especially since we stayed in a duplex but Cletus forbade me from getting a maid and I could possibly not go against his wishes. He was my husband after all.

Doing all the cooking and cleaning didn't feel as stressful as it did at first. I soon became used to the task, after all I wasn't working and I was going no where. I barely had any friends. I learnt to embrace my fate.

After serving breakfast I went upstairs to my daughters room in other to get her ready for school. Cletus could wake himself up.

On getting to her room I pushed the door open hoping that the noise would wake her up but it didn't. She was still sound asleep when I walked in even with all the rays of sunshine hitting her eyes.

Not knowing how else to wake her up without hitting her or stressing myself more than I was already stressed, I carried her up and took her to the bathroom, then I took off her night gown. All this while she was still sound asleep. It was not until I poured a cup of water on her that she immediately woke up with a shudder.

She blinked her eyes continuously trying to clear her sight. When she saw me standing there by the bathtub she smiled.

"Mummy good morning." She greeted.

"Good morning my princess." I answered. I bent down to peck her cheeks then I tickled her. Her laughter echoed in the bathroom, I could not help but laugh too.

I was lucky that Cletus didn't hit me on my face yesterday so that at least my daughter won't see me bruised and be sad. Although my hands were slightly bruised I was putting on a long sleeve shirt so it was well covered..Hence I didn't have to worry about her seeing it.

I wanted so much to hide the abusive nature of Cletus from our daughter but he wasn't helping matters at all. It hurts that he still beats me when our daughter was watching. I knew that this affected her psychologically or was likely to affect her in some other way and it scared me so bad.

I didn't want her growing up to think that all men were evil and I have warned Cletus about this but he never listens to me.

"Mummy I didn't see daddy come back yesterday," Ezinne suddenly said.

By the look on her face I could tell She wasn't asking me a question, she was informing me of a fact. I didn't see concern but worry, worry for me.

I chuckled pretending to be fine although I could assure you it was quite hard to pretend to my daughter.

"Oh daddy came back home immediately you slept. He was very sad that he didn't come home when you were awake. He said he loves you and kissed you goodnight." I lied.

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