My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 397 I am willing to be your eyes

Chapter 397: I am willing to be your eyes

After dinner, Qin Yue went to the study alone and said that he had some things to deal with.

Jian Ran was worried in her heart, but she couldn't follow him step by step, so she had to take Xiao Ranran back to the room first.

Today, the family discussed it together, planning to hold a birthday party for Xiao Ranran on the 28th, and invite all the Qin family's relatives to the house to gather.

The purpose is to let everyone know that Qin Yue's wife Jian Ran has returned, and also to tell everyone about Grandpa Qin.

Xiao Ranran was very excited when she heard that she was going to have a birthday party for her, and let her brother lie run around the yard for a few laps on her back.

Lie's child is really nice to Xiao Ranran. No matter what kind of request Xiao Ranran makes, he will answer with a smile.

Xiao Ranran has no siblings. Their husband and wife will eventually grow old. If there is a big brother like Lie by his side, Jian Ran may be more at ease.

"Mom, of course I want to take a bath. It's fragrant." Xiao Ranran tugged at the corner of Jianran's clothes and looked up at her.

"Okay, mom takes my baby to take a bath." Jian Ran took Xiao Ranran's little hand to the bathroom, put in moderately hot water, and then put Xiao Ranran into her bathtub, "Of course, Do you like your brother and sister?"

Xiaoran rejects her younger brothers and sisters, but she likes brother lie very much. If their husband and wife can adopt a few brothers and sisters for Xiaoran, and have more people to accompany her, she will not be so lonely.

"I like it." Xiao Ranran replied softly.

Brother lie is good-looking and is the best for her. He will play with her and beat the bad guys away. Of course she likes her brother.

Jian Ran pinched Xiao Ranran's chubby cheeks and said with a gentle smile, "Okay, my mother remembers it, but Ran Ran likes my brother and sister."

After taking a bath for Xiao Ranran, Jian Ran took her back to the room to coax her to sleep. Just after coaxing Xiao Ranran to sleep, Qin Yue, who was busy with the big business, finally returned to the room.

He walked very slowly, but every step he took was still steady and powerful. If he hadn't known the inside story, Jian Ran would never have seen that Qin Yue's eyes were almost invisible.

She just watched him walk towards her step by step, getting closer... Every step she took, Jian Ran's heart ached.

He didn't want her to worry, so she pretended she didn't know anything, don't let him worry, but every time she saw him like this, she felt sad.

"However, did you fall asleep?" Qin Yue couldn't see Jianran's expression at all because his eyes couldn't see clearly, so he didn't notice anything unusual.

"What's the matter?" Jian Ran didn't answer. Qin Yue looked at her blurred figure and blinked, trying to see him clearly, but she was still blurry in his eyes.

"Qin Yue..." Calling his name, Jian Ran rushed over and hugged him, wrapping her arms tightly around his thin waist.

"What's the matter? Are you planning to learn from Xiao Ranran and hug me coquettishly?" Qin Yue rubbed her head and said with a light smile.

"Qin Yue, stop pretending, I know your eyes can't see things clearly." Jian Ran wanted to say this, but when the words came to her mouth, she swallowed hard.

She didn't know, should she tell him, or continue to pretend she didn't know.

"Qin Yue, is there anything you want to say to me?" After thinking about it, Jian Ran still wanted to find out what he said to see if he was willing to tell her in person?

"Huh? What do you want to hear? " Qin Yue raised her jaw to look at her, looking at her affectionately.

He thought he was covering it up well, but suddenly realized when one of Jane's hot tears fell on the back of her hand.

It turned out that no matter how well he pretended to be, he couldn't escape her eyes.

Qin Yue held her face, lowered his head and kissed her gently: "it's just that you can't see clearly for a while, but it's not that you can't see clearly for the rest of your life. Look at you crying like this, if Xiao Ranran saw it, she would think I was bullying you. "

"Qin Yue—"


"Let me be your eyes."

She wants to tell him that even if she can't see, she is still willing to be by his side. He can't see, she can be his eyes and let him continue to see the beautiful things in the world.

"it is good."

Qin Yue hugged her tightly and said such a powerful word in a low voice.

As long as she is by his side, let alone invisible eyes, even if the world collapses, he can still be calm, calm, elegant and confident.

"Qin Yue—"

Qin Yue interrupted Jian Ran and said, "Jian Ran, don't worry. As long as you and Xiao Ranran, father and mother are by my side, there is nothing that can't be overcome. "

"Well." Jian Ran nodded heavily, snuggled in Qin Yue's arms, and quietly listened to his heartbeat.

As long as you are by your side, time is peaceful.


The days passed quickly.

Today is August 28, Xiao Ranran's birthday.

Early in the morning, the Qin family and their servants were busy.

Xiao Ranran is wearing a pink princess dress today, with a crown on her mushroom head, which looks super cute.

Dressing up Xiao Ranran beautifully, Jian Ran felt a special sense of accomplishment, and hugged her little princess and kissed and kissed: "Ran Ran, are you happy?"

"Super happy." Xiao Ranran turned around happily, then jumped into her mother's arms and gave her a sweet kiss.

Jian Ran hugs Xiao Ranran: "Okay, mom will go out with her in her arms. Let dad, grandparents, and Xiao Ranran's strong brother show them how beautiful our little princess is."

"Of course the most beautiful."

"Yes, our family is the most beautiful."

When he went out, he bumped into Lie, who had been waiting outside the room for a long time. He stood there stiffly with no expression on his face, and he didn't speak when he saw them come out.

Xiao Ranran waved his little hand to him: "but I want brother lie to hug him."

Lie's indifferent expression suddenly loosened when he met Xiao Ranran, smiled at her, took Xiao Ranran from Jian Ran's hand with a smile, and held her in his arms.

"Then Ranran is playing with brother lie, and mother will greet the guests first." After looking at them again, Jianran leaves with confidence.

Lie took Xiao Ranran back to her room, and like magic, she made a necklace and shook it in front of Xiao Ranran's eyes: "brother lie wants to give Ranran a gift, does Ranran like it?"

The necklace is a silver chain with a triangular pendant with an intricate totem engraved on the pendant.

"I like it. Brother lie gave it to Ranran, but Ranran likes it." Xiao Ranran didn't recognize the special totem on the necklace at all. She only knew that it was a gift from brother lie, and she liked it.

"Okay, then brother lie help Ranran put it on." Lie gently helped Xiao Ranran hang the necklace around his neck, and said, "but you must keep the necklace. In the future, whenever you think about brother lie, face the three-pointed star. The pendant shouted, [Brother lie will appear soon]. No matter where brother lie is, he will appear by Ranran's side as soon as possible. "

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