My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 834 On the eve of meeting

Chapter 834: On the eve of meeting

Of course, Qin lelan can only think about these.

She knew very well that brother lie still had a lot of things to deal with. He was so busy with business and private matters that he couldn't spare time. How could he have time to travel with her.

Brother lie can't spare time to accompany her, so she can only work harder and strive to stand by brother lie's side as soon as possible.

Then when he visits abroad again, she can stay with him in the name of the president's wife and travel around the world with him.

Working with him can also be regarded as traveling.

Yaya raised her hand and waved it in front of Qin lelan: "little jealousy altar, there are so many of us here, but you silently miss your beloved brother, is that really okay?"

"I didn't miss him." She didn't admit it, but the expression on Qin lelan's face betrayed her. Apart from thinking of brother lie, what other man could make her show such an elated expression involuntarily.

"By the way, Yaya, how is your job search going?" Da Zhuang thought of the resume Yaya submitted two days ago and wondered if there was any news.

Hearing Da Zhuang mention this, a dark red appeared on Yaya's face. She waved her hand quickly: "We are gathering together, why are we doing work? It's a spoiler."

She would definitely not tell them that she quietly checked Qin Yinze's background and found out that he was now the general manager of a large chaebol group in the company's Linhai branch.

And the general manager of this company was recruiting secretaries. After she got the news, she immediately submitted her resume, hoping to work next to Qin Yinze.

As the saying goes, those who are close to the water first get the moon. As long as she can work beside him, get along with him day and night, and fall in love with him day and night, is she still worried that he will not be tempted?

It was with this little wishful thinking in mind that Yaya submitted this resume, planning a bright future for herself.

But one day later, when she learned that the man's heart had long been occupied by a woman, she realized that not everyone who lives near the water can get the moon first.

If a person doesn't love you, no matter how hard you try, even if you sacrifice your life for him, he will not treat you differently.


Just as she was talking, Yaya's cell phone rang. She saw that it was an unknown phone number, but she still answered politely: "Hello!"

"Miss An?" came an unfamiliar male voice on the phone, a very stereotyped and formulaic voice.

Yaya nodded: "It's me. Who are you?"

The other party added: "I am an employee of the Human Resources Department of Shengshi Real Estate, a subsidiary of Shengtian Group. My surname is Wang. Miss An submitted her resume to our company to apply for the position of General Manager Secretary. We would like to invite you to come for an interview at nine o'clock next Monday morning."

"Interview? Really... is it true? You're not lying to me, are you?" Yaya raised her voice in excitement and repeated the question several times in a rude manner.

Maybe the other party has seen many people react like her, but still calmly replied: "Yes. Next Monday at nine o'clock in the morning. We will send the relevant preparations and interview address to your email later, please pay attention to check it." "

"Okay, thank you! Thank you so much!" Yaya was still in a state of disbelief that the good news would suddenly come.

Did she hear it correctly? The other party asked her to go to Shengshi Real Estate for an interview at nine o'clock next Monday?

She was asked to go for an interview so quickly, does that mean her plan will be realized soon?

Oh my god, this news came so suddenly, so sudden that she was not prepared at all, and her heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was about to jump out of her mouth.

"Yaya, I just asked you to face it, and I didn't say that I must hire you. Look at how excited you are, and you have lowered your worth before you even start." Xiao Xiao, who has always been quiet, said this very suddenly. That makes sense.

"Xiao Xiao, you are right. I should be calmer, but I really can't be calm." Thinking that she will soon be able to stay with the man she thinks about day and night every day, how can she remain calm? Let calm go to hell, she Now I just want to stand by the window and yell.

"Sister Yaya, what kind of company can make you so excited?" The questioner was Qin lelan. She had no experience in finding a job and wanted to know what kind of job could make the always generous Yaya so excited. Regardless.

Yaya said: "Don't ask, just wait for my good news. I will tell you if I succeed next Monday. If I fail, no one can mention this to me."

Da Zhuang and Xiao Xiao said "Che" at the same time: "Isn't it just to find a job? Why is it so mysterious?"

Yaya waved her hand: "Okay, okay, let's prepare the equipment together after dinner. I wish you good news about my job application next Monday, and I also wish you all the best for hiking in the Wushan Mountains."

Several people raised their water glasses and juice glasses instead of wine glasses and clinked the glasses under Yaya's leadership, wishing everything goes well.

Fog Mountain.

During the year since he was injured, Long Yi wore black clothes every day to pay tribute to the dozens of people who died in the Long family.

Today, he deliberately took off his black clothes and put on pure white clothes. From his underwear to his jacket, they were all green and white, spotlessly white.

Because today he is leaving Wushan to meet someone. This is also the first time he has gone out to meet someone this year.

He had been hiding in a place as dark as hell for more than a year, and he had almost forgotten what the sky and the outside world looked like outside.

He stood in front of the mirror and slowly took off the mask on his face. The face under the mask was good-looking, but very strange, so strange that he didn't even recognize it.

After staring at the unfamiliar face in the mirror for a while, he slowly raised his hand and touched his face with his fingers.

There was warmth and feeling... proving that this strange face was indeed his and not a figment of his imagination.

And all of this has something to do with the woman downstairs.

If she hadn't taken advantage of his feelings for her, the Long family wouldn't have been wiped out without knowing it a year ago.

"Longyi, Longyi!" He sneered, "She asked your Long family to wipe out the whole family, but you still have illusions about her."

In the more than a month since he caught Shen Lingxi here, he had imagined more than once that maybe she didn't know anything at all, and the so-called evidence pointing to her was fabricated by others.

But who would fabricate evidence to frame her?

Are they the Shen family?

It’s ridiculous to think about it, is it possible?

Why did the Shen family fabricate evidence to frame her?

Even though he knew that his thoughts were ridiculous, he would still think about it foolishly, just like he foolishly thought before that she truly loved her and truly wanted to be Mrs. Long.

Dong Dong——

Long Tian knocked on the door and came in, saying respectfully: "Master, Xiaojiu had diarrhea all night and doesn't even have the strength to get out of bed. I'm afraid she can't come with us today."

"Yeah." Long Yi nodded and didn't say much, but Long Tian knew that this was the master's permission for Xiao Jiu to stay.

He added: "Master, the car is ready, we can set off."

Long Yi nodded, put on the mask again, and once again hid his true appearance behind the cold mask.

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