My Husband, Warm The Bed

Chapter 1268: : The extravaganza, is it he?

Chapter 1268: Extraordinary articles, is it he?

For breakfast, my mother Ji made fruit glutinous rice balls. I was tired after eating a few, but Ji Rou still pretended to like to eat like in previous years and ate a big bowl: "Mom, I am not going to school today. Stay with you for a day."

The winter vacation is approaching, and Ji Rou has heard about the class that should be taken. It is not a problem to be absent for a day now. Besides, she has been absent from school before, and no one cares about her if she does not go to school.

"There is so much snow outside, I don’t worry about you going out and staying at home." Ji Rouneng stayed at home, and Ji’s mother was also happy, busying up some snacks that Ji Rou liked to eat. Rou, or call Dai Li and the prince at home to gather together. With a few of them here in their youth, we can also have fun."

"Okay." Ji Rou hadn't seen Dai Li for several days, and she didn't know how Dai Li was doing recently, so she asked her to gather together and ask her about Dai Li's recent situation.

Ji Rou was the first to call Dai Li: "Dai Li, did you go to work?"

Dai Li rolled her eyes and said, "I said Mr. Ji, are you here to check my post? I tell you that because of the Blizzard today, the government has stipulated that all employers in the city are on vacation and are not allowed to go to work. Don't think I am I was lazy and didn't go to work alone."

Ji Rou said: "Yes, I'm just here to check your post. Seeing that you are not in the post, I will deduct your full attendance next month, deduct your performance funds, and deduct all your wages..."

Dai Li interrupted Ji Rou: "If you go on, believe it or not, I will quit immediately."

Ji Rou smiled and said, "Sister Dai Li, don't do it. If you leave, our Qianshui company will not be able to operate. Many people will follow the Northwest Wind."

Dai Li said, "Little girl, are you mad at me?"

The joke was almost over, Ji Rou said solemnly: "It’s snowing today. Anyway, you’re at home alone or at home. It’s better to come to our house and sit and have some hot pot together at home. Think about eating on a snowy day. With a hot hot pot, it feels so refreshing."

Dai Li touched her belly: "I'm losing weight recently."

Ji Rou said, "Really not coming?"

Dai Li: "You can't persuade me anymore?"

Ji Rou said, "Sister Dai Li, please, we can't eat if you don't come."

Dai Li: "My eldest lady, don't say anything, I'll go over right away. You wait for me, and I will appear in front of you on time in half an hour."

Ji Rou: "I'll go to the supermarket outside our community to buy hot pot ingredients, contact me when you arrive, and we will come back together."

Dai Li nodded and agreed.

Next, Ji Rou called the prince and the monkey again. Ji Rou called the prince’s cell phone, but the monkey answered the call: "Boss, what's the matter?"

Ji Rou said, "Monkey, you and the prince can come to my house for hot pot."

It is also a coincidence that the prince and the monkey have just received the news that the school is closed today, and they are about to call Ji Rou. Ji Rou will call next time.

The monkey hesitated and said, "Boss, we can't go."

Ji Ruanhuang, the monkeys, grew up together and knew each other well. The monkeys talked in front of her, and there must be something: "What is the secret of you two?"

The monkey said stiffly: "No."

Ji Rou raised her eyebrows: "No?"

The monkey hesitated for a while, and then said: "Boss, the prince received a call this morning. The call asked us to go skiing in the east ski resort and also asked us to go fishing for fish in the frozen creek..."

Go skiing in the east ski resort, go fishing by the frozen creek...This is what they will do for the first heavy snow every year.

Ji Rou's fingers trembled slightly with excitement: "Could it be...Could it be..."

The monkey said again: "Boss, this is not certain that Feng-senior asked us...Should we go?"

Ji Rou gritted her teeth and said, "Go. I'll go with you."

Brother Feng has always been inconvenient to come out to see her, because he is afraid of hurting him by hiding behind the scenes, so he may only have to use this method to invite them to meet, so that the enemy will have less chance of finding out.

The monkey said: "Then I and the prince will wait for you at the gate of your house."

"Yeah." Ji Rou cleaned up briefly, putting on snow boots and down jacket, "Mom, I have something to go out."

Mother Ji poked her head out of the kitchen: "Xiao Rou, have you contacted Dai Li and the others? I'm going to prepare the ingredients."

"Mom, Sister Dai Li may be here in a while. You tell her to sit for a while, and I will bring the hot pot ingredients back later." Ji Rou hurriedly went out to meet the prince and the monkey, but she just ran into the gate of the community Dai Li came here.

Seeing Ji Rou's anxious look, Dai Li grabbed Ji Rou: "Little girl, where are you going?"

"I..." Ji Rou was anxious to rush to the east ski resort, eager to take off Dai Li's hand, but Dai Li grabbed her too tightly, she couldn't take it off, "Dai Li, you go to my house first , I'll be back in a while."

"I'm asking where are you going?" Dai Li can be sure that there is something wrong with Ji Rou, because this girl can't hide anything, she can tell from her expression.

"Go outside." Ji Rou was anxious, "You let go first."

Dai Li said again: "Don't you watch the weather forecast, don't you know that there is still a Blizzard today?"

"I'll go back soon." No matter what the storm, Ji Rou made up her mind, she must go to the east ski resort and Xiaoxihe. Wan has always been asked by Feng Feng, if she missed it, She won't find peace in the rest of her life.

"I'm asking where are you going?" Dai Li grabbed Ji Rou and didn't let go. "Little girl, if you have to go, why not go with you."

"You don't need to accompany me." The more people who know about this matter, the worse, not to mention that Dai Li doesn't know Brother Feng at all. Ji Rou can't let Dai Li fall into the muddy water of this pond, and can't expose her to danger.

At this time, the prince and the monkey who lived nearby also arrived. Seeing them, Dai Li thought the savior was coming. Unexpectedly, the two of them spoke for Ji Rou when they opened their mouths: "Sister Dai Li, you go to accompany Auntie, we Come and go with the boss."

Dai Li worried: "Prince, tell me, where are you guys going?"

"Sister Dai Li, this is not convenient for us to talk about." The prince is willing to tell Dai Li about other things, but this matter is related to Xiang Lingfeng's life and death, so he can't talk nonsense.

Dai Li emphasized again: "Is it really necessary to go?"

Ji Rou nodded: "You must go."

Dai Li said, "Then I will go with you, otherwise no one is allowed to go."

Dai Li's stubborn temper was also very stubborn. Ji Rou was in a hurry and didn't want to pull too much here, but just nodded and agreed to Dai Li to go with them.

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