My idol is super cute

My Idol Is Super Cute Chapter 439

Men never know how much the content is when girls chat with each other.

Especially a book painter like Kagura Nana, she and Ying Riri dare to talk about anything...

Akwa blushed. She is not very good at talking about this topic with Kagura Nana Jinyue Qiao Ke, but she always talks with Mei Ya on this topic. She also likes to play galgame, and she has some ideas about the plot of the girl. In particular, if the style of painting is particularly suitable, she will even be in love with the girl inside, just like an idiot.

"Where do you think they will develop?" Jin Yue Qiao Ke said that his ghost card was taken away, and he couldn't help feeling a little proud.

"Both of them have developed well." Kagura Nanai said helplessly: "She is Fuxue."

"If you listened to me, Liang Mo would have been taken down long ago." Jin Yue Qoke said.

"No way, Liang Mo and Mei Ya are a couple!" Akwa said dissatisfied.

"Mei Ya? The two of them have known each other for so many years. There should have been development already, okay?" Jin Yue Qiao Ke gave Akwa a white look: "Persuade her to give up."

"No, Mei Ya likes Liang Mo!" Akwa pursed his mouth.

Even if Meiya's mission is not completed, she still wants to brainwash me?Impossible, I am not a fool!

"Why is Liang Mo so good, what does she like so much?" Kagura Nanae said: "You can tell me some of Liang Mo's advantages."

"I think about it..." Akwa thought about it, she didn't know where Liang Mo's strengths were.

Tall and handsome, good for Meiya?Isn't that too superficial?And Liang Mo has the essence of DD, which is good for everyone...

Looking at it this way, Liang Mo seems to be very carefree?It's just that the other men are hidden, and he is an upright DD?

"I want to know why Mei Ya likes Liang Mo so much, why so many people like Liang Mo, and I will know if you have more contact with it?" Kagura Nana said casually: "If you think Liang Mo is not good, please persuade Mei Ya to let go chant."

"That's right!" Akwa was stunned.

If you don’t understand, just understand?

"Sir Nana is going to make trouble again?" Jinyue Qiao Ke gave Kagura Nana a blank look: "If Akwa is trapped, wouldn't you find yourself uncomfortable?"

"I don't like him again..." Kagura Nanana's hand trembling when he draws the card, the amplitude is so slight that no one else can notice it.

"Get in? What do you mean?" Akwa's eyes were a little confused.

"It's nothing, don't contact Liang Mo less." Jin Yueqiao shook his head.

Akwa looked at Jin Yue Qiao Ke, then at Kagura Nana, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

How weird these two people talk, one lets oneself be more in touch, the other one lets oneself be less in touch, then should we have more or less contact?

If only one of them, Akwa, would listen, but these two people are kind of very reliable existence for her, she suddenly didn't know who was listening.

"Why, I don't dare to let her get in touch, because I'm afraid she will hinder you?" Kagura Nana smiled and said, "Fubuki's combat effectiveness is not the same level as you."

"I'm not going to compete with Chuuxue." Jin Yue Qiao said thoughtfully: "However, Akwa reminded me today."

Akwa became even more dizzy when she heard it. How did she feel that Jin Yue Qiao felt that Kagura Nana liked Liang Mo, and Kagura Nana felt that Jin Yue Qiao liked Liang Mo?

Or are they both joking?

"What?" Kagura Nanana looked at her curiously.

Akwa's reminder?Is that reliable!

"You said, did we misunderstand everything from beginning to end, including Fuxuki himself?" Jinyue Qiao Ke looked at Kagura Nana: "Did you find out, she seems to be pushed by us for everything." Let’s go. She thinks that you like Liang Mo, so you have a sense of crisis, but this mood may be that... possessive? It’s like a child’s feeling that a toy is taken away? Because I think she is pitiful, so I want to help She, as a result... was pushed like this by the two of us?"

Akwa nodded quickly. Although she didn't understand, it would be great if Chuuxue didn't like Liang Mo!

Kagura Nanana's hand stopped, and she couldn't help putting down the card.

Coincidentally, this hypothesis is a bit interesting. It's not impossible, it's really possible.

Many feelings are not what I want, but they are actually driven by external forces.

If you say so...

Maybe it's really because of yourself and Qiao Ke that Chuuxue became like this?

Kagura Nana and Kinzuki Koke looked at each other, then lowered their heads at the same time.

Why study this?Whether or not they have come to this point.


If the result that shouldn't have been achieved, will it be fair to Chuuxue and fair to Liang Mo?

Others don't know Liang Mo's net worth, but Kagura Nana and Yukino know very well.

Would marriage be that simple for that kind of family?Just Chuuxue's little head, can you play around?

Kagura Nanana was lost in thought.


Akwa took away the card that was not a ghost card in her hand, and triumphantly tore a piece of paper, meaning she had won.

Jin Yue Qiao and Kagura Nanana looked at each other and smiled. It was a simple person having fun.


It was already half past nine when Liang Mo and Jiang Feng blew the snow to the hotel.

Although the pigeons have been pigeons for half an hour, half an hour should be nothing. I believe that the audience is used to being late for an hour and a half, as long as there are no pigeons!

Jiang Feng Chuixue also tweeted on the road, saying that she was sorry and would broadcast it for half an hour tonight.

The two walked to the lobby of the hotel, and unexpectedly found a person sitting on the resting sofa, looking at the phone in silence.

"Oh, are you back?" Yang Nai looked around Liang Mo and Jiang Fengchuixue.

Jiang Feng Chuuxue felt as if he was being stared at by a terrifying creature, and couldn't help moving behind Liang Mo.

Liang Mo didn't care about it. Yang Nai looked lazy, but she was actually a very aura. She was definitely not keeping fit after so many years of hard work.

"President? Why are you here?" Liang Mo was a little surprised.

Is this a chance encounter?

No...How could the schedule of the office be hidden from her?It is estimated that she came here for other purposes.

"Hello, President!" Jiang Feng Chuuxue hadn't seen Yang Nai much, and hadn't even said a word to her. At this time, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

She walked to Liang Mo's side and bowed to Yang Nai.

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