My idol is super cute

My Idol Is Super Cute Chapter 478

"Ah? What if they really come to attack?" Jiang Feng Chuuxue was taken aback.

"Aren't there still me and Jinghua? You are responsible for the beauty and beauty, and we are responsible for the big kills!" Liang Mo entered the game and saw that Jinghua and Sheila's numbers were new, and he couldn't help but feel more confident.

Jiang Feng Chuixue all kinds of landing boxes, and even borrowed his own number, let his own number land into boxes countless times, now the two people's hidden score should be surprisingly low.

With the addition of two new accounts, all of them are absolutely novices!

This is not Huaxia, and I shouldn't encounter a bunch of anchor fish ponds who are looking for someone to drop points.

Even if they met, Liang Mo was confident not to lose.

"Ahem, in fact, I am not particularly proficient in this game..."

Seeing that Liang Mo was so confident, Jinghua said this out of consideration for his own gaming experience.

He is not only not proficient in playing games, it is simply a waste level, playing this PUBG is better than Sheila, belonging to the kind of operation.

Before he played with a few classmates, he made bold words to take his sister to eat chicken, but the only time he ate chicken was when the sister took him to lie down with chicken. He had never even eaten chicken on his knees. If he was lucky, he would not meet people in the early stage. If you die, if you are unlucky, you will fall into a box, and you rarely win.

If you can be killed by Jinghua, you can basically drop out of school.

"It doesn't matter, I'm here, let you see what is called technology flow!" Liang Mo broke his fingers, looking confident.

What if Jinghua is not strong?Anyway, it was the fish roe game. In this game, Liang Mo had eaten chicken in all four rows.

"Then please." Sheila chuckled slightly.

Are we responsible for being beautiful?That sounds so interesting!

Such a funny boy must be very attractive, right?

"How will we play at that time? If everyone is fighting on the ground, you can't do it without a gun!" Jiang Fengchuixue said.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds can be said to be a game with a lot of luck to some extent. No matter how good the technology is, you have to catch the blind without a gun.

"Listen to my command for a while, and I will jump again when I say jump. I won't talk about jumping. Don't believe what you mark." Liang Mo said.

"Well, I understand!" Jiang Feng Bixue said.

"Is this to play routines?" Jinghua said, he likes routines the most.

"It's not good to cheat fans?" Sierra was still very kind, and felt that Mo Gege was not good for the first time.

"Don't worry, you come to experience the game, I will be the wicked!" Liang Mo said grandiosely.

It didn't take long before Jiang Fengchuixue's live broadcast was connected.

"Good evening everyone, SUKUN!" Jiang Feng Chuuxue issued a characteristic tweet of unknown meaning.

When she did not come, some real single pushers were already waiting here.

When she officially started broadcasting, some DDs who set up live broadcast reminders also came to the live broadcast room.

'This broadcast notification is messing up, welcome to sniper?'

'The little fox has been absent one day, so arrogant?'

'Four people linkage, how do I think this title was made by Mo Ge Ge?'

'It's really possible that the little fox will not be so arrogant, and the Mo Ge pigeon will be so arrogant.'

'Who are the other two?'

"Today's linkage was not decided by me, it was made temporarily by Mo Ge Ge!" Jiang Feng Chuuxue began to talk about the content of today's live broadcast: "Thank you Super Tea, um... Mo Ge Ge said that water fans are too late recently. Respect him and ruined his reputation as a gold medal solo player, so he taught all the water friends today to let everyone know what the real Jedi Spear God is. Well... this is really not what I said, yes. He asked me to say it."

'I go, so arrogant?He can't do without education!'

'Can you guarantee that you will get him?Otherwise, I am very confident in marksmanship.'

'Kill Brother Mo and take away the little fox!'

"Also, I want to introduce two new friends to you today, I will lose them." Jiang Fengchuixue first showed Jinghua's Liehui.


'Lihui is not bad!'

'Miss sister, don't be shy, just listen.'

"Hello everyone."

A male voice full of magnetism interrupted the fantasies of water friends...

The water friends were stunned, co-authoring a women's clothing boss?


pS: Because of 11 or two weddings, one of them was the best man. This month’s violence is scheduled to be on the 14th, I hope you understand...

Chapter 379

Jiang Feng Chuixue was with Liang Mo the first time he interacted with him. Although Liang Mo's character is a bit neutral, he can still tell that he is a man. Even those who know they are men are not too disappointed.

But Jinghua is different, he directly used a female character...

"Wow, good evening, good evening." Jinghua greeted everyone in three languages ​​for an instant, and then returned to Japanese: "My name is Jinghua, the author of Overidea novels, Japanese Chinese, and Chinese reading People's Daily I learned that he is a clear VTUBER, Jiang Feng Chuuxue solo pusher, I feel very honored to be able to interact with idols today, please take care of me."

'Clearly VTUBER?I remember MEA said the same.'

'Single push people?I remember Mo Ge Ge also claimed to be a single pusher.'

'I also used three languages ​​to say hello. Is this showing the level of foreign language?Just simply say hello to me too!'

'There are so many of these. Didn't Mei Ya also use several languages ​​at the beginning? Ask her if she really knows it.'

'in?Why women?'

'Maybe he is also a big lady in real life.'

'People's Daily?I have lived in China for 20 years and haven't seen it...'

'Does this guy say true or not?'

Not only Japanese, but several people even typed Chinese.

Although not a lot of Chinese, it can be seen that there are still some Huaxia people in the tubing, especially the video of Jiang Fengqixue circulating at Xiaopozhan, and some single pushers who like cute styles overcame the wall and came to tubing.

There are many people who can overcome the wall, but there are still a few who can speak Japanese. They can only type Chinese.

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