My idol is super cute

My Idol Is Super Cute Chapter 486

Liang Mo didn't know that these water friends were all Chinese water friends...

Unlike the scattered sand friends in the island country, this sniper was an organized and disciplined sniper...

Why does this happen?Part of it was Xiaopozhan who contributed to the flames, part was that Liang Mo Nong's title was too arrogant, and the biggest reason was... Everyone was boring during Golden Week.

Yes, for most people, especially in China, going out is equivalent to going out to see people, and there is no need to travel at all.

Most of the people who watch the live broadcast are students. Many of them are staying at home at this time. Not so many are still playing outside after nine o'clock.

Hmm...This is not to say that students are very honest, but because of Golden Week, adults also have a lot of time. They basically occupy almost the place where they play, bars, KTVs, restaurants, there are people everywhere. Maybe the net has no place!

Therefore, this has caused the current situation. The Xiaopo Station was officially involved and organized. In the end, thousands of people responded to the sniper. About 20 people came in this field.

They gathered at the wild spot, and then rushed here with the wheat.

At first they wanted to go to Y City to slaughter the city, kill all the people who weren’t their own, then kill Liang Mo and Jinghua, and finally bring Jiang Fengqixue and Xie La to eat chicken, but they did not expect that Liang Mo pulled so fast and left. The route is still so weird, they are all ready to block the bridge.

Patter patter...

The gunfire broke out, the bullets were all hitting the ground, as if trying to tell Liang Mo and Sheila that they were not threatening.

Liang Mo said, I believe you and I are fools!

He took Shera decisively, kicked the accelerator, and drove towards the distance.

He is a master who is good at playing two rookies, he may win by playing three, and he will be lucky if he hits four. After all, a rookie is not allowed to beat him, and he can kill a person with a sudden meal!

He didn't hit a dozen or so, and SKS couldn't make 17 rounds in two seconds. Where can I win!

'What if he ran away?'

'Stuck, how much oil can they have?Kill Mo Ge Ge when the boat stops!'

'We all have cars, they can't run!'

'Report location in real time.'

"Xie La, I think they are bad people." Liang Mo solemnly said.

"Bad guys? But they didn't hit us?" Sheila was a little confused.

She didn't know why everyone was fighting in the city, and everyone stopped shooting here. Isn't this a war game, and it's not a social game.

"It's worse for them. They definitely want to kill me, then capture you alive, and then force you to do things like this. Wasn't Chuuxue forced to sing just now? Remember, the most dangerous thing in this world is the human heart. !" Liang Mo said with a sense of truth.

"Ah? Is it so scary?" Sheila looked surprised.

Jiang Feng Chuixue was forced to sing so vividly that she didn't want to believe it.

"After forcing you to do something like this, then kill you, they said with a grim look, want us to let you go and want to win? Too naive!" Liang Mo continued.

"Liang Mojun, is this really the case?" Jiang Feng Chuuxue said curiously: "I think everyone is very good. Could it be that you think too much?"

"Yes, Mo Ge Ge, we are all good people, how can we beat you?'

'We want to protect you. Who knows that you have blocked cigarettes. If you don't block cigarettes and don't take a gun, we won't hit you, and we will protect you from eating chickens.'

'Well, we are all good people.'

"Mo Ge Ge, look at the comments, everyone says he is a good person!" Jiang Feng Chuuxue said.

"Huh, that's because I didn't meet it. Didn't you see Jinghua's end? If you don't sing, he will play Jinghua. How can we be wronged by this?" Liang Mo contemptuously said.

"Yes, if it is said in Chinese, it is called'Skills can be killed, not slashed', we must not be caught in their tricks!" Jinghua said indignantly: "Xie La, find a place, thunder!"

"By the way, that sentence means that scholars can be killed but not humiliated..." Liang Mo also said in Chinese.

In an instant, the full screen of 666 flew up.

In Japan, even if there are some good operations, there will be no barrage like 666. This is Chinese culture, that is to say, the people who brush 666 are basically Chinese.

For a while, some Chinese comments flooded the screen.

"Then what shall we do?" Sheila did not complain about Jinghua's Chinese, but asked about Liang Mo.

"In this way, we run the poison in the opposite direction, go back to the other side of the bridge, block the bridge, come and kill one, come and kill one pair, I will kill as many as I come today!" Liang Mo said cruelly: "Come on!"

The ship is almost out of fuel, and we must find a place to stop and refuel.

"Ah? Oh... Come on!" Sheila shouted.

"Come on! Small boat!" Jiang Feng Chuuxue also echoed with a smile.

She felt that Liang Mo should not be talking about this...

'Too cute, right?'

'Is it that way?'

"He said to cheer, should he use props?" Jinghua said dumbfoundedly: "Xie La, didn't you pick up a few barrels of oil?"

"Yes!" Sheila said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I don't know how to play..."

She basically doesn’t look at things when she picks them up. She sees what she picks up and throws away some if she can’t pick up the medicine. Now there are messy things everywhere in her backpack, all kinds of bullets, grenades, and smoke bombs. , Flash bombs, Molotov cocktails, medicine, oil, messy accessories, she has them all.

After she finished refueling, Liang Mo decisively drove the boat to the other side.

After getting off the boat, the two went on the bridge again, and a car full of four had already rushed towards Liang Mo!

Liang Mo had a plan to make a living, and said to Xie La: "Take off your clothes."


Shera was a little confused again.

She can understand that she is so cute and can take off her clothes... what is the operation?

Chapter 386

"Undress...I'm not allowed to undress my gun..." Sheila whispered.

She didn't even have a magnifier on her gun, it was not a question of accuracy at all.

It's okay to let her undress, anyway, she is at home, it doesn't matter if she is naked, and no one can see.

But, say it in front of everyone, or that there is a problem with what he said to himself!

"It's not that undressing, it's in the game. Let's change our clothes. Change quickly. They might think that I am you and then don't beat me." Liang Mo said anxiously.

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