My idol is super cute

My Idol Is Super Cute Chapter 493


Bai Shangming called out instinctively, and then rushed towards Liang Mo beside him.

Chapter 391 Coward MIO (two in one)

Liang Mo looked dazed, what happened to Bai Shangmi?

He and Bai Shangming had just walked out of the Jiang Fengchuxue home, she couldn't wait to rush into her arms, is this wanting to go to the hotel to do something that an adult should do?

"I, I'm afraid of the dark..."

Bai Shangming no longer had the momentum of molesting Liang Mo and Jiang Fengchuixue before, and there was a bit of crying in his words.

Fear of the dark is a problem that many people have. The difference is that some people are afraid of people, and some are afraid of ghosts, but they don’t know which kind of Bai Shangmin belongs to.

With a distance of two hundred meters, Bai Shangmi's eyes seemed to have a moat, and she did not dare to leave Liang Mo's body.

"Good, don't be afraid." Liang Mo instinctively patted her on the head: "We walk side by side."


Bai Shangmin said that it was not good for her to go ahead, and she was afraid that Liang Mo was gone when she looked back.

She felt that it was not good for her to go behind, because she might be missing for some reason!

She hurriedly left Liang Mo's arms, clinging tightly to one of his arms, as if Liang Mo would run away if the hold was loose.

Liang Mo couldn't help laughing or crying, remembering that little fox used to be afraid of the dark, ghosts, and horror games, but she has now practiced it.

Liang Mo felt the soft touch coming from his arms, and looked at the shivering and trembling Bai Shangmin like a puppy, it was really difficult to connect her with the talkative guy that I just saw before.

It seems that no matter how smart a person is, no matter how he has a brain, he has the softest part of his heart, or that everyone has something they fear.


At this moment, the lights passing by the two flickered, as if they might be extinguished at any time.

Bai Shangming leaned against Liang Mo again, as if to squeeze himself into Liang Mo's body.

"Why are you so scared?" Liang Mo asked curiously.

Although he feels very comfortable, he can't show this kind of thing, right?How can you base your happiness on the suffering of others?

"I don't know..." Bai Shangmin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw Liang Mo talking to her.

In this quiet night, all kinds of horrible atmospheres pervade all around, and it is better to have someone talking around than nothing.

"Is it almost there?" Liang Mo said.


Only then did Bai Shangmin react and said weakly: "Hug, sorry... I went the other way..."

She was messing with her mind just now, following Liang Mo completely instinctively, and she forgot where her home was.

Liang Mo couldn't help being full of black lines, and now he said he was going the other way?

Although it is not a long distance, is it really good for you to be so cute?

What if you are a bit bad-minded and take you away and do something like this?

This is really magical, at night, or in other words, under such a dark night with no one everywhere, her IQ will plummet.

Hmm... It seems a bit of a werewolf?Transform and lose IQ on the night of the full moon?

"This time you will lead the way." Liang Mo said.

"Okay..." Bai Shangmin whispered: "You want to keep talking to me, okay?"

"Good, good." Liang Mo said: "What is your measurement?"

"90, 62...Wait, why are you asking this kind of question?" As soon as Bai Shangming said two numbers, he felt a little wrong.

"Look, don't you be so scared?" Liang Mo said.

The shame that Bai Shangmi just answered overwhelmed other thoughts, and that's why this happened.

"You... I hate it..." Bai Shangming puffed up her mouth, but just like Liang Mo said, she was not as scared as she was at first.

There is a shelf life for things like fear. Blue Beard is right. If you have been fearful, the fear is new, and the person will adapt.

The difference between Bai Shangming and ordinary people is that her adaptation time is longer and it is more difficult to adapt.

Chatting and joking with Liang Mo will relax her, but if someone suddenly frightens her, she will be afraid.

This is like the rhythm of a horror movie. It is all paving the way for a sudden scary jump to achieve the effect. If you keep fighting ghosts and killing ghosts, you will not feel that way.

"Okay, I'm here, thank you..." Bai Shangming reached his door and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Well, see you if you have a chance." Liang Mo waved his hand to Bai Shangmin: "In the future, I will play more horror games and practice my courage."

"I will..." Bai Shangming said, if she could practice it, she wouldn't be so courageous now.

She gets scared after playing for a while, and then she goes to play something else.

Liang Mo watched Bai Shangmin open the door, walked in, and then left here.

I don't know when we will meet next time. She is just a friend of Jiang Fengchuixue. I guess it will be hard to see in the future, right?

Liang Mo didn't entangle this issue. For many people, everyone was a passer-by.

See you if you are destined, there is no need to force it if you are not.


Time soon arrived the next day, and everyone returned.

Everyone was tired during the return trip. Last night, many people felt that they were still unfulfilled. They spontaneously organized some board games and planned to sleep in the car.

Liang Mo felt a little weak because he used his brain too much yesterday. When he got into the bus, he started to sleep. After the bus slept on the Shinkansen, no one disturbed him.

After getting off the Shinkansen, everyone went back to their homes. They had to gather at the office the next day they should work overtime. Today is the final rest time.

"Liang Mojun, what a coincidence."

When Liang Mo reached the top of the stairs, he happened to meet Kato Ke, who was about to go upstairs.

She didn't wear a uniform today, instead she was wearing home clothes, with a shopping bag in her hand, which looked like some ingredients.

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