My Immoral Detective System

Chapter 57 - The Commander!

"I have to say…." Zion leaned at the door frame and opened his mouth when he saw things going worse. "You guys are fascinating. Instead of saving the citizens, you're trying to go with an easier route and believe the words of an anonymous person who presented the so-called evidence. Are you guys that desperate to save yourselves or born stupid?"

Officials in the courtroom were enraged by the provocation of a human's words. They all glared at servant 52 with hatred when they saw this kind of thing happening. It didn't matter if what the human said was almost entirely true; they wouldn't put up with him. As soon as the selfish truth buried deep within their hearts was revealed, they became even angrier than they had been before.

Aside from their concern over their country and desire to remove an evil king, the officials had another reason for wanting to do this. Usually, they would've spent several days delving into this matter instead of reacting quickly. Just debating with each other would have taken days. They would have kept their king under house arrest and temporarily transferred the authority of the throne to the brothers of Rhesus.

Today, none of the officers had time to think when the swords were aimed at their necks. After reading the scrolls, they immediately risked it all, believing the words on it to be true. In their minds, they questioned: who would have the time and energy to create fake evidence? There was no way anyone would be stupid enough to plan so much for their backward kingdom. Even the officials were self-aware about the fact that their kingdom wasn't very wealthy.

Zion could tell that most of the officers thought the same way. When he observed their angry faces, he sneered and said, "If I said the enemy is completely different from what you expect, I'm sure none of you will believe me. But what will you do if the scroll is proved to be wrong? Only His Majesty is powerful enough to save every single one of us. If you give him to power back, he will surely not let the enemy win, but do you dare to take this risk?"

He knew that at this moment, only provocation would work and nothing else. The officials weren't in a mood to believe his words.

He was correct. As they stared at Zion, all of the officials' eyes turned red with anger, but they could not refute him. Most of them were provoked, but one of the officers instantly saw through Zion's schemes and sneered. "I have to say it. Your plan to divert attention was a success, but we will not let you off so easily! It is clear from your words that you only want to save your evil king and sneak away while we are busy fighting the enemy soldiers! Hah! We're not going to let you go without a fight."

So the black-cloaked man has stationed his men here among officials too.

Zion's gaze traveled from one official inside the room to another before settling on one individual. On either side of Rhesus's throne, chairs were neatly arranged, but none of the officials were sitting at this time. Edda, who had just called Lia for a deadly match, had them all gathered around her.

The corners of Zion's lips curved up as he squinted his eyes at the man. "My master and I will not be a fool to suggest that you capture us in exchange for the king and fight the real enemies because I do not believe in the words of people who are deceitful and take bribes from a certain enemy who was supposed to be dead."

After hearing those words, the officer's face turned pale as he stared at Zion with unblinking eyes. This shocked everyone, including the king, who had lost all of his power because of those scrolls. Rhesus watched the scene in silence since he had no authority to speak unless the officials gave him that permission.

On the other side, the officer accused of being bribed trembled a little bit when he heard the allegations. How did this human know about his involvement with  Prince Bradley?  Rhesus was a threat to the kingdom, and the officer had worked hard to convince both the left and right cabinet officers of that. Yet this human had to appear and cause trouble!

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. No! he wouldn't let this human intimidated him anymore. The next time when the spy official opened his eyes, he looked like he was going to march up to the human and punch him in the face! "Human, you've got guts. Who do you think you are to accuse me of bribery?! You're just talking nonstop garbage! Do you not feel any shame? Guards, seize this human and his master right this instant! Don't let them say a word to each other."

They were all immediately agitated upon hearing those words. Almost wanting to lash out at the human, they glared at him, but this servant was correct. Even though humans were not considered equal to other races, it wouldn't sit right to ignore those slaves downright when such provocative words were spouted.

This human had dared to challenge them that they couldn't stop the war no matter what!

But this servant was right. The war was still going on, and the enemy soldiers were at their gates. What the heck were they wasting time on such a scroll?

One of the officers with some intelligence left in his brain pursed his lips and said,  "You know, he's partly correct. Otherwise, not only will citizens be negatively impacted, but also us as individuals. This is a matter of life and death!"

"Officer Oliver!"  Among the cabinet members, another spy intervened to bring everyone's attention back to the original subject of the discussion. "Is there any shame in your heart?" the spy asked, clenching his teeth. "Is it possible for you to face off against thousands of soldiers? So why send them to fight against the hoard of villains when you can confront their leader? The majority of citizens have also fled. The only people loitering around the kingdom's border are human servants. Our chances of suffering a major setback are slim to none."

"Have you lost it? Even though they're humans, they also deserve to live!"

The spy clicked his tongue. "So you want to give humans a right to live? Did you forget how tyrannical they used to be?!"

The officials continued to argue, but the commander finally lost his patience with the squabbling. All of them were glared at by him, and he exchanged glances with the other soldier standing beside him. Even though he knew of the king's inability to give them any orders, he was left with few options. It was not possible for the soldier to stand by and watch destruction take place. Although the officials claimed that the citizens had been evacuated safely, he was skeptical of it.

As a soldier, he didn't want to stand back and watch people die!

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