My Immoral Detective System

Chapter 59 - Success Rate

As one of the king's top guards, Martin was always on time to ensure Rhesus's safety. Although he knew this particular youth possessed only mediocre skills, the king had specifically chosen him for the purpose of serving as his eyes and ears. Half of his problem would be solved by bringing a guard near him whom no one could doubt.

Martin would not be able to attract the attention of the enemy. Because of this, they would instead choose to ignore him. That's what made him a special guard who would inform the king of every daily activity of the soldiers standing nearby. Even the enemies inside the palace wouldn't be on their guard in front of such a mediocre soldier.

Rhesus thought it was the best decision he'd made since the murder case occurred, but it all happened a bit too late. When the war broke out, he was on the verge of discovering who was in charge of all the enemy spies hiding in the palace. But at the current moment, he could no longer speak a single word without the officials' permission.

It's funny how things can change so quickly! Now, after killing everyone and taking away his brothers' throne more than a decade ago, he felt like fate was stabbing him in the back mercilessly and without any recourse. He was helpless.

This was undoubtedly his karma acting against him.

Meanwhile, the officials were debating whether or not to send the soldiers outside to fight. A frown appeared on his face as a result of this. There is no reason why the officials should even consider not sending troops there. When the enemy was conquered, they could still keep him in captivity while preventing further harm to innocent people.

Were they under the impression that it would be easier to defeat one enemy than to focus on hundreds? What gave them the confidence that the scrolls Edda read not too long ago were correct? The king's glance swept past a few officials arguing against sending the soldiers, and he instantly understood.

It turned out that the spies on the other side were scheming to get everyone to agree to the enemy's plan. To fight against those soldiers in black, they didn't want to send any reinforcements at all. Rhesus gritted his teeth and glanced around only to see that the young soldier he had recently promoted wasn't by his side anymore. It was the commander who caught his confused glance as the chief soldier stood expressionless before nodding and averting his eyes.

Rhesus raised his brows. Was his commander smarter than him? By sending Martin away, it appeared that his chief soldier had already acted out of a sense of duty to protect the kingdom. This young soldier wasn't valued by anyone, which is why no one knew he was no longer in court.

As soon as the commander realized why the king had promoted the youth, the chief soldier took immediate action to protect the kingdom on his behalf. While gazing at his court, the king's shoulders relaxed. Now it didn't matter if the court officials held him for however long. If the kingdom could be protected from the enemies, Rhesus was confident he could get out of this mess.

Zion was the only one who could see the changes in the king's expressions and how relaxed Rhesus had become after glancing at the soldier standing beside him. The detective had kept his eyes on everyone, even the young soldier who had been pushed out of the courtroom's back door. After seeing that the soldiers were provoked enough to send reinforcements in secret, he let out a breath of relief and poked his system.

"Hey 007, are you there?" Zion lazily looked at the two sisters who also joined the argument at some point along with the officials and said to his system in his mind, "Can you tell me if it's possible to close this case with a 75 percent success rate?"

The system popped out on the screen, and he tilted his head in confusion. "Why only 75%?"

"Because I don't think we're going to win this one."

Zion spoke so calmly, without showing any emotion, that even the system thought he was cold-hearted in his heart. "I never thought you'd be this cold," said the little furry man, who looked more like a chibi version of the Methu man. "Are you not willing to think of a way out?"

Before sneering, the detective's eyes squinted at his system. "The enemy appeared to be an imposter who emerged out of nowhere. He even knows about you," he said. "The black-cloaked man, on the other hand, we know nothing about at all. My hopes of completing this case successfully have been dashed now that we're at a disadvantage. We can't end it as we thought before." He paused and asked 007, "How will this case end at a 100% completion rate?"

"After capturing the criminal, or at least leading the authorities to capture him and spreading a word about his antiques to the world."

"Right." Zion's brows furrowed for a moment before he glanced at his system again. "You didn't answer me. Is it possible?"

The system sighed and replied, "Yes. After this case, you'll have access to a progress tracker that will let you know how far you've come in the investigation. A new feature will be added after this case."

It was at that moment that Zion's stare turned colder, causing 007 to shudder from head to toe. An awkward chuckle escaped his lips that was followed by a  head scratch. "I had no idea about this. My master sent me an urgent update message, telling me that this urgent update would give me new features that would help you solve cases in the future with greater accuracy. Of course, this time around, my privacy will be better protected."

Zion finally felt like the Methu man had done something good for the first time after creating 007. "Fine by me. Just be prepared in case something bad happens." He paused as if he remembered something. "You still have that dead body in the inventory, don't you?"


"Be prepared to bring it out," Zion said as a hint of determination flashed in his eyes. "It'll be our ticket to escape."

The chibi system nodded and disappeared as Zion's gaze shifted at the courtroom before him. The more he watched the people argue, the more his brow furrowed.

His opponent appeared to have been one step ahead of him. The black-cloaked man had carefully considered every detail before plotting against the kingdom, and it was possible that they would succeed.

Upon thinking this, Zion felt uneasy in his heart. When he was alive on Earth, he had never experienced such a crushing defeat. There had never been a time when he felt compelled to pay so much attention to someone. Murderers and thieves were the only people he had captured in the FBI.

This time, however, it felt as if he had fallen into the trap of a terrorist who wanted to destroy world peace.

Will he even be able to save this kingdom from its destruction?

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