My Immoral Detective System

Chapter 70 - Ready To Die?

A shiver crawled up the king's spine as he continued to stare at the man before him in horror. He took a step back as if he was scared even to take action against the man. If his deductions were correct, not only his race but the entire world was in trouble!

According to what he remembered, there were a total of four wars that had happened from ancient times: Three world wars among humans and one among all the races. In the year 2021, the third world war had started that had created a mess for humans. The world was divided into many countries back then as humans had been scattered all across the planet. At that time, people from other races were also hidden among humans to keep their identities a secret. This was because several leaders of different races had surrendered to the humans for world peace.

So whenever a world war happened among humans, every country would have its troops of people from different races. Things were so drastic that if two nations had an equal number of royal Dhampirs, the group would be forced to fight against each other just because they came under the nationality of a different country. It was because of such oppression that all the races were dissatisfied with the humans. But this came to an end when the third world war occurred. 

Back then, the humans fought against each other not only with high-grade weapons but also with technology. This was the primary reason why people from different races hated humans and their technology.

Thankfully, the war ended in the year 2033, but billions of humans had died as a result. The remaining gathered at one place and formed a country only consisting of humans knowing they didn't have the power to oppress other races anymore. They also feared that another world war would soon occur if they were to force other races under submission like before, and the humans didn't have much power and energy for that. So they silently elected a king and lived secluded for a century.

It was in the year 2133 that things got worse again, and the new king born of a prostitute went against different races. By then, the races had come together and formed their own countries where they could finally live like themselves. But when they noticed a certain human king wanting to seek death, they retaliated and fought back. This era of when the son of the prostitute became the king and initiated the war was so long that it was already 2236 when the war ended with the demise of humans.

It was said that there was a certain warrior among humans who pleaded with other races and signed a contract to keep the remaining alive under the condition that they would all become slaves. That was how the humans, who were hated by all the races, became slaves of everyone. It has been over a century after the great war between humans and other races ended. The current year was 2337 where different races had established their own territories.

Everyone had started to live in peace except for the magician race.

Who knows why the magician race had decided to establish a relationship with a human king born from a prostitute, but they all hated the magician race altogether. It was a good thing that the entire race was destroyed during the war, and only humans were spared because of that contract. Otherwise, they would all have been doomed.

Rhesus still remembered this story well because his father was the person who had participated in the war and had taught him when he was still young. It was a tragic thing that the previous Dhampir king had died at the hands of Rhesus when the latter became an adult. And how the king killed his family was a completely different story that involved a different level of scheming and manipulation. If his father weren't killed by him back then, the previous Dhampir king would have lived for at least a hundred years.

The only thing that remained the same even after the king changed was the contract with humans still in action.

Rhesus frowned when he thought of world history.

Did this black-cloaked man belong to the magician race? If yes, this could explain why this man was able to use spells as a protective shield. If not, this person belonged to some other race and had successfully learned how to use Qi to attack others using spells. This knowledge was only with the elves at present, and if someone else had obtained their scroll, then it could only mean one thing: someone had dared to steal information from the elves.

He knew how protective the elves were of their power, so much so that they wouldn't give anyone a chance to even ask about how they powered up and used spells to transform Qi into attacks. No one even knew about the words these elves spoke in the form of spells, and it was just a rumor that they used an ancient language that no one had heard of.

Despite this, the king could only come to one conclusion that someone might have stolen the secret from the elves. He wanted to send a message to the Elf Queen to confirm this, but this damned black-cloaked man was becoming more and more aggressive!

The man came forward with his spiritually charged sword and attacked the king again in a fast motion. This person didn't seem to be tired no matter how much he moved on the ground. On the contrary, the king's energy was depleting every time his sword collided with the protective shield of the black-cloaked man. Rhesus had thought that if he could keep attacking the shield, he would be able to generate a crack, but no matter how much he tried, the shield was unbreakable!

His hand was still pressed to his chest in the same position, but his power had now drained to the point that only 5% was remaining within his veins. He knew he wouldn't be able to use another attack. Blood seeped from the corner of his mouth as the king's face paled.

But when he saw the black-cloaked man's lips moving, Rhesus gritted his teeth and raised his sword with difficulty. He didn't know just what kind of attack this man was planning this time, but he wasn't scared. He knew he was going to die when he had challenged the black-cloaked man to a deadly fight. But he still couldn't help but tremble.

As the black-cloaked man's lips stopped, he threw his sword aside, and both of his palms glowed with energy balls surcharged with electrical energy. After that, the corners of his lips curved up to form an evil smile that sent a chill down the king's spine. "Are you regretting it now?"

The man's voice was ethereal as he said this, but nothing about his expressions explained the word 'ethereal.' His face twisted as he continued to smirk while staring deeply at the king's pale face, and he said, "Ready to die, my dear king?"

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