My Immoral Detective System

Chapter 9 - A Ghost Searching For An Evidence!

When the king found out that the guards had seen a 'ghost' in the library, he ordered the imperial soldiers to head over to the area, but they were a little too late.

They couldn't find the traces of that ghost at all! But the king didn't give up. His narrowed eyes glanced at all the library corners and picked the books that Zion had used to find world history. The Dhampir king flipped through the entire book and found traces of white powder on the pages.​​

As Zion had predicted. After leaving the library, they caught his little trick with ease.

The king's eyes went red in anger. He nearly crushed the history scroll with his magical power. Cold sweat formed on the librarian's forehead when he saw his king's angry look. He wanted to stop the king, but when he thought of this person's wrath, he shut his mouth and saved himself over a small history book. Anyway, he had more copies of it. So if the king would destroy one of them, nothing terrible would happen.

But the king realized he was going to destroy a book. So he carefully placed it back on the shelf and glanced at the librarian coldly before walking out of place.

This king, Rhesus, was also a unique character. He had been the youngest son of the previous king. But the only reason he could take the throne was that his elder brothers had died mysterious deaths. It was still unclear whether they died a natural death or someone murdered them.

Only a few younger brothers were still alive because none of them showed any signs of having a greed for the throne. Everyone could tell that someone had used unique means in the dark to push Rhesus on the throne.

But who would ask their doubts to this king? He was cold, and even if he would ever make a mistake, he wouldn't admit it, even in his dreams.

With such a personality, this man could gain the support of most of the residents. The history faded into dust, and no one remembered about this anymore.

Of course, our particular detective Zion would undoubtedly unearth the truth, but this would happen later.

At present, Rhesus went back to the palace to have a meeting with his ministers. And just as he entered, a guard came back with another piece of bad news.

"Your Majesty!" The same guard who had come with the news of the ghost earlier appeared all over again.

The king had a headache. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and asked in an irritated voice, "What?!"

"Someone sneaked inside the late crown prince's residence!'

Rhesus's brows furrowed as he realized what must have happened. He glanced at the imperial soldiers and ordered them to head over there with no delay.

"Your Majesty, what if it's the same ghost?" The guard was practically shivering in fright. He had nearly peed in panic as his face became so pale that others thought he was sick.

But after a moment of silence, the guard heard his majesty's chuckle. He tilted his head. Why was the king laughing like this? But the latter waved his hand. "It's good if it's the same ghost!"

The king didn't believe in ghosts, unlike a few residents and guards across his kingdom. Instead, he knew it was probably man-made trouble, and someone was taking advantage of the havoc caused by Princess Lia in the palace.

So this 'ghost' must be someone who could find palace secrets with ease.

Meanwhile, that 'ghost' searched for evidence at the place where the murder had occurred, the crown prince's bedroom. Since it was a private place, not everyone could enter. So the primary suspects were the servants.

But the king was told by his confidant that he had seen Princess Lia killing her brother from the window.

So Zion wanted to change his identity to that of a magician traveler to enter this place. He had read about wizards and witches, too. Although they weren't really extinct, they were less, but other races respected them. And it was also said that not all wizards could use power. So Zion hadn't worried about the king identifying him in that identity.

But even this plan was a back-up he created. First, he would ask the system to help him change his appearance. If 007 failed to live up to his expectations, Zion would go for his back-up.

Earlier, when he was in the library, he had just opened his mouth to trick the system into changing his identity. That was when he heard about how someone attacked Princess Lia in her cell.

So he realized he had little time to save the situation. The murderer could kill the princess any time!

What was the purpose behind that assassination attempt? Zion couldn't help but frown. Princess Lia was already in prison, and her father would have given her a death sentence.

One reason could be: perhaps the murderer was in a hurry to get rid of all the children of King Rhesus. But why?

There was another possibility. Perhaps the murderer hated Princess Lia to death, and that's why he couldn't stop himself from finding an assassin.

But because of the lack of evidence, Zion couldn't figure it out for now. So he kept this matter aside.

That was the reason he had appeared in the prince's room in his ghost identity. He knew this was a tremendous risk for him. After all, if the king of Dhampirs were even a little smart, he would have figured out that this rumored ghost was indeed a person. And right now, the king was practically fuming in anger, sending all his guards to this place.

So Zion didn't really have much time. So skimmed through the dressing table, bed, cabinets, even curtains carefully, but he found no traces of fighting. Perhaps the murderer had removed the traces. But another thing was also possible where the killer was someone the crown prince knew.

It was impossible for anyone to murderer someone without leaving evidence behind. This showed that the murderer was perhaps a professional.

Zion's brows furrowed. Could it be that someone hired an assassin to kill the crown prince in his sleep? He remembered hearing from the guards that they found the prince's body in the morning.

At present, he found out from the conservation of the guards that someone had slashed the prince's neck with a knife. But saying was one thing, and evidence was another. Anyone could say anything to cover up the truth, but evidence showed what happened.

Plus, the late prince was a royal who knew all kinds of magic and protection techniques. He could even tell that the dead brother of Princess Lia had perhaps learned martial arts, too. So it would be too strange if that person could die with a knife.

Zion walked toward the cupboard and opened it, going through the dresses of the crown prince, one after another. Still, he couldn't find anything.

Just as he was about to close the door, he suddenly noticed a piece of cloth stuck inside the deepest drawer. Zion couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

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