My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 112: Kendo Terrace

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of my life in the game of immortality!

Lu Yi was very surprised: "A mountain floating on the clouds? It's the first time I've seen it."

Lu Yi has seen many wonders in Tianming in ancient books before, such as palace towers that never fall, mountains floating in the sky, lava seas full of magma, and so on.

However, Lu Yi had never seen these wonders with his own eyes before, and this time he saw one of them.

Liu Ningshuang had obviously been to the Divine Sword Sect before, so she was not surprised. She chuckled lightly: "The Divine Sword Sect is one of the Tianming Immortal Sects. Immortals have once been born, so naturally it is unusual."

Lu Yi asked, "Does every holy land immortal sect have such a floating immortal mountain?"

"Of course." Elder Ming smiled.

Lu Yi sighed, and then smiled: "I really hope we will have such a fairy mountain in the future."

Elder Ming laughed: "If you can soar, you can turn the White Cloud Sect into an immortal mountain that will never fall!"

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When Liu Ningshuang looked at Lu Yi, she also smiled lightly: "With the talent of Junior Brother, it may not be impossible in the future."

Even Liu Ningshuang admires Lu Yi's talent.

The three continued to move forward, and the closer they got to the Divine Sword Sect, the more they found.

The monks carrying long swords flew towards the Divine Sword Sect like a pilgrimage.

For the swordsmen of the Eastern Region, the Divine Sword Sect was indeed a holy place.

Some of these sword cultivators went alone, while others went with friends, in twos or threes.

At this moment, an incomparably sharp sword intent condensed from a distance and approached from behind at an extremely fast speed.

The faces of the cultivators changed, and they all turned around. Some people exclaimed: "It's Bai Shaoming from the Jinjianmen of Qinzhou! He is a genius swordsman in Qinzhou. It is rumored that he realized the sword intent when he first entered the Jindan. It's four!"

"A year ago, he entered the peak of Jindan, and three swords killed an old monk who had just entered Nascent Soul. His strength is amazing!"

"I don't know if he got the Kendo order? With his talent, he should get it, right?"

There was a lot of discussion.

Lu Yi looked at the young man walking with the sword. The young man's face was cold, his body was straight, his cultivation base was the pinnacle of Jindan, and his sword intent was very powerful, and he released it unscrupulously.

Next to him was an old man in the God Transformation Realm. His strength was very good, and his aura was as terrifying as an abyss.

Where Bai Shaoming passed, the sword cultivators retreated one after another, daring not to block the way.

Soon, Lu Yi saw that Bai Shaoming flew from not far away, towards the Divine Sword Sect.

Lu Yi was a little surprised and said: "This person's sword intent is not weak, and he is clearly in the Jindan realm, but he already has about 40% of his sword intent."

When Liu Ningshuang and Elder Ming heard this, they were silent.

Can people say this?

At this moment, three golden black birds pulled a chariot across the sky. The golden black birds were extremely powerful, and they were the beasts of the Yuan Ying realm.

To be able to pull the cart with three golden black birds, the status of the monk in the cart is probably not low.

Someone exclaimed: "It's someone from the Taihuangjianzong! I'm afraid the one sitting inside is the arrogance of the younger generation of Taihuangjianzong!"

"Although Taihuangjianzong is not an immortal sect, it is also one of the most powerful sects under the immortal sect. There are several old monks who have crossed the calamity realm! There will be one more Immortal Sect."

"The younger generation of Taihuang Sword Sect is extremely powerful, and can even compete with the Divine Sword Sect. It is said that a swordsman already has nearly 80% sword intent, and he killed a seventh-level cultivator of Nascent Soul when he first entered Nascent Soul!"

"The younger generation now is really getting better and better!"

The car pulled by the golden black bird quickly crossed the sky, leaving a layer of golden light on the trail, and rushed towards the Divine Sword Sect.

Lu Yi glanced at it, the strength of the old man driving the car was extremely terrifying, even if it was compared to Elder Ming, it was probably not bad.

Hollow realm.

Lu Yi was a little shocked. He didn't expect to have the role of the coachman as the big cultivator of Dongxu. He was indeed one of the most powerful sects under the Immortal Sect.

Lu Yi sighed in his heart, the whole Tianming is too big, and the White Cloud Sect is very small in it.

Liu Ningshuang looked at the mysterious bird chariot and said softly: "The Emperor's Sword Sect's Feng Ming is extremely strong, and his sword intent is soaring to the sky. Even me, I have to deal with it carefully. Junior Brother, you can pay attention to him."

Lu Yi was a little surprised: "Even Senior Sister finds it difficult? It seems to be a character."

He pondered: "I sensed several not weak sword intents in that chariot, I am afraid they are all kendo geniuses with extraordinary strength, the strongest person, the sword intent is close to 80%, compared to Senior Sister Ruyu, I am afraid that Just a little bit."

"I'm afraid that person is Feng Mingzhi."

Lu Yi nodded slightly to show his understanding.

The three continued to approach the Divine Sword Sect, and in just this short distance, they met several kendo geniuses who were well-known throughout the Eastern Region.

This is only for a while, these days, I don't know how many days will come here.

It is conceivable how important the kendo conference is in the hearts of these sword cultivators.

Even a kendo genius would not want to miss such a grand event.

Soon, the three of them came to the area of ​​the Divine Sword Sect. The rich spiritual energy surged, and the spiritual rain fell in the sky, nourishing the exotic flowers and plants on the ground. Lu Yi took a breath and felt that the spiritual energy was coming to his nostrils.

He couldn't help but sigh, worthy of being the Immortal Sect, such a concentration of aura really far exceeds that of the White Cloud Sect.

If you cultivate here, the speed of cultivation will probably be much faster than other areas.

It is no wonder that the disciples of Xianzong are very powerful.

Entering the Divine Sword Sect area, all the sword cultivators landed on the ground and walked along the stone steps, and soon came to a huge square.

There were some young monks wearing white long swords and carrying long swords in the square to greet the guests.

These cultivators were young, both male and female, all of them were straight like swords, their expressions were proud but not arrogant, and they seemed to have extremely high literacy.

Jianxiu who came over entered the mountain gate under their guidance.

These sword cultivators did not enter the Floating Immortal Mountain. There were also buildings of the Divine Sword Sect on the ground, as well as a not-so-small city.

These swordsmen will stay in the city, waiting for the start of the Kendo Conference.

Of course, there are exceptions. Lu Yi saw that the chariot of the Emperor Sword Sect was ushered into a floating fairy mountain by a monk of the Sword Sect with a deep breath like the sea.

At this time, Lu Yi saw Bai Shaoming, he took out a kendo order and handed it to a young monk.

The Divine Sword Sect cultivator chuckled lightly: "You welcome Bai Daoyou to participate in the Kendo Conference. The sword cultivators who receive the Kendo order will be arranged to stay at Jianming Peak. Of course, if you have friends from our Divine Sword Sect, you can also go there. visit him."

Bai Shaoming looked indifferent and said, "I'll go to Jianming Peak."

The Divine Sword Sect cultivator also smiled and nodded, and was about to take him to Jianming Peak.

At this moment, everyone saw a jade light flying out of a floating immortal mountain and flew towards the square.

Seeing this jade light, the monks of the Divine Sword Sect were all surprised.

"Is it Senior Sister Jian Ruyu?"

"Why did Senior Sister Jian Ruyu come down?"

Then everyone saw Yuguang falling in front of Lu Yi and the others.

Yuguang turned into a sword like jade, and with a smile on her beautiful face, she said, "Ningshuang, junior brother, you are finally here. Come, I will take you to where I live."

Lu Yi and the others naturally had no opinion.

No one came to stop the sword cultivators of the Divine Sword Sect, and the group rose into the air and flew towards the floating immortal mountain that Jian Ruyu flew before.

After the group left, everyone was talking about it.

"That fairy seems to be Liu Ningshuang on the Tianjiao list?"

"I heard that she and Senior Sister Jian Ruyu are close friends. She is indeed right, but who is that young man?"

"I don't know, I've never heard of it... Senior Sister Jian Ruyu calls that young junior brother? Could it be that he is also a disciple of our Divine Sword Sect?"

"Impossible! If the Divine Sword Sect has disciples who are close to Senior Sister Jian Ruyu, how could we not know?"

"I may know who the man is."

"who is it?!"

"Fairy Jian Ruyu's hometown is in Qingzhou, and Fairy Liu Ningshuang seems to be from Qingzhou. I traveled abroad a few days ago and heard that Qingzhou Baiyun Sect has a fairy seed, and the talent is like an ancient evildoer. It is very scary. Sword Intent. I'm afraid it is him."

"What?! When you practice Qi, you have mastered the sword intent??"

The cultivators were basically sword cultivators. When they heard the news, they all widened their eyes and looked in disbelief.

As a sword cultivator, who doesn't know how profound and mysterious the sword intent is. This is a kind of artistic conception. It is a genius to master the artistic conception in the realm of Jindan, but it is mastered in the realm of qi training? ! They never heard of it.

"If it's true, what is the level of this guy's sword intent now?" said one person.

The others also looked at each other in dismay, making it difficult to guess.

This talent has exceeded their imagination.

Even Bai Shaoming, who had not left, was silent at the moment.

He turned his head and asked the cultivator around him: "Old Bai, can anyone really understand the sword intent while practicing Qi?"

The cultivator was silent and shook his head slightly: "The old man doesn't quite believe it."

Bai Shaoming watched Lu Yi leave the streamer, his eyes sharpened a bit, his expression was cold: "Wait for the Kendo Conference, it will be revealed naturally!"

Lu Yi followed Jian Ruyu and flew towards Xianshan. He felt that the closer he got to Xianshan, the stronger the spiritual energy, and he couldn't help but exclaim: "The spiritual energy here is really rich."

Jian Ruyu said with a smile: "It is indeed true. It is rumored that the ancestor used great mana to imprison several top-quality spiritual veins to nourish this place, so that the spiritual energy of this place has become like this."

Elder Ming's expression was full of yearning, and he sighed: "Life has created a heaven and a blessed land, and the power of immortals is unpredictable."

Lu Yi was also amazed: "It's true, this floating immortal mountain, this rich spiritual energy, no wonder it is said that one person has attained the Tao, and the chicken and the dog ascend to the sky."

Jian Ruyu smiled and said, "Junior brother, if you think this place is good, stay here for a while. The spiritual energy here is rich, and it should be helpful to your cultivation."

Lu Yi smiled slightly, not too concerned about it.

After all, what he used in his cultivation was spiritual marrow. Although the spiritual energy here was rich, it was far worse than the spiritual marrow, and it had no effect on him.

Soon, Jian Ruyu brought the three to the floating immortal mountain. Jian Ruyu seemed to be quite respected here, and the monks passing by would greet her.

Lu Yi glanced over. These cultivators had Jin Dan, Yuan Ying, and Shen Hua, all of which contained sword intent, and they were all disciples.

Lu Yi felt very strange, in Qingzhou, the cultivator of the gods was already the supreme elder of the sect...

However, even the cultivator Lu Yi encountered, the sword intent was far inferior to that of Jian Ruyu.

In the realm of Nascent Soul, he has mastered 80% of the sword intent, and he is indeed a monster. Even in such a holy place of swordsmanship, he is an extremely extraordinary existence.

No wonder others respect her.

Jian Ruyu brought the three of them to a palace. The palace was huge, and the words Ruyu Palace were engraved on it.

"This is where I live, Senior Ming, Ningshuang, Junior Brother, you all stay here and wait for the Kendo Conference to start."

The three Lu Yi nodded and moved into the Ruyu Palace.

In the following days, Lu Yi practiced normally every day, using a drop of real dragon blood from time to time, comprehending the natural Dao pattern on the scales of the real dragon, and constantly improving his own Heavenly Thunder True Dragon Art.

Lu Yi discovered in the previous battle that when fighting, the physical body is really strong, and it is invincible.

This is an unimaginable feeling for cultivators who practice other Taoist methods. It is invincible and unstoppable.

Lu Yi likes this feeling very much.

Of course, Lu Yi will not give up on other Taoist methods, and is still cultivating with peace of mind.

From time to time, he will also spar with Jian Ruyu to learn kendo. Unfortunately, after the sword intent is complete, the improvement is too slow. If you want to break through to the realm of the realm at this speed, I am afraid it will take several years, or even more than ten years.

Fortunately, the next Kendo conference has the opportunity to save him a lot of time.

Time passed, and in the quiet practice, the day of the kendo conference soon came.

On that day, a huge Taoist platform rose into the sky and floated in the sky, juxtaposed with a group of floating immortal mountains.

The Taoist platform was covered with all kinds of swords, and incomparably fierce sword intent circulated in it.

All the sword cultivators raised their heads one after another, looking at the kendo platform, with fiery eyes in their eyes.

Jian Ruyu took Lu Yi, Liu Ningshuang and Old Ming flew to the Kendo platform.

Apart from them, there were densely packed monks flying towards the Kendo platform in the sky. These monks included kendo geniuses who came from other states not far away, as well as disciples within the Divine Sword Sect.

All kendo cultivators have realized the sword intent, and only those sword cultivators with sword intent are eligible to participate in the kendo conference.

This is just a qualification, if they are not strong enough, they still can't get on the kendo stage.

A group of people floated outside the Kendo platform, and Lu Yi saw several figures floating above the Kendo platform.

There are middle-aged, there are old people, there are men and women.

These powerhouses have no breath, just like mortals.

Lu Yi's spiritual sense was extremely sharp, and the moment he saw them, he felt cold all over his body, as if he had encountered terrifying creatures.

The strength of these old men is extremely terrifying and powerful, and even far exceeds that of Ming Lao.

Seeing that Lu Yi was paying attention to the monks, Jian Ruyu said, "They are the current headmaster of the Divine Sword Sect, and there are several powerful elders, all of whom are Mahayana monks."

When Lu Yi heard the words, Tong Kong shrank slightly: "Mahayana monk? No wonder, it makes people feel scary."

After Mahayana, it is the realm of transcending tribulation.

When they reach the realm of transcending calamity, they are usually old monsters.

And to reach the Mahayana realm, there is a premise, that is, to master the domain, incarnate the heaven and the earth for one's own use, it can be said that the unity of heaven and man is an extremely terrifying realm, and the combat power is unimaginable.

Mahayana monks do not talk about catching the stars and taking the moon, turning their hands and destroying thousands of miles, that is completely achievable.

The middle-aged man at the head was the current headmaster of the Divine Sword Sect, and his name was Xing Jiuzheng.

He stood in the sky, as if it was in harmony with the heaven and the earth, and had a natural charm of Taoism. He was just standing there, but it was difficult for people to see his face clearly.

His voice sounded like a symphony of gold and iron: "The kendo platform has been opened, and all the swordsmen are entering the kendo platform!"

Hearing this, many cultivators flew towards the Kendo stage with their eyes burning.

The cultivator in the front is a young man. His cultivation base has reached the realm of Nascent Soul. There is a strong flow of sword intent around his body, forming a translucent sword gang around his body to protect his body, and he steps into the kendo stage in one step.

However, as soon as he stepped in, the surrounding long swords hummed, and one after another invisible sword intent turned into a terrible storm and rushed towards him.


The young man didn't even have time to react, and was directly knocked out, coughing up blood.

He looked horrified and shouted in disbelief: "How is it possible?! How can this sword intent be so strong? My sword intent has already reached 25%, so I can't step into the Kendo stage?! I don't believe it!"

Hearing this, many monks stopped immediately and looked at the young man in astonishment.

"This...isn't this Sheng Yizhi of the Taixuan Sword Sect? He is a famous kendo genius in Linzhou, but he didn't even have the qualifications to enter the kendo stage?"

"Twenty-and-a-half percent of Sword Intent is not even qualified? How powerful is Sword Intent to enter the Kendo stage?"


There was a lot of discussion, and some monks did not believe in evil and stepped onto the kendo stage again.

The cultivator's sword intent was not even as good as that of Sheng Yizhi, who was blasted out at the beginning.

This made many monks discouraged.

At this moment, an icy voice sounded: "Humph! A bunch of trash, just rely on you, you also want to go to the Kendo stage?"

A man in yellow clothes carried a long sword on his back, stood with his hands behind his back, and floated towards the kendo platform.

The swords around him were bright yellow and extremely fiery, like the imperial power of the emperor. He stepped onto the kendo stage in one step. Those long swords hummed and wanted to release their sword intent. They were swept by the sword light all over his body, and they stopped one after another, as if they were afraid. .

Many monks took a deep breath: "The Emperor's Sword Intent of the Emperor's Sword Sect! This person is unknown!"

"As expected of the top five geniuses on the Tianjiao list, this sword intent is really like the majesty of an emperor, and it cannot be blasphemed."

"The Kendo stage has even been suppressed by him, it is so powerful that it is unimaginable!"

After Feng Wuming, a few more swordsmen in yellow clothes stepped forward and laughed: "We will follow Senior Brother!"

They also released the Emperor's Sword Intent all over their bodies, but they were slightly weaker than Feng Ming's.

The moment he stepped on the kendo stage, the sword intent rose into the sky, resisted the sword intent on the kendo platform, and walked to Feng Wuming's side.

In just one Taihuangjianzong, there are six young swordsmen who have entered the kendo stage.

Seeing the Taihuang Jianzong cultivator step into the kendo stage, the sword cultivators who are confident in themselves also use the sword intent to protect their bodies and step into the kendo stage.

Some Jianxiu resisted the sword intent released by the Kendo stage, and some Jianxiu were knocked out.

Among them, there are people who are amazing and talented, just like Feng Mingming, the kendo stage suppressed by the powerful sword intent cannot even release the sword energy.

And the older generation of sword cultivators walked into it like a stroll in the courtyard.

When Lu Yi saw Bai Shaoming, the moment he stepped into the kendo platform, the sword intent around his body rose into the sky, sharp and cold, containing a terrifying killing aura.

This is the Sword of There are terrifying sword intents on the swords around the kendo platform that rushed towards him, and they were all resolved by him. Bai Shaoming was not feeling well. Kendo platform.

Among the sword cultivators, the cultivators who actually entered the kendo stage were only a few hundred people.

Jian Ruyu turned to look at Lu Yi and Elder Ming, and said with a chuckle, "Junior Brother, Elder Ming, let's go in too."

Liu Ningshuang was not a sword cultivator, so she could only watch from the outside and could not enter the kendo stage.

Old Ming smiled slightly, and sighed a little: "The last time I participated in the Kendo conference, I was fortunate to step into the Kendo stage. This time, the old man is here again."

Lu Yi smiled and nodded, "Let's go."

The three also flew towards the Kendo platform.

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