My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 125: dying fairy

【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

In the training room of Dongfu, Lu Yi took out the drop of true dragon blood. The blood of the real dragon is different from the blood of the real dragon. The whole body is golden, flashing with a strong brilliance. There is even a small dragon swimming inside. Just a drop of blood is as heavy as ten thousand. The void is distorted. That is to say, Lu Yi's physical body is strong enough at the moment, otherwise, I am afraid that it will be difficult to withstand such pressure. He swallowed the blood of the real dragon into his stomach. Suddenly, a passionate dragon roar sounded in Lu Yi's mind. Lu Yi's body seemed to have a real dragon swimming, and the lines flickered. The terrifying force made Lu Yi's body crack, the bones made bursts of noise, blood escaped from the cracked skin, and the bright red carried a trace of it. wisps of golden streamer. In just a moment, Lu Yi's body was stained red with blood. It was the first time he was hurt like this after Lu Yi's physical success. As a cultivator who has broken through several layers of Heavenly Dao under the pressure of Heavenly Dao, Lu Yi's will is naturally determined. Under the severe pain, Lu Yi's expression has not changed in the slightest. rise. Lu Yi directly used the epiphany times, and began to calm down and realize the true dragon pattern. Different from the blood of the real dragon, after the blood of the real dragon entered the body, the figure of the real dragon that appeared in Lu Yi's mind was more real. The scales and claws seemed to be in front of Lu Yi's eyes. Even the supreme majesty made Lu Yi's chest dull. . The real dragon stands in the galaxy, and the surrounding stars are dark, not as dazzling as the golden light radiating from his body. Every inch of his body has Dao lines circulating, as if he was born with the Dao. Lu Yi looked at the lines, and under the sound and epiphany, he began to comprehend. Time passed, and after a long time, Lu Yi slowly opened his eyes. There were mysterious and complicated golden Dao lines in his eyes that flashed and disappeared, and then slowly disappeared. The terrifying blood energy circulated in Lu Yi's body. If it wasn't for him to control it, I'm afraid that the movement of blood energy could spread throughout the Baiyun Sect. He has gained a lot. Although the Dao pattern contained in the blood essence of the real dragon is extremely mysterious, Lu Yijin has a very strong understanding. Even if his cultivation has just entered the Nascent Soul and is far away from the realm of immortals, he still feels a trace of truth. The mystery of the dragon pattern. He deduced a new Heavenly Thunder True Dragon Art, if it is complete, it can reach the Mahayana realm, which is extremely powerful and terrifying. Not only that, after absorbing the blood of the real dragon, Lu Yi's body was reborn again, like a new life. At this moment, every part of his body was engraved with Dao lines, exuding extremely powerful power. But soon, Lu Yi frowned, and he was a little confused. He thought of his senior sister and junior sister, and Yun Xi, and his mood fluctuated. The corners of Lu Yi's mouth twitched, feeling a bit of a toothache. The blood essence of the real dragon contains the essence of the real dragon, which is stronger than the blood of the real dragon before. Even if his cultivation base is much stronger than before, the physical body is also extremely powerful, and it still has an impact. However, Lu Yi was determined, suppressed this strange feeling, and began to hone his flesh and blood again, while eliminating this negative effect. Time passed, and a year passed in a blink of an eye. During the past year, Lu Yi has been practising peacefully every day, comprehending techniques and techniques, and comprehending the Yuan Ying chapter of the Inextinguishable Sword Sutra. With the condensed Yuan Ying, Lu Yi's ability to comprehend the Dao has been improved again. In the Yuan Ying chapter's Inextinguishable Sword Sutra, it only took a year for Lu Yi to cultivate to the level of lv4, which is faster than the Jin Dan chapter. However, Lu Yi was also a little anxious. Not only that, the Nascent Soul Chapter was the last chapter of the Inextinguishable Sword Sutra in his hand. If he didn't get a new chapter when he broke through to the realm of God Transformation, he could only switch to another chapter. 's exercises. He made up his mind that if the fragments of the Inextinguishable Sword Sutra were not found by then, he would ask the Master if he had any other useful exercises. It really doesn't work, he still has the Mahayana exercise "Qinglian He Dao Jue" that was rewarded when he broke through the realm of Nascent Soul. Although this practice method is a little less meaningful than the immortal scriptures, it is enough for him to cultivate to the Mahayana realm. When he breaks through to the Mahayana realm, wouldn't it be easy for the quest to reward the immortal scriptures? As long as the time comes, you can spend some time practicing the exercises. Even so, Lu Yi would still go out from time to time to investigate to see if there were any heritage relics of the Indestructible Sword Sect. Unfortunately, nothing has been found so far. On this day, Lu Yi was cultivating, and suddenly a familiar voice sounded from outside the door: "Junior brother, come out quickly! There is good news to tell you!" Lu Yi was stunned, opened his eyes, a little surprised. It is the voice of Jian Ruyu. Since the Kendo Conference, Jian Ruyu has learned something. After staying in the Sword God Sect, they have not met each other, and it has been almost ten years now. Of course, ten years is actually a very short period of time for the Yuanying cultivator. What puzzled Lu Yi was, how could Jian Ruyu suddenly come to him? And there is good news? When Lu Yi walked out of the cave, he saw Jian Ruyu, who was dressed in sackcloth and holding a long sword of jade, standing at the door. His black hair was crystal clear, and his eyebrows had a sharp and heroic look unique to Jianxiu. Lu Yi smiled and said, "Senior Sister Ruyu, I haven't seen you for a long time. Why did you suddenly come to Baiyun Sect? Are you here to find Senior Sister?" Liu Ningshuang and Donggong Mingyue have been in retreat since Lu Yi's tribulation, even if they haven't yet. come out. Lu Yi had no chance to talk to them about Yun Xi. His current physical strength is astonishing, and Lu Yi is very confident that he will not be injured even if he is faced with a high-grade treasure. Jian Ruyu shook his head and said with a smile: "That's not true. I came here specifically to find you, junior brother. Someone found a ruin in Yuanzhou, which is suspected to be the inheritance of the Indestructible Sword Sect." Hearing this, Lu Yitong's hole shrank, showing a happy expression: "Really?!" Jian Ruyu nodded: "Of course it is true, I heard about this, and I came to you immediately, and the news has not spread yet. , Let's go there now, it should be too late." Lu Yi heard the words, and his heart warmed: "Thank you, Senior Sister." Jian Ruyu smiled, patted Lu Yi's shoulder, and said, "Thank you for what? Since I call you Junior Brother , I naturally have to think of you. Don't worry, I'm going to see Ningshuang, I haven't seen her for a long time." Lu Yi smiled: "Senior sister is in retreat, don't bother now." Hearing this, Jian Ru Yu nodded slightly: "If that's the case, then let's go straight." "Okay!" Lu Yi nodded. He went to the top of Lingluo Peak first, and told his master that he planned to go a long way. Shizun's eyes were sleepy, and naturally he had no opinion. He was just complaining that if he even went out, no one would run errands for her. After all, Liu Ningshuang and Donggong Mingyue are still in retreat. Lu Yi said that he was speechless, this person could really lie down on the bed and didn't want to move a step. Lu Yi ignored her, and then Lu Yi went to Elder Ming again and found that Elder Ming was also in retreat. The profound light of enlightenment after Lu Yi crossed the tribulation last time has made many monks of the older generation have a lot of insights. Several elders have been in retreat, and they have not come out yet. Even Headmaster Wu Qingfeng is still in retreat. Lu Yi saw that Elder Ming was still in retreat and did not disturb him. Although there is Elder Ming to protect the law, his security is higher, but he has done tasks over the years, and some of the rewards he has obtained are useless to him, and some are useful. threaten. What's more, there is Jian Ruyu. Jian Ruyu is the arrogance of the Divine Sword Sect. Generally, the older generation and strong will have scruples and will not do anything to them. Yawen, so, Lu Yi and Jian Ruyu left the White Cloud Sect. Not far from the sect, Lu Yi asked Jian Ruyu to stop for a while, and he took out a blue spirit boat. The spirit boat was more than 20 meters long, with a gorgeous palace tower on it as a residence, and the spirit boat was also engraved with mysterious lines. , at first glance is a very rare magic weapon. This is the Qing Xuanzhou, a mid-grade treasure, which Lu Yi was rewarded for breaking through the God Transformation Realm in a trial tower. Seeing Qing Xuanzhou, Jian Ruyu widened her eyes, looked at Lu Yi in astonishment, and exclaimed, "This is a mid-grade flying treasure?! Junior brother, you still have such a good thing?? Even if it is our Divine Sword Sect's Elder Dong Xu, I am afraid no one has it." Seeing Jian Ruyu's surprised look, Lu Yi smiled slightly and explained, "This is a coincidence of the junior brother." Jian Ruyu couldn't help it. She sighed: "Your luck is so good." Then she smiled and said, "The speed of the mid-grade flying treasure is extremely fast. With this Qingxuanzhou, we can get to Yuanzhou faster, so we don't have to worry about being late." Originally Jian Ruyu was also a little worried about missing the opportunity. After all, it took a lot of time for her to get the news from Shenjian Sect to return to Baiyun Sect. Now that she has this mid-grade treasure, Jian Ruyu is not worried at all. Lu Yi nodded: "Let's go up." The two got on the Azure Profound Ark. Lu Yi added the Spirit Stone and started the Azure Profound Ark. As a mid-grade flying treasure, the Qing Xuanzhou was extremely fast, turning into a ray of azure light, flying in the direction of Yuanzhou like a teleportation. Yuanzhou is located in the direction of the east and west, not far from the central region, and it is very far from Qingzhou, which is farther than Wangzhou. In fact, Wangzhou is located on the route of Yuanzhou and Qingzhou, almost in the center. In just half a day, Qing Xuanzhou flew out of Qingzhou, much faster than when Lu Yi, Liu Ningshuang and Ming Lao went to Wangzhou. Two days later, Lu Yi and Jian Ruyu found that many monks seemed to be rushing in the direction of Yuanzhou. Some powerful sects used ancient treasure ships, and there were many monks standing on the boat, and some strong people flew by on the monstrous beasts. There are also monks walking with swords, and the speed is also not slow. When Lu Yi and Jian Ruyu saw the news, they went to the cities along the way to inquire about the news. Only then did I find out that the news that Yuanzhou had discovered a relic had spread out, and there were immortal formations circulating outside the relics. It was suspected that the guardian formation of Xianzong had alarmed the monks in the entire Eastern Region. A large number of monks from the Eastern Region are rushing to Yuanzhou, intending to try their luck. "I didn't expect it to spread so quickly." In a restaurant, Lu Yi and Jian Ruyu listened to the loud discussion of the restaurant cultivator and said. Lu Yi smiled, and there was no surprise: "After all, it is unrealistic to want to hide such a large ruin." Jian Ruyu nodded. The two continued on their way, searching for news all the way, and in just seven days, they passed through Wangzhou and approached the direction of Yuanzhou. As they approached Yuanzhou, more and more monks were gathering, as if a grand event was being held. "Have you heard that the Holy Son and Holy Daughter of Taiyi Holy Land have come over." "Not only Taiyi Holy Land, Leiyin Immortal Sect, and Taixuan Immortal Sect's holy sons have also come, the younger generation of these Holy Land Immortal Sects. They are all extremely powerful." "I also saw the dragon boat in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land on the road, and the Heavenly Dragon Holy Son on the dragon boat. Just a glimpse, I felt as if I was facing a young dragon, the Heavenly Dragon Holy Son in all the holy places in the Eastern Region. Among the immortal sects, they should be considered peerless figures, right?" "The Son of Heavenly Dragon is indeed very strong. He has challenged the younger generation of the major immortal sect holy places these days, and almost all of them are crushed." "But how did I hear that, Tianlong The first battle of the Holy Son was in Qingzhou, and he was frustrated by the sword of the natural sword immortal of the White Cloud Sect." Some cultivators have heard the news, and some cultivators do not understand. Hearing the words were all discussed. "Really or not? In the past few years, the Heavenly Dragon Holy Son was born, and he has not lost a single defeat, but he actually lost the first battle?" "I know that the natural sword immortal of Baiyunzong, the kendo conference was a blockbuster back then, and it was only in the realm of Jindan, and it was condensed. I heard that even the old headmaster was surprised." "I thought it was a rumor before, but I didn't expect it to be true. I've never heard of Baiyunzong, so there is such a person? I don't know what kind of luck you have taken." "Yeah... If such a person ascends, the White Cloud Sect will probably also become the Holy Land of the Immortal Sect." Everyone sighed. Jian Ruyu listened to these monks' words, the corners of his mouth raised, and a smile appeared, and he voiced: "Junior brother is very famous now? But you are indeed powerful, even that Tianlong Holy Son was defeated by you." Lu Yi With a slight smile: "That Son of Heavenly Dragon is indeed not weak, and it took me a certain amount of effort to defeat it." Jian Ruyu didn't know the battle at the time, so she nodded in agreement: "The Son of Heavenly Dragon is indeed very powerful. Heavenly Dragon Holy Land spent a lot of effort to cultivate, he challenged the Holy Land of major sects and never lost." Lu Yi glanced at Jian Ruyu in surprise: "Has he come to your Divine Sword Sect?" After the defeat, he was silent for five years, broke through to the realm of Nascent Soul, and challenged the Excalibur Sect after exiting the customs. At that time, I was in retreat, and it was Brother Wang who fought against him, and he defeated Brother Wang in just ten rounds." Lu Yi heard the words, There was no accident. When he was in the golden core realm, the strength of Long Shengzi was very unusual that day, and he was even catching up with his own senior sister. Breaking through to Nascent Soul, he would definitely be stronger. It is normal to defeat Wang Qifeng. Lu Yi was a little puzzled: "I heard that the holy son of Long was quenched with real dragon blood since he was a child, and he was trained to such a point. Don't your other sects have such resources?" Jian Ruyu shook his head slightly: "True dragon As an immortal beast, its strength is extremely powerful, even an immortal may not be an opponent, the real dragon blood is extremely precious in the holy land of the immortal sect, even the holy land of the immortal sect would not be so profligate." Lu Yi raised his eyebrows, a little stunned: "How could the Holy Son of Long have such resources that day?" Jian Ruyu glanced around and said, "I heard from the master, it seems to be related to the one who ascended from the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land." Lu Yi was stunned, a little Shocked: "It has something to do with the immortal behind the Tianlong Holy Land?" "Well, I heard from the master that the immortal behind the Tianlong Holy Land was seriously injured because of an accident, and even his lifespan was damaged, leaving only 10,000 years of lifespan. , he wants to cultivate a new immortal before his death to protect the inheritance of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land, so he invested so much." Hearing this, Lu Yi's eyes widened, his face was shocked, and he said: "Lian Immortal Will he also die?" Lu Yi always thought that immortals could live the same life as heaven and earth, but it seems not to be the case. "Naturally not. Although immortals have a long lifespan, they will die of old age. If they want to live a long life with the world, they must be very strong." Jian Ruyu is a descendant of the immortal sect, and there have been several immortals from the sect. , I also have a certain understanding of immortals, and said with some leisurely fascination: "However, even if you have just risen to immortality, you have a million years of life." A million years... Lu Yi grinned, this is no different from immortality. . If you put it in your previous life, you can live from the Paleolithic Age to the modern age for millions of years, and you can witness the development history of the entire human civilization. "However, the one in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land did not die naturally. Now there is only that immortal in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land. If he dies, I am afraid there will be chaos in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land." Jian Ruyu continued his voice transmission. Lu Yi's eyes wandered and he understood. After all, as a sacred place of Xianzong, Tianlong Holy Land must have a lot of and the inheritance of fairy scriptures. It may be engulfed by other Xianzong holy places. It is related to resource issues and inheritance, and the world of immortal cultivation has also shown a very **** and cruel side. Lu Yi was stunned and nodded slightly: "No wonder Tianlong Holy Land has cultivated a holy child like this." Lu Yi felt a little chill in his heart, but fortunately he didn't kill Tianlong holy child before. If he did, Lu Yi would They all doubted whether the immortal would come to dawn and slap him to death. Lu Yi was a little puzzled and asked: "That immortal still has ten thousand years of life, why is he so eager to cultivate a holy son?" Jian Ruyu rolled his eyes at Lu Yi speechlessly: "Junior brother, do you think everyone is the same? Is that you? For thousands of years, it is too difficult for a cultivator to ascend. What's more, if this holy son is not talented enough, he has to retrain it in the end. There are too many accidents." Lu Yi was a little embarrassed. , He really didn't think about this. After all, it's not a problem for him to fly, but it's a big problem for others. Just as they communicated through voice transmission, a few domineering and violent breaths pressed down on the restaurant, the wine table shattered, the bowl almost fell to the ground, and even a weak cultivator turned pale and terrified. looking in the direction of the door. At the gate, there were a few young people with icy expressions, and their eyes swept across the restaurant. The robes they were wearing had strange lines on them, like a wandering dragon. The faces of many monks changed: "It's a disciple of Tianlong Holy Land." The atmosphere in the restaurant was very quiet all of a sudden. At the intersection outside, pedestrians also left one after another, so as not to annoy the monks in Tianlong Holy Land. The disciple of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land, headed by him, has an extremely powerful aura and has reached the realm of Nascent Soul. With a cold expression on his face, he swept across the restaurant and said slowly, "Who gave your dog the guts to dare to criticize our Holy Son of Heavenly Dragon Holy Land?"

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